HCA 13/68 f.295v Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.295v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the sixteenth Interrogatorry This deponent saith he hath bene the onely master
of the sayd shipp from her first building, and hath made three voyages
to Cadiz before this but never carryed any sylver aboard before
this voyage some small quantities for the shipps use and the use of
Passengers excepted. But saith he never made any voyage from
Cadiz to Amterdam Middleburgh or any other port within the Jurisdiction
of the States if the United Provinces nor did he ever discharge any
sylver att them or any of them. And otherwise he cannot depose.

To the seventeenth Interrogatorry he saith the goods now seized #

are not the proceed of the goods which were by
this deponent carryed to Cadiz as aforesayd, which
he knoweth for that the sayd outward goods
were not sold when this deponent receyved in
the goods now in question, those sayd outwards
goods being as e heard designed for the
Indies. And further of his knowledge
to this Interrogatory he cannot depose.


To the eighteenth Interrogatorry, This deponent saith there belongeth to the
sayd shipp 32 or 34 person men and boyes or thereabouts, and
saith that about five or six of them are ffrench men , and beleiveth
that all the rest are Hamburghers, Luebeckers and Swedes, and
people or natives of the Eastland Cittyes, and doth not know that any
of them was or is a subiect of the States of the United Provinces.
And saith the steersman of the sayd shipp being of Holsteyne, and his
boatswayne a Danzycker, and one Jacob, a ffrench man or Genoese came
first aboard the sayd shipp at Malaga, and all the rest of his shipps
company came first aboard at Havre de Grace. And further he
saith he cannot depose saving that there was not any Merchant or
Sopra Cargo aboard his sayd shipp this voyage.

Class Kalabrant [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]

H. Favell Notary Publique

Repeated before the Judges
in Court


the second day of dDecember 1653. [CENTRE HEADING]

The Clayme of Arnold Woulters of Hamburgh}
for his sylver laden in the shipp the Angell}
Michael whereof John Low is Master taken}
by Captaine John Bonner and Companie}
in the Marmaduke frigot, whereof the}
sayd John Bonner is Captaine Budd ffranklin}

Examined upon an allegation on the behalfe of the sayd Arnold Woulters

ffranklin dt.


Juan Motte of Sevilia in Spaine
merchant aged thirty yeares or thereabouts
a witnes sworne and examined deposeth
and saith as followeth. videlicet.

To the first Article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that in or
about the moneth of November 1652. the sayd Arnold Woulters did by his
factor or Agent lade and putt aboard the arlate shipp the Angell Michael
whereof the sayd John Low was Master) then lyeing before Saint Lucars
in the dominions of the King of Spaine two baggs No. 1. 2. conteyning
in them 398 peices of 8/8 more or lesse old and new and two little
packes No. 3. 4. of wrought and melted plate weighing sixty seven
markes or 33. li and 1/2 more or lesse and being of the Cleare value of
six hundred and thirty peices of eight of Mexico or Sevill moneys
amounting together with the foresayd baggs of money to one thousand
twenty eight peices of eight more or lesse, and marked as in the
margent and sealed to be in the sayd shipp transported and carryed from the
sayd Port of Saint Lucar to Hamburgh for the Accompt and risgoe of
him the sayd Arnold Woulters and there to be delivered to him the
sayd Arnold Woulters or his Assignes for his use, which he knoweth
to be true being present aboard the sayd shipp, and seeing the sayd plate and
moneyes laden for the Accompt aforesayd att the tyme of the lading
thereof. And moreover saith that he the sayd Arnold Woulters in the
sayd moneth of November and tyme of lading the sayd money and [?XXXX]
and continually since and was, and is and ought to be the lawfull owner