Team Jill

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Team Jill

Editorial history

23/08/12: CSG, created page

Suggested links

Team Colin
Team Giovanni/Patrizia
Team William

MarineLives-Transcript: Team Jill

Tasks for the week

Week commencing 3rd September 2012

Queries from team members

20/09/12 From Jill: HCA f.201v - Anybody got any idea on this is comes up several times Del201v.PNG

From Jill: Can anybody tell me what this says I have seen it a couple of times before Mr Smith, and I think it must be some sort of title like president Here it is in HCA 13/71 f.61v P1130324 line 38

COLIN: 17/09/12 "producent" (I believe this is the person who has requested that a witness be produced (i.e. brought or invited) to court

Week commencing 16th September 2012

Tips for this weeks transcription

Start of a case dated 30th April 1656 about the taking of the shipp the Union of Leith of which John Tennent was master. Deposition (1.) Daniel Baming (or Boming) of Peterweine in Scotland, Marinerm aged 51.

Roger Shapton - note the way they have written the Sh this occurs alot
Symon Trankmore
Indulto money

Week commencing 23rd September 2012

Technical tips

Editorial/Transcription policy window & live transcription open together

Jill, you may want to try having Charlene's Draft Five MarineLives Editorial Method/Directions for Transcribers open on the LH side of your screen whilst transcribing and image. I have tried this today, and you can simply copy and paste, then adapt any of the editorial markings you need in the transcription. Seems to work like a dream, though medium term Giovanni is going to provide editorial buttons in the trasncription window which are coded to do the same

CAPTURE Draft3 Ed Policy And Transcription Window 260812.JPG