HCA 13/124 f.93v Annotate

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HCA 13/124 f.93v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


december 1648 aforesaid And otherwise for
his parte hee doeth not beleeve the said
position to bee true in any parte thereof

To the eigghth pretensed position hee answereth
and beleeveth that within the time arlate
and after the arrivall of the said shipp
att Marraneman as aforesaid the said
shippe and this rendent and his Vom=
pany did stay and abide att the Brazil
aforesaid in taking in the said shipps
humens and freight att Brazeel by the
space of sixe monethes or thereabouts as
hee beleeveth and did there take in and
receive onboard the said shippe the number
of three hundred and thirty Chests and fetches of
sugar and noe more as hee beleeveth
14 Rulles of Tobaccoe and noe more as
hee beleeveth and six sacks of Cotton and
noe more as hee beleeveth and noe other
goods to bee carried for Lisbone as hee
beleeveth And this Rendent further beleeves
That after such time as hee this Rendent
had receaved and taken in the said goods
before mentioned, the officers for the kinge
of Portugall did force this respondent
to receive and take onboard his said shipp
the number of ninety eight plancks
and noe more as hee beleeveth and alsoe
one hundred and Ten souldiers and noe
more as hee beleeveth to bee transported
from Marraneman to Perrawe arlate
for which said plancks and souldiers this
Rendent nor any of his owners were
not to receave nor did as hee beleeves
receave any thinge for the freight or