HCA 13/63 f.63r Annotate

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HCA 13/63 f.63r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


deponent of his owne knowldge and sight seeing and
being a witnesse of the abilities of the said Stephen
Robinson by his cureing of the Gunner of the said ship who
hee saith brake two of ribbs abord the said ship and was
carried in a very short tyme thereofe by the said Robinson
and by his doeing of other cures dureing the said voyage
Et alr nescit deponent.

The 10th artum [dri lili] deponit of dirit that hee this deponent
[doth] doeth verily beleeve that the reason of his the said
Mr Baker laste of the [XXX] of his said servant for the
commander of his tyme. (hee being left behind at Lybourne) yet
expuired of his apprentiship and by the laste and detencion
of his wages due for his service in the imployment of
the arlate Mr Dobbins the arlate Baker hath susteyned laste and damage
to the vallew of a hundred pounds Sturling or thereabouts. The
said Robinson being an apt and fitt Chirurgeon and one that
might have produced much advantage and proffitt to this said
Mr wich now hee doeth not, but is in danger he bee without him
a long tyme if not forever. At alr nescit deponent.

Suckly- Ad primm rendet [XXX] pro [ple sua]
The 2nd rendet that hee beleeveth the inter Robinson
is 20. or 21 yeares of age Et alr [inferende]
se ad predepocta sua rendet riga et nescit.



Eadem die,

Sup lili praed examinatus


Alexandrus Easton de Wapping prie sta
Maria Matfellon Whitechappell in Com midde.
[ciers] of Apothecarius London etatis sue 35 annora
aut eo redent hath productus et irratus.

Ad septium artum dri lili deponet et dirit that hee this
deponent living in Wapping and weare unto the house where
the producent Willem Baker allsoe dwelleth doeth very
well knowe the arlate Stephen Robinson who hee saith about
fouer yeares sure went out and was hired to serve abord
the ship the Providence alias the Defiance of London whereof
his precontest John Hewaard was Master. And saith
that hee hath credibly bin informed and beleiveth that the
said Robinson did performe his said place and ffine of a
Chirurgeon aboard the said shippe very sufficiently honestly
industriously and skillfully. And saith that since the said