Team discussion area
Team discussion area
Editorial history
31/08/12: CSG created page
Purpose of this page
To provide access to individual team discussion areas
Virginia tobacco trade in the 1650s
This week (W/C 29/10/12) Philip Hnatkovich and Colin Greenstreet are sponsoring a dedicated page on the Virginia tobacco trade in the 1650s. All project team members, whether associates, facilitators or advisors, are encouraged to contribute to this page.
Please use the link below to get to a dedicated page on the Virginia tobacco trade in the 1650s, where we would like you to share material:
Virginia tobacco trade in the 1650s
Many of you will have worked on depositions over the last nine weeks which have made mention of tobacco, the tobacco trade, and of Virginia, so now is your chance to dig back through your past transcriptions and to help pull together some themes.
We will put up a short summary of the historiography of the Virginia tobacco trade, so that you have some context in which to post your material, and to see if we are coming up with anything novel.
Let's look in our transcriptions to see, for example
- Where tobacco was being shipped to apart from London (Teneriff, Genoa, New England)?
- How it was packed and shipped?
- The timing of the tobacco ships' arrivals in the James River and their return across the Atlantic?
If you see a theme in the material, then create a new subheading on the Virginia tobacco page and set out the theme, your evidence, and most importantly the case name, deposition name, and folio numbers.
We will also post up a set of voyage accounts for a ship carrying tobacco from Virginia so that you can get a sense of the economics of shipping tobacco
Volunteers to help Philip and Colin would be greatly appreciated - please get in touch with us by email (Philip:; Colin:
C17th Arctic whaling
This week (W/C 15/10/12) Jill's and Colin's teams are working on a case involving a failed whaling adventure to the Arctic Ocean ("Batson against Goslin and others")
Jill and Colin would like to encourage their team members to share quotes, and to explore places, people and activities mentioned in the pages they are transcribing.
We plan to publish a blog article on the case, placing it in a broader context of the whaling fisheries off Spitzbergen in the 1650s. (The first thing to not is that C17th "Greeneland" is what we now call "Spitzbergen")
Please use the link below to get to a dedicated page on C17th Arctic whaling, where we would like you to share material
C17th whaling ships, boats ("shallops") and their prey
Detail showing Bell Point and Bell Sound, from Edge's map, ca. 1611
Edge's map of Greenland (Spitzbergen), ca. 1611
Page log
Team Alex
Team Alex - Karen Gunnell, Daniel Richards, Andrew Richens, Alexis Harasemovitch Truax
- Formed 15/10/12, with Alex Jackson as the team facilitator
Team Colin
Team Colin - Elio Calcagno, Laura Seymour, Tommy Walters
Team Giovanni/Patrizia
Team Giovanni/Patrizia - Gordon O'Sullivan
Team Jill
Team Jill - Deborah Ashby, Katie Broke, Dr Janet Few, Dr Liam Haydon, David Pashley, Marta Rezzano, John Miller
Team Philip
Team Philip - Jamie Goodall
Team William
Team William - Rachel Bates, Nye and Jill Hathway, William Kellett, Dr Cathryn Pearce, Ida Sjoberg