HCA 13/68 f.295r Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.295r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the tenth Interrogatory he saith that when the sayd shipp was seized all his
bills of lading aboardd his shipp were losse and put together in a box
in this deponents Chest, and none of them were inclosed in any letter or Cover
or directed to any one otherwise than by the consignement in the bodyes thereof
And saith he doth not know for whose severall Accompts the sayd sylver and
other goods belonging to merchants are any otherwise than by the bills
of lading aforesayd But saith himselfe had two small Chests of sugar
a small oarcell of raisins one bag of rice, a pipe or two of wine for his
owne Accompt. and about 600 pieces of eight for his shipps use and
acccompt. and this deponent had likewise for his accompt three small sylver
porringers aboard for which goods of this deponents and shipps Company
there was not any bills of lading. And otherwise cannot depose [#]



To the eleaventh Interrogatory This deponent saith he had not any purser aboard
butsaith that att the tyme of lading the goods and sylver belonging to
the merchants as aforesayd he caused a youth to enter in a little book the
respective parcells of goods and sylver as they came in and the sayd booke
is as he beleiveth amongst his papers found a shipboard. And he saith
by vertue of his oath that he beleiveth that the bills of lading that were
found in the sayd shipp doe agree as to the names of the parties to whom
the sayd goods and sylver doe are consigned and for whose Accompt they are laden with the
sayd little booke, but saith the names of the Laders are not entred in the
sayd booke it being not usuall to doe. And otherwise cannot depose.

To the twelfth Interrogatory This deponent saith that to the best of his Remembrance
he beganne to take in the goods aforesayd abord the 28th day of August last
past new stile, and began as he remembreth to take in sylver aboard his shipp
about the 5th day of October last past new stile, and finished the taking
in of the goods and sylver about the twentyeth day of October last past new stile
but for the more certainty of the premisses referrs himselfe to his bills of
lading aforesayd; and saith the woolls were laden and taken in day
by day as the barkes brought them aboard, and the copper in like sort
and the Campecha wood and other woods were laden att severall tymes, and the sylver
in like sort according as the factors and boatmen could make their best
opportunityes to doe the same but the particular dayes of the ladeing
of every severall parcell he cannot sett forth. And further or
otherwise he cannot depose.

To teh 13th Interrogatory he saith he hath heard that it is prohibited and unlawfull
for all persons whatsoever to lade any money plate bullion or sylver att Cadiz
in Spaine to be transported from thence except the same be first entred
and Registred and a License obteyned for lading and transporting of the
same, but whether it be so prohibited indeed not knowing the Lawes of
Spaine nor having seene any such law or prohibition executed or
putt in are against such as have laded sylver and moneyes, he saith he
knoweth not And otherwise cannot depose.

To the 14th Interrogatory he saith he doth not know that every man that ladeth any
moeny or sylver att Cadiz without Registring the same and obteyning
license for carrying it from thence doth loose his propriety therein. And
further cannot depose.

To the fifteeneth Interrogatory he saith that part of the sylver now seized videlicet
the foresauyd 600 peices of eight, doth belong to the foresayd owners of the
sayd shipp and 200 peices of 9/7 now likewise seized in the sayd shipp
belong to this deponent. And saith that for all the sylver and moneyes aboard
the sayd 600. and 200 peices of 8/8 excepted this deponent hath signed bills
of lading. And otherwise cannot depose.
