MRP: Achine

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03/01/12, CSG: Created page

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See Callicutt
See Cochin
See Goa
See Surat

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Achine town profile

Achine (alias Achin) is a former name for what is now the province of Acer in northern Sumatra.[1] The sultanate of Aceh was a powerful and independent state in the early seventeenth century, which resisted encroachment by the Dutch.


East India Company factory, Achine

"Sir George Oxinden is consulted concerning the number of persons necessary for the factories under his presidency, and declares that sixteen will be wanted for Surat, Persia, and Sinda, four for Calicut or Cale Velha, six for Rajapur and the Deccan, and four to voyage to Achin when necessary ; a sufficient number having been entertained, it is left to Sir George and his Council to appoint them employment."[2]

Mentions of Achine in Wiki primary sources

Sir George Oxenden correspondence

See 15th December 1662, Letter from Francis Cobb to Sir GO, Aschine

Sappon wood, 1662

"Dom ffrancise de Lima Sig:r Antonio de mello de Cassro & another [2 words in original manuscript] fidalga haveing had a pcell off solor Sappon [could be "Jappon"] Wood lyeing upon theire hands now upwards of a yeare, it was by them offered unto mee ?for sale w:ch knowing it, to bee of an excellent sort transcending y:t of Callicutt, Cochin, Zeilon, Achine, Siam, Etc:a & itts price reasonable viz:tt 61:x:[“x” in original manucript, presumably "ten"]ss y:e Candy of this place, I adventured on it, & allready paid downe upon it 2000:x:ss y:e whole quantity amounting to a bout 300: Cands, bebesides 100: Candys more of Dom francisco de Lima who desires y:t hy may accompany y:e Rest wheresoever it is sent without altering its property"[3]


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Suggested secondary sources

Pires, Tomé, Suma Oriental que trata do Mar Roxo até aos Chins ['Summa of the East, from the Red Sea up to the Chinese'] (Unpublished at time of writing, 1512-1515)

- Modern edition: Cortesão, Armando, The 'Suma Oriental' of Tomé Pires: An Account of the East, from the Red Sea to China, 2 vols., (XXXX, 1944) , new edn. 1990
  1. Jump up, viewed 13/01/12
  2. Jump up 'A Court of Committees, March 12, 1662' (Court Book, vol. xxiv, p. 469), in Ethel Bruce Sainsbury (ed.), A Calendar of the Court Minutes of the East India Company, 1660-1663 (Oxford, 1922), p. 188
  3. Jump up 11th November 1662, Letter 2 from Henry Gary to Sir GO, On board Castle of Agoada, Goa