HCA 13/63 f.62v Annotate

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HCA 13/63 f.62v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the last interrogatorie hee saith and deposeth that the said shippe
the providence in person and of her sd voyage from Barbados
homewards bound off the Lizard or Lands end of England about 16 hundred
leagues distance was upon the 18th day of December last as hee
remembereth mett whell assaulted and surprized by an Irish man
of warre {together with her sd lading abord her,) under the Command of one
Captaine Carey of Waterford in Ireland and by him (after a
long first and grand resistance made) was overroard and carryed
into Dunkuirke and was there made prize and soo the said
shipp together with her lading abord her was utterly lost to the owners
thereof. Which hee knoweth hee this deponent being
abord the said shipp att the tyme next predeposed and was
carryed with the said ship and his precontest Mr Tyler into
Dunkuirke, and thereby well knoweth all the tyme promises to
bee true as they are [XXX] expressed and mencioned
in his foregoing deposition. And further to this interrogatiorie
hee cannot depose.

Anthonie MA Everist

23rd Aprilie 1650

Super liTo harrea dat examinations

Baker con Dobbins}
Smith. Suckly}

Johannes Heyward da Wapping in
C and Midde Nauta a natus sua 35 annural
ant eo iritter hethis productus et

Ad 1nd artum dri Libelli deponit et dirit that hee
this deponent being master of the ship the Defiance
also the providence of London about three years
since made a voyage with the said ship from this port
of London to the Cannaryes, and for and during the said
voyage did hire the arlate Stephen Robinson [XXX]
then and still apprentice to the producent Willen Baker
after the rate of 45 8 or 40 8. And monieth for wages
to goe and serve in his said ship as chirurgeon thereof.
And saith that for dureing the [XXX] said and continueth of
all the said voyage the said Stephen Robinson was
and did approve himselfe to be a very good chirurgeon
and a person very fitt and apt for the said imployment
as ever this deponent sawe in all his dayes (considering
his yeares). and did as hee saith performe the said
place with much skill honestly and Industrie doeing
many ominent and different Cures dureing his
aboad abord the said ship. wich he knoweth hee this