HCA 13/68 f.151r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/68 |
Folio | 151 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2018/02/11 |
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there was some writing cutt away as aforesayd. And saith he hath heard
Thomas Symons a schoolmaster of Cowes whose hand is sett to the sayd
Bill of sale as a witnes say and affirme that the sayd Bill of sale
was and is colourable, And otherwise saving his subsequent depositions
he cannot depose.
To the eleaventh article of the sayd Allegation This deponent saith and deposeth
that the said James Taswell about the moneth of August last past
and before the arrest of the sayd shipp att the suit of [?XXXXXX] did by
force and by the assistance of the old Warwick frigott Captaine Godfrey
Commannder take possession of the sayd shipp the Dorset sometymes
called the Robert and before that the Saint Jacob of Dunquerke
and dispossed the sayd Emanuel de Croys, and the saud Captaine Williams
seeing the sayd violent possession taken and made, as aforesayd. And
further he cannot depose
To the Crosse Interrogatories.
To the first he saith he cometh to be a witnes in this cause att the Request
of the producent and his Proctor. And otherwise negatively
To the second he saith he is not a Roman Catholique.
To the third he saith he hath heard and beleiveth that Captaine Williams
interrate brought the sayd shipp from Dunkerke in fflanders, and otherwise
To the 4th he saith he hath knowne the Interrate Emanuel de Croys since
July last past. And further cannot depose.
To the 5th he saith he hath heard aswell by Captaine Williams as others att
Cowes that the sayd Captaine Williams did marke a colourable bill of sale
of the sayd shipp to the foresayd James Taswell, and verily beleiveth
that the bill of sale now shewne him was and is the very Bill of sale
which the sayd James Taswell produced for his title to the sayd shipp
before the Governor of Cowes Castle as aforesayd. And otherwise cannot
To the .6th he saith he hath credibly heard that the sayd james Taswell
did seale and deliver a colourable bond for the payent of 300 li
to the sayd martin Williams. And otherwise cannot depose.
To the .7. he saith that for six monethes and upwards the sayd shipp was
ymployed as a private Mann of Warr against the Enemyes of this Common=
wealth first by the name of the Robert. an dafterwards by the name
of the Dorsett. And this deponent hat heard that the sayd James
Taswell and one Powles did victuall the sayd shipp, and in consideration
thereof were to have one third part of the proffitts of the prizes that
should be taken, and the sayd shipp, Captaine Williams and Company
were to have two third parts of such proffitts. And otherwise he cannot
To the eighth he saith the sayd shipp was att the tyme of the Arrest interrate
in the possession of the Governor of Cowes Castle, and not in the possession of
the sayd Taswell. and saith she had in her att the same tyme about