HCA 13/68 f.36r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/68 |
Folio | 36 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2013/08/02 |
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To the first article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that in the monthes
of August and September 1653 last past the arlate Phillip Dunker
was master or Captaine of the sayd shipp the ffortune, and was accounted
the Owner thereof and of her tackle and furniture, which this deponent
knoweth comeing as a passenger aboard the sayd shipp. And otherwise
cannot depose.
To the second article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that in the moneth
of August last past the arlate Joseph Markes and John Baptista
Magheritta (sic) and others all Spanish merchants and subiects of the King of Spaine did for their
owne Accompt lade aboard the sayd shipp the ffortune then lyeing att
or neere Palma arlate three thousand hides or thereabouts, one
barr of sylver of the weight of eight hundred peices of 8/8 or
thereabouts, and about one thousand peices of eight in moneyes
about seven or eight barrells of Tobacco, and about fifty Potaccoes
all Spanish Tobacco, and about 2 barrells of Tortle shells three Church Bells and some wood for dying and allso
severall good quantityes of Ginger and sugars, most of which sugars
and ginger were lost in the shipwreck, to be transported to Dunkirke
and there to be delivered to the sayd merchants or their Agents for
their use and Accompt. And saith att the tyme of Lading the sayd
goods sylver and moneyes the aforesd merchants that did lade the
same were the true and lawfull owners thereof, and still are of
the sayd sylver and moneyes and somuch of the sayd goods as is not
destroyed by the sayd shipwrack, the premisses this deponent knoweth
being present att the Lading of all the sayd goods sylver and moneyes
and knoweth that the sayd Spanish merchants were in the quiet and
peaceable possession of the same as and for their owne goods before
the lading thereof, and knoweth that they did lade the same for
their owne Accompt to be transported as aforesd. And otherwise cannot [depose]
To the third article of the sayd allegation this deponent saith that the sayd shipp
being laden as aforesayd in the month of August last past sett sayle
from the Isle of Palma and in her course towards Ostend were about
a league from Plymouth mett with a violent tempest about the
sixth day of September last past and in the same was cast away
and the master of her and all her cCompany and passengers aboard
three psons onely excepted were saved and came safe to shoare about
a league from Plymouth the place otherwise he knoweth not And
saith he knoweth the p:rmisses being a passenger aboard the sayd shipp
the voyage in question and aboard her when the sayd wrack hapned. And
otherwise he cannot depose.
To the fourth article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that many
of the sayd goods and merchandizes and particularly a great number
of the sayd hides and a good quantity of the sayd Tobaccos of the
sight of this deponent came to shoare and were preserved; And he
saith he hath heard Mr Trevill deputy of the Vice Admiralty there say
that himself had some of the sayd goods in his possession, And heard
likewise some of the English that came to the Strand upon the sayd
wrack say that they had found some baggs of peices of 8/8. And otherwise
cannot depose, saveing he hath heard two of the sayd bells came safe to shoare