HCA 13/63 f.19r Annotate

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HCA 13/63 f.19r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Ad 7um deponit et dicit that at the tyme arlate this
deponent was present upon the quarter decke
of the said shippe the America where hee heard
the arlate Joseph Jackson saie that hee had not paid
for the fifty Barrells of Raisins in question.
Et alr nescit deponere.

Ad 8um deponit that the arlate Joseph Jackson
did not give any order or direction for the steeveing
of the said 50 Barrells of Raisins in this cause controver
ted, nor was hee present at the ladeing thereof, but
the same were soe steeved and laden abord as aforesaid
by the order of the said Bartram and don Francisco
only. Et alr nescit deponere.

Ad 9um deponit that the arlate don Francisco Buigo
and Wrath Bartram were dureing the time predeposed
accompted and comonly reputed to bee partners and
Correspondents together, the said Bartram lodgeing
at his the said don Francisco's house. And saith
that they ioyntly had and receaved diverse
goods wares and monies of and from the said William
Haddocke or his assignes In consideration whereof the said fiftie Barrells
of raisins arlate were delivered to him in the said Haddocke
in part of paiement for the same. premissa
deponit because hee this deponent did as aforesaid
drawe up and write the Accompt betwixt the parties
predeposed and can and did understand the Spanish
Language and thereby knoweth all the before mentioned
premisses to bee soe had and done as aforesaid
Et alr nescit deponere.

Ad ult dicit predepoita per [?XX] eo vera./



Ad jum rendet that hee was Masters Mate abord the ship
the America the voyage in question, and saith hee married
the sister of the producent Et alr nescit.

Ad 2um rendet that hee hath knowne the parties interrate ever
since the said shipp the America came to Mallega and Veles
the voyage in question, but hath had noe dealings
with them save only in the transaction of the busines
betwixt the parties in this suite as aforesaid Et alr [?refert] [?de]
se ad predepoita nescit rendere.
