HCA 13/63 f.18v Annotate

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HCA 13/63 f.18v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


cleare the same of the Customes there and sawe them shipt of as aforesaid
for the Accompt of him the said Haddocke premissa
deponit ex proprys uisa et scientia se ut predeposuit
Et alr nescit deponere.

Ad 9um deponit et dicit that after the said fiftie Barrells
of raisins marked as aforesaid were laden abord the said
shipp the America the arlate Wrath Bartram came likewise
thither abord the said ship. and did then and there expresse
and declare himselfe that hee came to cast up and
make an Accompt of all reckonings betwixt him and
the producent Captaine Haddocke, whereupon the said William
Haddocke called this deponent and desired him to take
pen Inke and paper and write downe the Accompt as they
the said Haddocke and Bartram did or should passe it and
agree upon betwixt themselves which hee did accordingly and
saith that in the said Accompt the said Barthram did charge
the said fiftye Barrells of Raisins in this cause controverted
unto his the said Haddocks Accompt after the rate
of sixteene Rialls vellione per Rove amounting in
all to the somm of 7104 Rialls vellione which hee saith was
reallye and bona fide paid and allowed by way of
deduction of what was due from him the said Bartram
upon the said Accompt. premissa deponit ex proprys
visa et scientia se hee being the person that wrote the
said Accompt as aforesaid Et alr nescit deponere.

Ad 4um deponit that within the time in the first and second
articles of the allegation mentioned the arlate Wrath
Bartram did give order and direction for the steeveing
of diverse other Barrells of Raisins of the Sunne (besides
the 50 barrells arlate) out of the warehouse arlate,
which this deponent saith were laden and put aboard the said Shippe
the America accordingly Et alr nescit deponere.

Ad 6um deponit et dicit that from such tyme as after the said
50 barrells of Raisings were laden and put abord the
said ship the America (ut predeposuit) at Veles Mallega
arlate and untill theire arrivall heere in this Port of London
the same were and did goe for the propper use and account
of him the said William Haddocke, And saith that in case
the same had miscarried or had bin lost by the way from Spaine and had [?XXX] [?the]
said Haddocke was to have runne the hazard
and borne the Adventure thereof, hee being then commonly
accompted the true and lawfull owner and proprietor
thereof. reddens rationem scientia sua ut supra Et alr nescit deponere.
