HCA 13/68 f.270v Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.270v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


owners and proprietors of the said goods and Merchandizes as allsoe have beene
and yett are commonly knowne and reputed Burghers and Inhabitants of
Riga arlate and Subiects of the Crowne and Queene of Sweden and of this
Deponents certayne knwoledge the said Herman Becker and Tillman [?XXX]
have beene and still are Inhabitants of Riga afforesaid And further cannot

To the 7th and eighth articles of the said allegation he sayeth and deposeth That the
said Shipp the greate Christopher arlate haveing receaved her Ladeinge arlate
as afforesaid sett sayle there with in her intended voyage for
Dunquerke as afforesaid and from thence for London but in her course
thitherwards hee sayeth That in or about the moneth of August arlate shee
did meete with Dewitz the Hollands Generall arlate neere Vliesland whoe hayled this
Deponent and Commanded him aboard his said Shipp which this De[onent haveing
noe power to resist was inforced to obey and carry as with him all his Paers
Sea breifes and writings concerning the said Shipp and acquainted the said
Generall with the proceedings of his voiage from Riga and that hee was
bound to Dunquerke and showed him his Charter party which expressed to this effect
whereupon the said Generall badd this deponent That albeit hee [?XXX]
[?XXXered] suspition that the said Shipp the Christopher was bound for [?XXX]
yet in regard his Charter Party and papers expresse the contrary That for his
part he would not longer stay him [?or] that pasporr and thereupon forthwith
dismissed this Deponent with his said shipp and all her Ladeing and gave
him this deponent a Certificat or Passe to secure him from being [?againe]
intercepted by any of the said Generalls ffleete in his said voyage [?XX]
[?XXX] ?XXX] this deponent did prosecutre and keepe untill that the [?said]
Captaine Swayne meeting with this deponent after his being freed from
the dutch ffleete as afforesaid did on oor about the tenth day of September
last past did hayle this deponent and his Company in the Christopher and
Comannded this Deponent aboard his shipp being the Prosperous [?unto]
whome this deponent sayeth that hee likewise shewed all his [?proper]
Passes and writings which concerned the said Shipp and the voyage
predeposed and desyred that in respect the said Shipp came from [?XXX]
and that shee was goeing for Dunquirk That
he and his Company would permitt him and his said Shipp to [?goe]
quietly onward in the intended voyage How beit hee sayeth the [?said]
Captayne Swayne would not suffer this Deponent and Company [?XX ?XX ?XX]
[?XXX] uppon this deponents said Shipp and her ladeinge and [?forceibly]
possest himselfe thereof and would not permitt this deponent to goe