HCA 13/68 f.36v Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.36v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


And saith the sayd goods so brought to shoare into the possession of the
sayd Vice Admiralls officers and ministers were and are the very same
goods Laden as aforesd att Palma for the Accompt of the aforesayd
merchants Spaniards, and not diverse and hath heard that severall
quantityes of the sayd moneyes were taken up by the people a shoare, and that the
aforesayd bells came safe to shoare. And otherwise cannot depose.

To the fifth article of the sayd allegation this deponent saith that the sayd Phillip
Dunker is a fflandrian borne an Inhabitant of Antwerpe and subiect
of the Kinge of Spaine and so accounted, And the sayd Joseph Markes
John Baptista Magheritta and others the owners of the aforesayd goods
moneyes sylver and lading are all of them Spaniards and subiects
of the King of Spaine and so accounted, the aforesayd Dunker
excepted who is a fflandrian as a foresayd and had a good adventure
aboard the sayd shipp in sugars, all or most whereof is lost, and
some few Potacoes of Tobacco which are preserved as he beleiveth.
And further he cannot depose.

To the Crosse Interrogatories [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first he saith he was a passenger aboard the sayd shipp and
was in her and continued in her all the voyage to the tyme that she was
cast away. And saith the sayd shipp as hee hath heard began her voyage
from Dunkirke, and he knoweth she was to have returned thither and
there have ende her voyage. And otherwise negatively.

To the 2d he saith he cannot depose.

To the 3d he saith he hath allready specified the merchants owners of the
sayd goods sylver and moneys, and saith he saw them all in the Isle
of Palma att the tyme of lading the sayd money sylver and goods
And saith he knoweth that the aforesayd goods sylver and moneyes
were and are the goods of the sayd Spaniards and subiects of the King
of Spaine, for that the sayd sylver moneyes hides Tobaccoos ginger and Tortle shells
were by the sayd merchants bought in the Indies where none but Spaniards
doe usually trade, and this Rendent himselfe bought and procured part
of them of severall Inhabitants of the sayd Indies, and knoweth
that the rest were there likewise bought and procured for the sayd
Accompt with the proceed of merchandises carryed thither by this
Rendent and others, And the same all came from the Indies to Palma
and a great part of them in the same shipp with the Rendant and
whereof himselfe had the goverment and the aforesayd Spanish merchants
came along from the Indies to Palma with their sayd goods and did
many of them come along with the same from Palma, and two of them
were cast away with the sayd shipp. And otherwise cannot depose saving
that the said bells belong to a Church in Palma, and were to be new cast and founded in fflanders:

To the fourth he saith there were aboard the sayd shipp att the tyme
she was cast away severall bills of lading for the sayd merchants
goods, some whereof came into the hands of the sayd Mr Travill.

To the fifth he saith the sayd goods money as sylver he knoweth doe
really belong to the subiects of the King of Spaine, as he hath
above declared, and otherwise negatively.

Sam Delaplace [SIGNATURE, LH SIDE]



The same day. Examined upon the sayd allegation.


Juan de Sallazar of the Isle of Palma merchant
aged forty seven yeares or thereabouts a witness
sworne and examined deposeth and saith as followeth
