HCA 13/71 f.661v Annotate

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This page is for the annotation of HCA 13/71 f.661v.

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Annotate HCA 13/64 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/65 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/68 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/69 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/70 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/71 Volume Page
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The eleaventh ˹twelveth day of August˺ 1654.

On the behalfe of the said Thomas}
and John Carter.}

Robert Earle of the parish of Saint dunstans in the East end
London Scrivener, aged 39 yeeres or thereabouts and sworne
before the right Worshipfull the Commissioners appointed in the
Portugall businesse, and examined on the behalfe of
Thomas and John Carter sai upon certaine Interrogatories
by them ministred in their claime saith and
deposeth the followeth videlicet.

To the fifth article Interrogatory hee saith and deposeth by vertue of his oath
That having nowe seene and perused the bill of lading for foure
drie fatts of fustians laden by William Carter of London merchant aboard the shipp the May flower (Thomas
Bell commander) bound from this port for Lisbone dated the ˹6th of July 1640˺ subscribed thus,
Thomas Bell, hee saith and deposeth and deposeth that the said Thomas
Bell is this deponents brother in lawe, and that this deponent hath bin
acquainted with him twenty yeeres last or thereabouts, and hath e seene
much of his writing, and many papers or writings written and subscribed with
the proper hand of him the said Thomas Bell, and having compared
the said subscription of the name of the said Thomas Bell, and the
rest of the line wherein the same is written, hee is very well assured
and confident that the said ˹line and˺ subscripcon is the proper hand writing of him
the said Thomas Bell, Commander of the said shipp Mayflower.



The 11th of August 1654.

On the behalfe of the Mariners of the}
shipp the Talbot of London, Joseph Blowe}

Joseph Blowe of London Mariner, late Commander
of the said shipp the Talbot aged 49 yeeres
or thereabouts, sworne before the right worshipfull
the Commissioners, appointed in the Portugall
business, saith and deposeth by vertue of his

That the said shipp Talbot was seized at Bahia de Todos os Santos by
the Ministers of the king of Portugall in the moneth of August 1650
together with the lading of sugars then aboard her, and that the
persons hereafter named were then of this deponents company and
mariners of the said shipp, and had respectively aboard her for their owne
accompts the severall parcells or quantities of sugars hereafter following
that is to say, John Clerke this deponents mate had one chest and one
feach of sugar, George Blowe another of his mates two chests of sugar
William Lucas one chest of sugar, William Bouse one chest of sugar,
Thomas Whitney one feach of sugar, James Tabor one chest and
one feach of sugar, Thomas Arnold one chest and one feach of sugar
John Clerke one chest and one feach of sugar, John Phillips one
chest and one feach of sugar, Joh Jonathan daden one feach, Anthony
Moore one chest of sugar and Bartholomew Anderson one feach of
sugar, and that ˹all˺ the said sugars (which hee saith were all white sugars, were
seized with the rest of her lading, and came into the possession of the
Portugeses (with the said shipp) who clapped or put three locks or guards
upon the hatches, namely LARGE BLOT one for the king, another for the Customes and
the third for the Bulse or Brazile company, and soe the said mariners were

Suggested links

HCA 13/71 Page Log & Planner
HCA 3/47 Page Log & Planner