HCA 13/68 f.240r Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.240r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The eighth of December 1653

On behalfe of Mr Tailor}
for hemp laden aboard}
the [?XXXX] Ludike.}


Humphrey Tailor of London Merchant aged 29 yeares or therabouts
and Oliver Taylor of the same citie merchant aged 27 yeares or
thereabouts, sworne before the right worshipfull William Clarke and
John Godolphin doctors of lawes.
Judges of the high Court of Admiraltie of England say
and depose by vertue of their oathes.

In or about the moneth of July last they theise deponents and Alderman
Thomas Allan of this citie and companie gave order to ffrans
Vasse merchant and burgher of Dantsike to lade aboard every fitt vessell
bound from Dantzike, Riga or Coningsbergh for London to the valewe of
foure or five hundred pounds sterling in hemp for their accompt to
be brought to this citie of London; And that the said ffrans Vasse
in persuance of
their said order freighted at dantsike the shipp the Patience of Stettin Ertman Ludike
master and sent the same to Riga, and gave oder there to John Van
Hoorn to lade hemp aboard her accordingly for the accompt aforesaid
for London, which the said John Van Hoorn did, namely 77 bundles of
hemp conteyning 232 shipp pounds and a halfe; And saith that for
prevention of taking by the Hollanders the dispatches and letters touching
the said ladeing were for as if the said lading was to be delivered
at Dunquerke to Abraham Vander Hoorne and as for accompt of him or of the
said ffrans Vosse, but in trueth and realitie they were to come
hither for this citie and for the accompt of theise deponents and company
aforesaid, but they had bin taken by the hollanders they had bin
upon the accompt of the said ffrans Vosse or of the said Vander hoove
theise deponents and companie having before hand given
satisfaction to them by way of assurance, namely the said goods were
assured by the said ffrancis Vosse and Abraham Vanderhoove or one of
them to dunquirke; and from thence to London theise deponents
and company were to run the adventure of the same. And by that
way theise deponents and company have received severall other parcells
of hemp from the East countrey, and doe expect more. And
further they depose that as they are informed a private man of warr
of this nation imployed by one mr [?leaver] of dover about a fortnight since met with the
said vessell as shee lay or was before or next Newport in fflanders
waiting for a pilate to carry her to dunquirke, and seized and
carried her and her said lading to Ostend, where the same as they
are informed are nowe remayning. And lastly they depose that the
said goods were bought and paid for with the effects of theise deponents and companie and shipt by their order and to be brought
to this port for their accompt of them and company and that
noe hollander or ffrench man or subiect of the States of the United
Netherlands or of the ffrench kinge have any interest in the said goods.

Oliver Taylor [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]