HCA 13/124 f.59v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/124 |
Folio | 59 |
Side | Verso |
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Added artificial foliation; uploaded image; transcribed on 12/05/2015 | |
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IMAGE: IMG_114_04_7077.JPG | |
First transcriber | |
Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2015/05/12 |
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of them beleeveth That within Two
dayes after the foresaid shipp the
Royall merchant arrived att the Bar
badoes which was in the yeare 1649
before the second voyadge [?proposed]
on the 15th day of July in the said yeare
the said Atkinson did give the passage of one
Negroe to these rendents which negroe
these Rendents bought with theire owne
monies in Guiney and did buy provision
for the said negroe dureing the said time the
negroe was in the foresaid shipp and for
the good service these rendents did in the
said shippe the said Atkinson did give the
passage of this negroe to these rendents
alsoe that same day the foresaid Atkinson
did promise all the shipps Company that
the said shippe should goe for England
assoone as they could make her readye and
after such time as the said Atkinson had
given these Rendents the passage of theire
negroe the said Atkinson did alter the
designe of the shipp and did proceed upon
a second voyadge notwithstandeing these
REndents did Continue aboard the shipp till
shee was almost ready to goe on the second
voyadge But the said Atkinson
being unwilling that these Rendents should
proceed on a second voyadge did shipp
another mate in the Roome of the said
Parris or hohnewood and would not
pay these respondents theore wages but
did turne them ashoare out of the