HCA 13/68 f.225r Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.225r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 19th of december 1653. [CENTRE HEADING]

The keepers et cetera against the Wheele of ffortune}

Examined upon the foresaid allegation
and schedules.


John Baptista de la Mot of Cadiz in Spaine Merchant
aged 24 yeares or thereabouts sworne in Court and

To the said allegation and schedule annexed, and to the tenn baggs therein mentioned
said to containe each five hundred pattoacons No. 1. to 10 and to be marked [MARKE] and
to the bill of lading thereof nowe showed unto him amongest the bills remayning
in this Court as found aboard at the time of the seizure, hee saith and deposeth
that on the 22th day of the moneth of October 165 last past the said tenn baggs of silver
under the said marke and numbers and containing as aforesaid were laden aboard the said shipp the Wheele
of ffortune in the port of Cadiz to be thence transported to Hamborough in the
said shipp and there to be delivered to Albert Anquelman merchant of
Hamborough for his the said Alberts accompt, and that upon the deliverey
thereof aboard the said shipp there were three bills of lading (all
of one tennor) signed for the same by Jacob Gevers master of the said vessell
and that the said bill nowe showed unto him was and is one of the said bills
and was and is true and reall, which hee knoweth to be true for that hee
this deponent as partner of and weith ffrancisco de la Sierpe (mentioned
in the said bill as lader hereof) told the said moneys, and put the same up into
the said baggs, and sealed the same, and delivered them to the Barkero to be
carried aboard the said shipp, which barquero having put them into his
boate, this deponent went alsoe into the same boate, and went aboard
the said shipp and delivered the same to the said master together with
the three bills all of one tenor, which the said master in this depponents
sight and presence signed aboard in the bay of Cadiz, which being donne
this deponent (as the custom is in like cases) tooke two of them and
left the third, being the said bill now showed unto him, with the said master
to be brought alonge in the shipp, which hee well knoweth to be the same
and to be filled up with the proper hand of the said ffrancisco de la Sierpe his
this deponents said partner, with whose hand writing hee is very well
acquainted, And otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the Interrogatories [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first hee answereth negatively.

To the second negatively, saying that there was noe license for the lading the
said silver.

To the third and fourth hee saith that hee sawe the interrogated Otto hillibrant
(whom hee well knoweth) at Cadiz while the said shipp was there as
likewise the said de la Sierpe, and otherwise saving his foregoing deposition
hee cannot depose, and saving hee doth not knowe any person by the
name of William Johnson.

To the fifth hee saith the said silver is the proceede and retourne of wax
linnen cloth, knives and other goods sent by the said Albert Anquelman
in severall hamborough shipps to the said ffrancesco de la Sierpe to Cadiz
and [?XXXXX] in the shippd of Daniell Straetman, haie sch[?orkar]
and others in the space of a yeare two or three before the said lading
by the said Ankelman as hee saith sending in almost every shipp that cometh
from hamborough.

To the sixth hee saith that hee knoweth not either of the persons interrogated
personally, but hath received letters from the said ffrancis Sloyer from Hamborough
who principally (as hee taketh it) correspondeth with [?XXXX] Molastein of
Cadiz whose Christian name or forename hee knoweth not

To the 7th hee knoweth that the foresaid silver by him deposed of was