HCA 13/67 f.202v Silver IMG 117 07 1811 Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/67 |
Folio | 202 |
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IMAGE: IMG_117_07_1811.jpg | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2016/05/25 |
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To the seventh he saith that since the beginning of June 1652. the sayd
shipp hath not bene att Amsterdam, for that she departed from Amsterdam
about November 1651, and sayled to Cadize. and from Cadize to Barcelona
from Barcelona back againe to Cadize, from Cadize she was bound
for Ostend this voyage, but being surprized att sea was brought to this
Port of London. And he saith she did not nor doth belong to Amsterdam
Burdeaux, or any Port under the Jurisdiction of the States of the united
Provinces or ffrench King interrate. The premisses he knoweth by severall
letters of advise from his Correspondents abroad, and by common and credible
report. And otherwise he cannot depose.
To the eighth he saith that the Owners above specifyed first constituted the sayd Christian
Cloppenbergh. Master from the first voyage she made, and he still continues
master of her and they do all of them still continue Owners. And further
he cannot depose.
To the ninth he saith that he was borne att Hamburgh, and liveth att Antwerpe
and saith he hath noe part or share, or any manner of interest whatsoever in
the sayd shipp. neither will the losse of her be to his dammage or the
restitution of her to his benefit or advantage. And otherwise he cannot
To the tenth he saith he cannot depose.
Jorge Bosschart [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
Repeated before Dr Exton.
The 8th of June 1653:- [CENTRE HEADING]
Eamined upon the Interrogatories ministred on
the behalfe of the said keepers./:
The keepers of the Liberty of England by}
authority of Parliament against the shipp}
the Hope whereof Harman ffreeze was}
late Master, and her Tackle and ffurnitiure}
and whatsoever goods and Merchandizes}
therein taken and seized by the shippes
of the fleete of this Commonwealth}
Rowe dt.
Jacob Lindeman of Hamborough
Mariner aged 29. yeares or thereabouts
sworne and examined./
To the first Interrogatorie hee saith and deposeth, That at the time of the seizure
interrate hee this rendent was Stiersman of abd aboard the shipp the
Hope, and hath belonged unto her in the quality aforesaid ever since the
beginning of October in the yeare 1652. at which time hee first came to
serve aboard her at Hamborough. untill the death of Harman ffreeze the late
master of the said shipp, which happened about a moneth agoe./.
To the second hee saith, that Hendricke hambrocke Merchant and Burgher
of Hamborough is the onely Owner and Proprietor of the said shippe
which hee knoweth for that Harman ffreeze late Master of the sayd shipp
told this deponent before hee entred into service aboard the said shipp
and severall times since, that the said shipp did wholely and solely belong unto
the said Hendrick Hambrocke, and to no other person or persons whatsoever
And since the death of the said Harman ffreeze, John Eyckhoff is