HCA 13/68 f.270r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/68 |
Folio | 270 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2017/06/19 |
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The tenth day of November 1653 [CENTRE HEADING]
Michaell Cruyer of Stettyn in Pomerland
Master of the Shipp the greate Christopher aged about 40
yeares a witnesse produced and examyned deposeth as followeth
To the first article of the said allegation hee sayeth and deposeth That hee this
deponent hath bene Master of the Shipp the greate Christopher arlate ever
since shee was built which hee sayeth was built att Stettyn in Pomerland and
there finished the last Springe. which hee knoweth for that hee this deponent
caused the same to be built there And sayeth
that the arlate John ffaltzbergh Phillip Roerlift the wydowe of one [?Tunnabeck]
Martyn Necker Anthonie [?XXXX] and dederith Massee and this Deponent
all of Stetteyne arlate and Herman Becker of Riga in Liefland were and are
commonly knowne and reputed the lawfull owners and Proprietors of the Shipp
the greate Christopher arlate her tackle and furniture. And further to this
article saveinge his depositions hereafter followeinge hee cannot Depose.
To the second article of the said allegation hee sayeth and Deposeth that within the
time arlate videlicetin the moneths of July or August 1653 the said Shipp
the greate Christopher was taken to freight by Herman Becker arlate and
Tillman Bromer Inhabitants and Burghers of Riga in the dominion of the
Crowne of Sweden arlate att Riga aforesaid thence to carry and
transport goods as hempe Pottashes and other Commodities to the Port of
London after which agreement he sayeth he said Becker and Tillman Bermer
the ffreighters afforesaid feareing that of the Charter parties arlate should
be made directly for London if the said shipp and goods should or might
be mett withall at Sea by the Hollander the same might be seized uppon and
be made Prize did make the Charter for Dunquirke where this
Deponent was to goe to deliver his said Shipps ladeinge to Abraham
Van Hogard and Phillip de Pape the said ffreighters ffactors and Correspondents
att Dunquirke from hence he was to receive orders and direction for
his this deponent transportinge the said goods for Lonon. And further to
this article saveing his subsequent Depositions hee cannot Depose
To the third 4 5 and sixth articles of the said allegation hee sayeth and deposeth
That in or about the moneth of August last past the arlate Harman Becker
and Tillman Bremer being Inhabitants of Riga arlate and Subiects
of the Queene of Sweden arlate did cause to be Laden and putt aboard the
Shipp the greate Christopher severall quantities of Hempe Potashes Lynsseed
and other merchandizes as is arlate to be transported from Riga where
hey were laden to Dunquirk as afforesaid And sayeth That the said Becker
and Bremer for ought that appeared to this Deponent were in quiet and lawfull
possession of the said goods and were commonly reputed and taken to be lawfull