HCA 13/124 f.120v Annotate

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HCA 13/124 f.120v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


long since delivered to the said Bonnell
an Account both of the receipts and
disbursements and alsoe the said shipp
and soe much money as did belong
to him from this Rendent as hee

To the 13:th 14:th and 15:th hee beleeveth
that the said Bonnell hath without
iust cause arrested him by warrant
from this Court and that hee is an
englishman and subiect to the [?Juxon]
thereof And otherwise saveing his pre
cedent Answers which hee beleeveth to
bee true hee doeth not beleeve the said
pretensed positions or either of them to
bee true / in any parte /

[?Rich ?Henike] [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


22th of October 1651 [CENTRE HEADING]

Repeated before
doctor Exton.

The personall Answers of Thomas
Awres made to the positions of
an Allegation given in against
him on the behalfe of Andrew
Hoyer doe followe/

To the first pretended position hee answe=
reth and beleeveth that in or about the
moneth of July 1651 the arlate hoyer
did put aboard the shipp arlate the
number of 50 horses and mares
and noe more as hee beleeveth
to bee carried from Bergen in
Norway to the King of Scotts in