HCA 13/68 f.179r Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.179r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the 13th hee saith hee well knoweth that the parties interrate have for severall
yeares held Correspondence together, and beleeveth The said ffactor at or before the lading
of the oyles predeposed had goods and effects in his hands belonging to the said producents
And otherwise cannot depose./

To the 14th hee referreth to his foregoing deposition.

To the 15 hee saith hee is a Native of Sevill in Spaine, And otherwise negatively

To the 16. hee saith, That the shipp the White Angell interrate began her outward
Voyage from dunquirke in ffebruary last, laden with pipestaves and flemmish
piece goods for the accompt of John Bollart Merchant of Antwerp and no other

To the 17. negatively saving the pipestaves aforesaid were bought with the said shipp
at Amsterdam, and brought on the same to dunquirke, and there to Spaine.

To the 18. negatively./

To the 19. hee cannot depose:/

Pedro Vandewÿer [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]

Repeated before Doctor Clarke
and Doctor Godolphin./


The 8.th day of November 1653:-/ [CENTRE HEADING]

The Clayme of Martin Claeson Vandersippe and others}
for the shipp the Saint John of Ostend Pieter Roberts}
Master) and her lading of salt. Suckley. Smith}

Examined upon an Allegation on the behalfe
of the said Claymers


Peter Roberts of Ostend Mariner Master of the
said shipp the Saint John ageed 54. yeares or
thereabouts sworne and examined saith as followeth

To the first and second articles of the said Allegation hee saith and deposeth, That the
arlate Martin Claeson Ambrose de Messina and Anthony Clincart all
fflandrians since the moenth of Aprill last past have been and still are the
true and lawfull Owners and Proprietors of the shipp the Saint John arlate and of
her tackle apparrell and furniture, and for such commonly reputed and taken
And saith That in or about the moneth of July last past the said producents
being in the peaceable possession of the said vessell sett her forth from Dunquirke
laden with deale boards blacking pott ashes and other goods bound to this Port
of London consigned to certaine Merchants here, where shee arrived in safety,
and delivered the said lading according to the directions of the said Owners and after
delivery thereof the said Owners writt a letter to Mr Robert Gale a Merchant here
in London to send the said shipp to Crossick in ffrance there to be laden with salt
by one Rozee their ffactor for their accompt, Which hee knoweth being constituted
Master of the said shipp by the said producents at Dunquirke presently after they
had bought the same at Dunquirke, and having ever since continued Master of
and conducted her by their appointment and saw and perused the letter sent by the said
Owners to the said Mr Gale to the effect aforesaid. And otherwise saving his
following deposition hee cannot depose:-/:-

To the 3. and 4th hee saith, That according to the directions given by the said
letter this deponent with his said shipp sett saile from hence to Crossick in ffrance
and beeing there safely arrived this deponent went from thence to the said factor
at Nantes, requiring him to cause his said shipp to be laden with salt