HCA 13/65 f.93v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/65 |
Folio | 93 |
Side | Verso |
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First cut transcription started and completed on 25/03/14 by Colin Greenstreet | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
14/03/25 | |
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Created 24/03/14, by CSG |
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To the second article of the said Allegation and to the schedul[?a]
annexed hee saith and deposeth That within the tyme allegate
and more precisely about 5 weekes since the said ship the
Gabriell was and remained at and in the Port of Holmest[?randt]
within three Norway miles of Tunsbury aforesaid att which place all
and singular the goods wares and Merchandizes mentioned and
Expressed in the schedule hereunto annexed were laden and
put abord her by the said Andreas Matson who was then and still is
Factor or Agent for the arlate Henry white for whose accompt the
same were by him laden to bee transported in the said ship from
Holmestrandt aforesaid to this Port of London where this deponent
was to deliver the same to the said Mr White or his assignes All
which hee knoweth to bee true because hee this deponent sawe the said
goods soe laden abord the said ship and is himselfe the person who (being
Master of the said ship) had order from the said Mattson to bring the said
goods from Norway hither to which place hee was comeing when
hee was seized And otherwise hee cannot depose.
To the third article and schedul[?a] annexed hee saith and deposeth that
ymediately after hee this deponent had receaved the said goods and
Merchandizes abord the said ship the Gabriell hee departed and sett
saile therewith for this Port of London, and in his course hither
upon last Munday was three weekes hee was mett withall
and taken as hee was rideing at an Anchor at [?Olser?nes]
about two leagues off Harwiche by a dunquirker or Pirate
at sea who forthwith tooke this deponent out of his said ship and
put him into his owne ship and soe carryed him for
dunquirke but saith that as hee was makeing for the said
Port hee was mett withall by Captaine C[?o]ppin in the Happy Entrance who within
the space of about two howers after the said seizure did againe
retake and rescue the said ship the Gabriell from the said dunquirke
man of warre and carryed her into Yarmouth
where shee now remayneth All which hee knoweth to bee true because
hee was Master of and abord the said ship the Gabriell when she was soe
seized by the dunquirker and albeit hee was as aforesaid taken out
of her yet hee saith hee sawe her when shee was soe retaken and
rescued by the said Captaine C[?a]ppin, shee being by three cole ships
stayed and detayned untill such tyme as the Happy Entrance came up
unto her and put his men into possession thereof. And further
hee cannot depose saveing that for the reasons by him predeposed hee
knoweth that the said ship the Gabriell soe taken from this Examinate by
the said dunquirker and the ship which was soe rescued and retaken by
Captaine C[?a]ppin is one and the same ship and not severall and {?sundrie shipps GUTTER]
To the 4th article hee saith and deposeth that the said Andreas Matson
and [?U]lack Calvin were and are dwellers and Inhabitants in
Tunsbury in which Towne they were borne and bread (sic) and both of them hee
saith were and are Subiects of and to the King of denmark[?e GUTTER]
And the said Henry White hee saith is a Subiect of this Comon wealth and
liveth on the Bankside neere this Citty of London. The premisses hee knoweth
because hee hath knowne the said Matson and Calvin ever since they were borne and [?dwelled GUTTER]
in the same Towne with them. And hath bin at the house of the said white And further cannot [XXX GUTTER]