HCA 13/65 f.94r Annotate

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To the last hee saith that what hee hath predeposed is true.

To the Crosse Interrogatories.

XX Rowe

To the first Interrogatorie hee saith that the said ship is laden with noe more
or other goods than what are specified in the schedule annexed to the
Allegation aforesaid and that hee for his part hath noe share neither in the said ship
or goods but saith the same doe truly belong and were consigned unto the
severall and respective persons by him predeposed to which deposition of his hee referreth
himselfe for further answere hereunto And further cánnot depose

To the second Interrogatorie hee saith that the said ship the Gabriell was in
the power and possession of the Dunquirke man of warre when shee
was rescued Att which tyme hee said there was three man and boy
of this deponents company abord her. And otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the third Interrogatorie hee saith that the Commander of the said dunquirks
man of warre was an English man and his Company hee said consisted of
ffrench dutch English and Irishe and Scotts, but none of those nations hee
saith are at Enmity with the Crowne of Subiects of the King of denmarke
And otherwise hee cannot depose saveing that in case the said Captaine
Cappin had not soe rescued the said ship hee beleiveth shee had bin carryed to
Dunquirke but whether she would have bin made prize or Noe hee
knoweth not.

To the 4th Interrogatorie hee saith that when the said ship was seized by the dunquirker
there was only two letters (pass and other papers) abord her both which the captaine there[XX GUTTTER]
tooke from this deponent but when hee sawe that the said ship was rescued
hee gave the said letters agáine to this Examinate who hee saith hath since
delivered them to the said Henry white to whom they were directed. And
otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the last hee saith hee hath fully answered thereunto in his foregoeing



On the same day Examined. [CENTRE HEADING]

Rp 2.

John Hulett of Wapping in the parishe of Stepney
Marriner aged 46 yeares or thereabouts
sworne and Exámined deposeth.

To the first article of the said Allegation hee saith and deposeth That hee this
deponent well knoweth the producents Andreas Matson and Ulacke
Colvin who when and for all the tyme allegate were and still
ought to bee the true and only owners and Proprietors of the
shippe the Gabriell of Tunsbury arlate and of her tackle and apparell
and furniture And for such they the said persons were and are
comonly accompted reputed and taken. such hee knoweth to bee
true because hee this deponent was Pilot or Steersman
of the said ship when she was seized and when she came last from Tunsbury
and hath soe bin ever since the beginning of the Moneth of Aprill
last past since which tyme hee hath made two severall voyages in
her from Tunsbury to London besides this in which she was seized, in
all which voyages the said ship was sett forth by the said owners
thereof who from tyme to tyme have paid this deponent and all the rest
of her company theire wages for theire service therein. And further hee
cannot depose
