HCA 13/72 f.218v Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.218v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


John Welch was Captaine and alsoe the shipp the Mary Interrogated whereof the Interrogate
Nathaniell Stukely was Commander, and saith the Endeavour was of the burthen of
fiftie tonnes and upwards and had belonging to her eight peeces of Ordnance at the tyme
of her losse hereafter mentioned and that the Mary aforesayd at the tyme of her losse was of the burthen of about
eighteene or twenty tonnes and had belonging to her fower peece of Ordinance and
they were both plentifully furnished with all manner of provisions tacke apparell
and furniture ?fitt for them and in particuler the Mary had two suites of sayles two
Anchors two Cables and all other tackle and furniture necessary and the Endeavour had two
suites of sayles three Anchors three Cables and all other things necessary at the
tyme aforesayd And hee saith that in his this deponents Judgment the Endeavour
and her tackle Apparrell furniture gunnes provisions and amunition were at the tyme
of her losse worth eight hundred pounds sterling and the Mary and her gunnes
provisions amunition tackle apparrell and furniture were at her losse worth in this
deponents Judgment two hundred pounds sterling and soe much at least hee beleeveth
they stood their owners in upon their setting out The premisses hee deposeth
being Boatswaine of the Indeavour and saying in her in company of the
Mary aforesayd And further hee cannot answere/

To the 2 Interrogatorie hee saith the Interrogants William Rushley and Erasmus
Bedlowe (both English men, and subiects of this Commonwealth) were the
Owners of the sayd vessells and fitted furnished and sett them out upon
the voyage in question wherein they were lost which was a warlike imployment
by virtue of Letters of Marque from his highnesse the Lord Protector of
England Scotland and Ireland and the dominions thereunto belongining for the takeing
and seizeing the shipps and goods of the King of Spaine and his subiects this hee
the better knoweth for that hee hath seene the sayd Letters of marque and heard
them read at the Mast aboard the Endeavour at her first setting sale upon the sayd

To the 3 Interrogatorie hee saith that after the sayd two vessells sett sayle out of this
Port of London the Mary proveing leakie when shee was at Sea shee and
the Endeavour in Company went to the River of Bremer and came to a
place there having the dominion of the King of Sweden on the one side and
on the other the dominion of the duke of Oldenburgh both Princes in amity with
this Commonwealth, whether the sayd vessells came in May one thousand sixe
hundred fifty seaven this hee knoweth being boat swaine of the Endeavour
and on Company of the Mary./

To the 4th Interrogatorie hee saith hee well knoweth that some officers belonging to
the Generall of the King of denmarks ffleete coming in sight of the Endeavour
and Mary with three of the King of denmarke's ffleete. commanded the sayd Welch
Captaine of the Endeavour to come aboard them and hee accordingly went
aboard them in his owne boate and carried his letter of marque and Commission with him, and (as
hee related to this deponent and others of his Company at his returne aboard the
Endeavour) hee shewed the Generall his letters of Marque or Commission
and that one of the danish Generalls Captaines
did tell the sayd Welch that those his letters of Marque were good for
nothing but to wipe his breeche with And further saving his subsequent
deposition hee cannot answere./

To the 5th