HCA 13/68 f.229v Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.229v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window



To the sixtha rticle of the sayd allegation this deponent saith that of the
certaine knowledge of this deponent there was in the Poores box of
the sayd shipp att the tyme of seizure 15 peices of eight and some
small peices of sylver and that since the sayd Granger possest
himselfe of the sayd shipp the foresayd 15 peices of eight and other
the poores moneys taken out and the sayd poores box broken, And
this deponent hath heard by his steersman that the sayd poores box
was so broken open by the sayd Granger himselfe with the assistance
of his Leiwetenant, and the sayd moneyes taken out of the same
by them the sayd Granger and his Leiwetenant. And otherwise he
cannot depose.


To the Crosse Interrogatories


...and bought his said
part therein of Court Luyson of Breme one of the originall owners
and builders and first master of her, to whom about 7 yeares past
the sayd owners according to contract paid three hundred and [?fourtie]
dollars, and this Rendent did satisfy and pay about the same tyme
att Breme to the foresayd Hendrick Suerbock and Company the
like somme of 380 dollars for the sayd 6th part of the sayd shipp
And the rest of the Owners were and are Originall Owners from
the first building of the sayd shipp as he hath above sett forth.