HCA 13/68 f.225v Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.225v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


and is belonging to and for accompt of the said Albert Anquelman, being
the same was and is the effect of the goods sent by the said Albert
to Cadiz of this deponents certaine knowledge, referring himselfe to his
foregoing deposition.

To the 8th hee cannot depose.

To the 9th hee referreth himselfe to his foregoing deposition, and cannot
otherwise depose.

To the 10th hee cannot depose, for hee corespondenth with noe Hollanders, and
knoweth sometimes of silver sent for ffrance with license.

To the 11th hee cannot depose as hee saith.

To the 12 and 13th hee saith that it is prohibited and unlawfull in Spaine
to lade and export silver bullion or money thence without licence [?XXX]
and entrie thereof first obtained and made and that if it be [?XXXXXX] laden
without license and entrie, and be met with and seized by the Kings
officers in that behalfe authorized, it is confiscable and forteited to the
kinge, yet the laders are frequently admitted to compound for the same
and redeeme it, but if it come aboard the shipp it is cleare, and
and noe losse of proprietie therein unlesse actually seized ashore or
in the boat before it gets aboard the shipp

Joan Bautta. de la Motta [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The 24th of December 1653. [CENTRE HEADING]

The Keepers of the Libertie of England}
against the shipp Patriach Jacob (Claus}
Colebrandt master) and against Brands and others}

Examined upon an allegation given on
the behalfe of the said Brands
and others the 13 of December 1653.


Claus Verreden of Hamborough Mariner
aged 56 yeares or thereabouts sorne and

To the first and 2 articles hee saith and deposeth that hee well knoweth that
about foure yeares since Claus Colbrand the nowe master of the said shipp
the Patriach Jacob, was by daniel Brands, Adolph Sumpton and others
of Hamborough sent into holland to cause or
procure a shipp to be there built for their use and accompt, which hee
accordingly accomplished, as this deponent hath often heard from the
said Brands and others (her owners) and that the shipp the Patriach Jacob
in question was and is the same shipp soe built, and that ever since her
said building the said daniel Brands and company, have bin and are
commonly said and accompted to be the true and lawfull owners thereof
and soe to be at this present and to be all Hamburgers and there dwelling
and that the said shipp hath from time to time ever since her said building
bin accompted and reputed to belonge to the port of hamborough and to bee
a hamborough shipp, the premisses hee tooke the more notice of being
himselfe a skipper of Hamburgh and well acquainted with the said Claus Colbrand and with his said [?XXX]
and goinge for Holland in the said imployment of his said owners, who had [?XXX]
bin his said owners in two other shipps that hee had before had, and further
hee sawe and tooke notice that the last yeare that they at Hamborough [?caused]
to be made by a neighbour of this deponent and a greate anchor [?XXX]
this deponents anchor smith, and sent the same with [?XXX]
appurtenance to haver da Grace for the said shipp, And otherwise hee cannot

To the third article hee saith that the said Claus Colbrand hath bin and
is commonly accompted and reputed the master and commander of [?XXXX]