HCA 13/68 f.240v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/68 |
Folio | 240 |
Side | Verso |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2018/03/06 |
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The 9th of December 1653
On the behalfe of ffrancis Cornish of}
London merchant touching a losse in the}
shipp the George of London
Robert Williams of the parish of Saint catherines
neere the Tower of London mariner aged [?XX]
yeares or thereabouts sworne before the right
worshipfull William Clerke and John Godolphin doctors
of Lawes Judges of the High Court of Admiraltie
and examined upon certaine Interrogatories ministred on
the behalfe of the said ffrancis Cornish saieth and
deposeth by vertue of his oath as followeth, videlicet.
To the first Interrogatorie hee saith and deposeth that hee well knewe and
was master of the shipp the George Interrogated in her last voyage bound from
this port of London to proceede and saile to hamborough there to make
her dischardge.
To the second hee saith hee doth not knowe that the interrogated ffrancis
Cornish was any owner or part owner of the said shipp or of her tackle
and furniture at the time of her setting forth upon the said voyage
And otherwise hee cannot depose.
To the third terrogatorie hee deposeth that the said voyage there were
laden and put aboard the said shipp at this port of London to bee
transported to hamborough for and upon the accompt of the said ffrancis
Cornish severall packs and trusses of woollen commodities
and merchandize, which hee knoweth becasue hee received the same
aboard being master of the said vessell, but the particulars or
valewe of the said goods hee knoweth not, And otherwise hee cannot
To the fourth Interrogatorie hee saith that teh said shipp after her receiving the said goosd
aboard departed from this port of London for hamborough, and in her
course of proceeding comming within the river of Elve was
met with and taken by two men of warr belonging to Amsterdam
and boarded by one of them whereof derrick Peterson hertit was
commannder, who setting this deponent ashore carried the said shipp
and lading to Amsterdam and there made prize of the
same, and this taking and seizure hee saith was on the fourth day
of Aprill last past newe stile, and saith that the said goods and
merchandize soe laden by the said ffrancis Cornish were then aboard her
and were [?XXX] and carried away in the said shipp George, and soe were
and are utterly lost into him without any satisfaction, and the shipp
and rest of the goods were and are alsoe lost to the owners thereof, all
which hee knoweth being master as aforesaud and aboard at the time
of teh said seizure.
Robert Williams [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
Repeated before the three Judges in Court.
The tenth of December 1653
Captaine Phillips and company against the}
shipp the Greene Dragon and goods in the same}
Examined upon and allegation made in the acts
of Court the 9th present on the behalfe
of the claimers.
Thyse Matthias Groen of Lubeck Mariner
Stiersman of the said shipp the greene Dragon aged
30 yeares or thereabouts sworne and examined
To the sayd allegation hee saith and deposeth that on the exth or seventh
of this instant december (newe stile) this deponent stiersman of the [?sayd]
shipp the Greene dragon having notice from and by mr de hose of [?XXX]
that hee had received an order from this Court whereby Captaone [?XXXXX]