HCA 13/67 f.202r Silver IMG 117 07 1810 Annotate
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IMAGE: IMG_117_07_1810.jpg | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2015/09/10 |
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Jerome [?Snyter], John Baptista Yonker, Girald Boremaster, henrick Hambroch
and Vincent Clinbrouck have bene and att present are the lawfull Owners
and Proprietors each of them severally and respectively of one eighth part
of the sayd shipp her tackle Apparall and furniture and so accounted
And Dirick Roopke, and Christian Cloppenbergh for and during the sayd
tyme arlate have bene and are Owners eyther of them respectively of one
sixteenth part of the sayd shipp her tackle Apparell and furniture, and
so commonly accounted, The premisses this deponent knoweth by his acquaintance
which he hath with the said Owners, and severall letters of advise from severall
of them purporting the effect of what he hath deposed. And for that this
deponent during the sayd tyme hath severall tymes seene and perused the
Accompts of the Master of the sayd shipp, whereby the truth of the premisses did
fully appeare, att which tymes he hath likewise by order of the sayd Daniel
Brandts and Jerome Sniter receyved their respective shares of money arising from the
freight of the sayd shipp of and from the sayd Christian Cloppenbergh the
Master of her. And otherwise he cannot depose.
To the second he saith that he this deponent being att Saint Lucar in Spaine toward the
latter end of the yeare 1647 there saw the sayd shipp Salvador Christian
Cloppenbergh Master being then a new shipp arrive att the sayd Port, and then
and there aswell by discourse with the sayd Cloppenbergh, as by letters of
advise from the aforesayd Daniel Brandts and Jerome [?Sniter] came to know
and understand that the sayd shipp was the yeare arlate built att Hamburgh
by the aforesayd Owners, and to and for their sole use and Accompt. And he saith
that for the reasons predeposed he knoweth and firmly beleiveth that noe subiect
of the States of the United Provinces, or King of ffrance arlate had or hath
any share or Interest in the sayd shipp. And otherwise he cannot depose
To the third he saith that this deponent hath within the tyme allegat seene the
Accompts, for severall voyages made by the sayd shipp as aforesayd,a nd thereby
and by credible report, and letters of advise as aforesayd, he beleiveth that
for all the sayd tyme the sayd shipp hath bene fitted out to sea as is arlate att
the Charges, and for the Accompt of the sayd Owners, And he saith that they
are all of them Natives of Hamburgh and so Accounted, and all of them likewise
Inhabitants and keepe their familyes there att present and are subiects of that
State and so accounted, and have thre dwelt of this deponents knowledge for
twenty yeares or thereabouts, the sayd Henrick Hambrock excepted who
for about five or six yeares within the sayd tyme lived att Saint Lucar, and att
Sevilia in Spaine, and from thence returned to Hamburgh some yeares now
past, but the certayne tyme remembreth not. And otherwise he cannot depose
To the Crosse Interrogatories. [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first negatively.
To the second, he referreth himselfe to his depositions aforegoeing and
otherwise cannot depose, saving that all the sayd Owners are Inhabitants
of Hamburgh and the respective places of their abodes and dwelling there
when this deponent was last att hamburgh being about seven monthes
agoe were as followeth. videlicet the sayd jerome Peterson in the [?Grimme]. Daniell
Brandts on the Tollerbrough neere the Exchange. Jerome [?Sniter] in the
Dick street, Jan Baptista Yonker in the Greenestreet. Girald Boremaster in
the Kaerwedden, and Vincent [?Climbrock] in the Huckstar, Dirick Roopke
in the Vorzetting, and Captaine Cloppenbergh in the Sandt[?s].
To the third fourth and fifth Interrogatories, he referreth himselfe to his
foregoeing depositions and otherwise cannot depose
To the sixth he saith that he knoweth not or hath heard that within theis five
yeares last past the sayd Owners or any of them have sold or conveyed over the
sayd shipp or any part thereof. And saith that by letters of advise from the
sayd Daniel Brandts and Jerome Sniter delivered to this deponent att Antwerpe
aforesayd he hath understood that the aforesayd Owners were to beare and [?contract]
for the furnishing out the sayd shipp the last voyage. And otherwise
he cannot depose, saving he beleiveth the Master of her set forth the sayd last voyage
out of the ffreight.