HCA 13/68 f.178v Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.178v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


accompts the same were respectively bought and provided by the said [?Cantlebeck]
And otherwise saving his foregoing deposition hee saith hee cannot depose/

To the 7th hee saith That the said producents were and are Merchants
of Antwerp, and Subjects of the king of Spaine, of this deponents certaine
knowledge, and are commonly accompted Natives of Antwerp
And otherwise cannot depose:-/

To the 8th and schedule annexed hee saith and deposeth, That by reason this
deponent by ten yeares experience is very well acquainted with the handwriting of
Andries van Cantlebeck, wherewith the said schedules or bills of lading
annexed are filled up, and is also very well acquainted with the usuall firme of
his precontest, wherewith the said bills of lading are firmed, hee is fully and
firmly assured of the trueth and reality of the contents of the said bills of
lading. And otherwise he cannot depose, saving that he beleeveth that the said
two bills of lading by the said ffactor were sent over land to the said producents
and by them to one Mr Vande Marsh their Correspondent here, as this
deponent by the said producents letters hath observed/:

To the 9th hee saith his foregoing deposition is true./:-

To the Crosse Interrogatories:/. [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first negatively:

To the 2. hee saith hee hath knowne the said producents for about 8 or 9
yeares last past, and the interrate Andries van Cantelbecke in person and
Correspondencie for about 10 yeares last, And saith this deponent was not in
the Voyage in question, And therefore cannot further depose:-

To the 3. hee saith the said Andries van Cantelbeeck is ffactor to the
parties producent but not they to him, And otherwise cannot depose:/.

To the 4.th hee saith, that the said Risheuvel and Rediquer the parties producent
in this Cause are Antwerpers borne, by common report, where they
have lived with their respective families ever since this deponent knew [?them]
videlicet the said Giles Risheuvel neare the Towne hall of Antwerp, and
for the other hee remembreth not the name of the street, and the said
Andries van Cantelbeck hath lived at Mallega in Spaine for theise 5. [?yeares]
last, and formerly in Antwerp - And
otherwise cannot depose./

To the 5th hee referreth himselfe to his foregoing deposition And otherwise cannot

To the 6. negatively./

To the 7th negatively/:-

To the 8. 9. and 10th hee cannot depose:-/

To the 11th hee saith hee is in Conscience convinced that the oyles predeposed are
really and in trueth belong to the parties producent respectively, and were
directly bound for dunquirke, and no other port or place whatsoever

To the 12th hee knoweth nothing thereof otherwise then by the letter of [?the]
said producents predeposed, whereby they signified to this deponent that the said
ffactor had laded the sayd oyles for their accompts and by their [?XXXX]

To the