HCA 13/68 f.229r Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.229r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the second article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith, That in the
monethes of June July August September and October 1653 and att
the tyme of the taking and surprizeing of the sayd shipp and her lading
and for 7 yeares before the arlate Henry
Suerbock and Company that is to say the arlate Matthias Symonds
William [?Honbekin] Hendrick Meyer John Cuyper, Arent van Buren
Harman Jacobbs and this deponent, which were and are Inhabitants
of Breme and subiects of the free State thereof, were and are the
true and lawfull Owners of the sayd shipp the Golden Sun her tackle
apparell and furniture, which he knoweth being master and partowner
of the sayd shipp and well knoweth that the sayd shipp was built as aforesayd
by the sayd Suerbock and Companie for their owne use and Accompt and that they have
continued owners ever since, and fitted her out to sea, and received the
proffitts arising by her from tyme to tyme. And otherwise cannot depose
saving that this deponent bought his share therein .7. yeares agoe as is hereafter sett forth.

To the third article of this allegation This deponent saith that the arlate shipp
the Golden Sunn in the moneth of August last past did sett sayle from Breme
by order of her foresayd Owners under the conduct of this deponent in her
ballast onely bound for Rochell in ffrance, and in her passage was by
stresse of weather forced into fflushing in Zealand, whither being
come, this deponent finding it very requisit to build or make a new
halfe deck for the sayd shipp, did in the moneth of September 1653
last past cause a new halfe deck to be there built for the sayd shipp
according as in his former examination taken att Dover he hath sett
forth: And saith that he this deponent before his departure from flushing
did really and truly pay to the Carpenter Smith and other workemen
employed therein for timber, iron workmanshipp and materalls
in the sayd worke used and employed the moneyes due for the same. to witt
three hundred fifty five livers or guilders. And moreover saith
that noe Hollander or ffrenchman or any other person subiect of the
States of the United Provinces or ffrench King, or of any other
Prince of State in hostility with the Commonwealth of England
had or hath any right title or interest in or to the sayd shipp or any
part thereof. And otherwise he cannot depose.

To the fourth article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that the
sayd shipp Golden Sunn in her Course for fflushing upon her voyage
to ffrance was surprized by the arlate Captaine Granger, and that
at the tyme of the sayd seizure there were severall writings aboard
the said shipp that did concerne the same, and particularly a sea Brief
or pasport under the seale of the Citty of Breme and a Certificat or
attestation under the like seale touching this presemt voyage and also an
English passe or Certficat from the present or late Major of Dartmouth
and the like from the Deputy Collector of Plymouth, certifying of the
say shipps there being att those ports, which papers or writing soone
after the seizure this deponent being commanded or requested so to doe
delivered into the hands of the sayd Captaine Granger who hath since
disposed thereof att his pleasure and never returned the same to this
deponent And otherwise cannpot depose.

To the fifth article of the sayd allegation, This deponent saith that after the
said seizure, This deponent was brought to Dover and there examined