HCA 13/68 f.622r Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.622r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The tenth day of March 1653.

The Clayme of Nicholas Waters Egbert}
Evers Leonard ffewen and others of Embden}
for the shipp the Stadt howse of Embden}
of which Gerret Johnson is master and}
her tackle et cetera and freight et cetera seized by}
one of the shipps of this Commonwealth}
Suckly Budd}

Examined upon an allegation on the behalfe
of the sayd Claymers

Gerret Janson of Embden Mariner
Master of the sayd shipp the Stadt howse
aged 36 yeares or thereabouts a witnes
sworne and examined deposeth and saith as
followeth. videlicet.

To the first article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that in the moneth
of August 1653 last past the arlate Nicholas Waters Egbert Evers
Loenard ffewen and others all of Embden did imploy him this deponent
to goe to Enchuisen in Holland to buy a shipp for their use and accompt
and this deponent being so employed came to Enchuisen and finding
the sayd vessell now called the Stadthowse of Embden there videlicet
att Enchuisen, and likeing the same well did treat with the builders
thereof about the buying of the same, and upon such treaty returned
to Embden to give accompt of his imployment to his Owners who
had sent him, and having given them an accompt aswell of the sayd
vessell now caled the Stadthowse of Embden as of other vessells which
he had seene at Enchuisen, they sent him this deponent back againe
to Enchuisen in order to make a full agreement for and by the sayd
vessell now called the Stadthowse, whereupon this deponent did about the
beginning of September goe againe to Enchuisen and did agree
for the sayd shipp as he was ordered by his sayd owners, and having so
done came back againe to Emden for money to pay for the sayd
vessell. And hee saith that hereupon the sayd Waters Evers ffewen
and other his Owners did five and deliver to this deponent a bill
of Exchange for five thousand six hundred guilders drawne
upon Jarrack Yeleverston Schedllinger att Amsterdam, which
bill of Exchange this deponent tooke and brought with him from
Embden to Amsterdam and there by vertue of the same did receive
the sayd moneyes of the sayd Yelverston, and having so receyved it
tooke the same with him to Enchuisen and there did pay the same
to the Carpenters who built the sayd shipp now called the Stadt
howse of Embden and sould the same to this deponent for accompt and
use of his foresayd owners, and to the Materiall men who furnished the
same with sayles cordage anchorage and other necessaries. And
this deponent having so bought and payd for the sayd shipp did receyve
a bill of sale from the sayd builders for the same under the seale of
Enchuyson. And otherwise he cannot depose.

To the second article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that the foresayd Nicholas
Waters Egbert Evers and others his foresayd Owners did order him to
sayle the sayd vessell to ffrance there to seeke a freight for some