HCA 13/65 f.105r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/65 |
Folio | 105 |
Side | Recto |
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First cut transcription started and completed on 31/10/13 by Colin Greenstreet | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
13/10/31 | |
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Created 31/10/13, by CSG |
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and ought to bee the true and lawfull owners and proprietors of all
and singular the Clothes weareing apparell and Tooles mentioned
and Expressed in the said schedule annexed mentioned and Expressed
all which (together with the particulars nentioned in the first part of the said
schedule to bee belonging unto the said ship the Brower) were taken from
abord the said ship by the said Captaine Greene and Companye when hee seized
the same. The premisses touching the said producents and Companye
theire being owners and proprietors of the said ship and goods schedulated
hee saith and deposeth because hee this deponent was skipper of the said
ship when they soe laded the same, and sawe them doe it, and was
and is by them constituted and continued Master and Comander of the
said shippe of which hee hath bin skipper by the space of theise nine
yeares last past or thereabouts And further hee cannot depose
To the third and fowrth articles of the said Allegation hee saith and deposeth
That as the said ship the Brower was with her ladeing abord her in
her course from Amsterdam for Barnstable shee was met withall
surprized and taken at sea by a man of warre of the king of Scotland who carryed
her into Dunquirke Roade where the said ship lay for some tyme
under the poweer of the said man of warre who threatned to carry her away into Jerset whereupon this deponents steersman
(who by reason of a ffitt of sicknes which then had seized this deponent was Comander of the said ship) did request a [XXX GUTTER]
[#] [XXXX] in dunquirke to lay
[GUTTER XXXX] money for him as would
[GUTTER XXX] the said ship and ladeing out
[GUTTER XXXX] said man of warres hands to
[GUTTER XXX] said merchant condescended
[GUTTER XXX] that the said ship
[GUTTER XXX] deponent [XXXX] till hee
[GUTTER XXX] satisfaction for the same,
[GUTTER XXX] thereof which hee
[GUTTER XXX] accordingly and upon
[GUTTER XXX] steersmans letter unto
[GUTTER XXX] and the said owners the
[GUTTER XXX] bill of Exchange
[GUTTER XXX] accompted and the money which
[GUTTER XXX] for the [?vouchsafe]
[GUTTER XXX] ship was [XXXXXd].
and soe the said ship was bought and paid for by this deponents mate
as aforesaid who then was comander of
the said shippe, The premisses hee deposeth because hee this deponent receaved
severall letters from his said Mate touching the said seizure and buying againe
of the said ship and in one of the said letters whch this deponent sawe the bil of
Exchange (which was drawen upon his said Owners of the said ship and
her ladeing for the purchase thereof from the said man of warre was
sent inclosed, and by them was accepted and paid accordingly And
otherwise hee cannot depose.
To the 5th article of the said Allegation hee saith and deposeth that
after the said ship was soe bought of and cleared from the said
Jersey man of warre hee this deponent by the order of his
Owners and Merchants freighters thereof did send an Expresse
unto his said Steeresman or Mate to bring the said ship and ladeing
backe to Middleburgh to the end that shee might be then
revictualled and fitted for her voyage to Barnstable, And saith
that accordingly his said mate did bring the said ship to an Anchor
before the [?Rammekis] neare Middleburgh where shee was re=
victualled and in all things fitted for intended voyage which done this
deponent (being then receovered of his sicknes did goe on bord
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