HCA 13/124 f.31v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/124 |
Folio | 31 |
Side | Verso |
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IMAGE: IMG_114_04_7020.JPG | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2015/05/10 |
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were really and bona fide the proper goods
of this rendent and the arlate William
Showers, and were sent and carried on
bord the said shippe the dyamond by the
arlate Mr Showers or by his order or
directions, as in this article is alleaged
which he accepteh of as for forth as
the said article maketh for him, and the
premisses by him confessed he hath
acknowledged and otherwise he doth
not beleeve the said pretensed position to
be true in any parte
To the 3d pretensed position this rendent
answereth that he doth not beleeve
the said pretensed position to bee true in
any parte saveinge this respondent
beleeveth that he havinge lived and
resident in ffrannce hath by that meanes
some acquaintance with ffrench mer=
=chants, resident there, for whom this
respondent hath receaved and sould
some goods but this rendent by vertue
of his oath declareth that the goods
claimed by this rendent, and the said
William Showers were really bought and
provided by them with their owne monies
and for their owne accompts and not with any
effects, or creditts of the said Monnseiur
Villen Jean Guichett or any other ffrenchmen whatsoever did really and properly
belonge unto them att the time of the seizure
thereof [?this] rendent beleeveth that the goods
claimed by the arlate John Sealy were and
are the proper goods of the said John
Sealy and did really and properly belonge
unto the said John Sealy att the time
of the seizure./