HCA 13/68 f.622v Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.622v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


free place, and if he could gett none such then to bring a lading of
salt or other gooods to Embden for their accompt, for which they as they sayd upon
this deponents arrivall in ffrance would make provision. And
the sayd shipp did accordingly under conduct of this deponent set
sayle for ffrance and being there arrived was freighted att Roan
to take in a lading of wines and other goods now on board att
Sarantam And otherwise he cannot depose.

To the third article of the sayd alleagtion and the attestation and copy of the
bill of sale therein mentioned he saith that he was present
in the Stadthowse of Embden att the tyme the Owners of the sayd
shipp in the sayd attestation now shewen him mentioned did before the
Magistrates there make oath to the effect and purpose in the sayd
attestation mentioned and saith the seale wherewith the same is
sealed was and is the usuall and knowne seale of Emden in such
cases used, and that he had on board his shipp when she was seized
an attestation of the same or like tenor which is now abiding
in the Registry of this Court whereto he referres himselfe. And
that he had on board his sayd shipp the originall bill of sale of the sayd shipp
which is now in the Registry of this Court and that he sent a Copy
thereof from Enchusen to his owners att Embden by the poste
and beleiveth that the arlate attestation and copy of the sayd bill
of sale were sent from his sayd owners or some of them to Mr
Van Santon here in London. And further cannot depose.

To the fourth article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that he
hath not lived in Holland or any other place under the States of the
United Provinces for theise 12 yeares last past, but saith that
for theis three yeares last past he hath lived and still doth live
with his family att Embden and is there marryed to an Emden
woman. and for eight yeares next and immediately before he
lived with his wife and family att Elsinur in Denmarke and
before that att Embden, and was there upon the marrying of his
now wife (which is 12 yeares agoe) made a Burgher of Embden
which priviledge upon his returne to Embden was about 3 yeares
agoe renewed to him, and he is now a Burgher of Embden
so accounted. And otherwise he cannot depose.

To the 5th article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith That the sayd
vessell the Stadt House of Embden in her Course from ffrance to the
Downes not farr from Dover was taken about the beginning
of ffebruary last past by some of the shipps of this Commonwealth
and not before. And saith that the said vessell had onely Embden
Colours on board her att the tyme of the sayd seizure which he deposeth bbeing master of the sayd shipp And further
he saith he cannot depose.

To the last he saith his deposition is true.

To the Crosse Interrogatories.

Row dt.

To the 1. and 2 Interrogatoryes he saith he was in the sayd shipp the Statehowse
when she was seized by the shipps of this Commonwealth and was
Master of her and so hath bene from the building and
buying of her videlicet from September last past 1653



Interesting discussion of dwelling at Elsinore as well as Embden, and statehood