HCA 13/68 f.150v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/68 |
Folio | 150 |
Side | Verso |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2018/02/11 |
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To the nynth and tenth he saith that he this Rendent with the sayd shipp
by vertue of Commissions which the sayd James Taswell obtained
hath taken five prizes, but how many of them the
sayd Taswell hath gott condemned this Rendent knoweth not for
that contrary to his contract and Agreement he the said Taswell
hath refused to come to Accompt with tis Rendent for the same
And further he cannot depose, saving he saith two of the sayd
prizes were taken by thee sayd shipp under the name of the
Robert, by vertue of the sayd Taswells Commission of which he
hath predeposed, and three of the sayd prizes were taken by the
sayd shipp under the name of the Dorset by vertue of another
Commission obtained by him the sayd James Taswell. And further
he cannot depose. saving he beleiveth that the paper annexed to the bill of sale [?XX]
the paper cutt off therefrom as aforesayd.
Martiy Cuillama [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
The 30th day of September 1653.
Examined upon the sayd allegation
[##] [LH MARGIN] John Lisle of Cowes in the Isle of Wight gentleman}
and Notary Publique aged 34 yeares or thereabouts}
a witnes sworne and examined saith as followeth}
To the first Article of the sayd Allegation This deponent saith he cannot depose
To the second third fourth and fifth articles of the sayd alleagtion this deponent
saith and deposeth that he hath knowne the arlate shipp the Dorset formerly
called the Robert for about nyne monethes last past. And saith that the
sayd shipp about the latter end of December last arrived att Cowes
in the Isle of Wight under the conduct of the arlate Martin Williams
and Companie, and was att her such Arrivall called and knowne by the
name of the Saint Jacob of Dunkerke, and then came as the sayd Williams
and Company sayd ymediaetly from Dunkerke. The premisses he knoweth
being an Inhabitant of Cowes and observeing and knoweing the
premisses to be true, and otherwise cannot depose saving that
the saud Martin Williams from the tyme of the first comeing of
the sayd shipp to Cowes till about August last continued in the
quiet possession of the sayd shipp as Captaine or Commander thereof.
To the sixth seventh eighth nynth and tenth articles of the sayd allegation
This deponent saith that the sayd Martin Williams being in the
quiet possession of the sayd shipp till about August last past, and
the aforesayd James Taswell about that tyme having taken a [?XXXX]
possession thereof the Governor of Cowes Castle for the preservation
of the peace took the sayd shipp into his possession till the [?XXX]
should appeare, and demannding of the sayd James Taswell being
come before him what right or title he teh sayd Taswell had to the sayd shipp
he thereupon in the sight and presence of this deponent and [?others]
produced a Bill of sale for the same written as then [?seemeth]
to this deponent with the handwriting of him the sayd Taswell
and signed by Martin Williams aforesayd, And saith that as then
it seemed to this deponent there had bene Cutt off from the sayd
bill of sale att the foot thereof and under the seale some writing
the contents whereof this deponent knoweth not, but observing the
tops of some letters uncutt off did then and stil beleive that