HCA 13/71 f.662r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.662r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


all dispossessed and deprived of their said sugars, which were seized by
the said king of Portugalls ministers. All which hee knoweth to be true
because this deponent as commander of the said shipp was acquainted with
the providing and lading the said sugars for the said mariners their account.
and lent most of the money unto them for the buying thereof, and hath
alsoe seene his boatswaines booke mentioning the said particular parcells
to be laden by and for accompt of the said persons, and being aboard
when the said seizure was made, hee verily beleeveth in his conscience that
the said mariners nor any of them over had or recovered any part
of the said sugars, but they are wholly deprived thereof to this
present. And hee further deposeth that the said mariners and the
rest of the said shipps company being in all fourtie men, lost alsoe by that
said seizure in clothes bookes and instruments to the value as hee
verily beleeveth of three hundred pounds sterling.

Joseph: Blowe [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The 15th August 1654.

On behalfe of Collins and company}
aforesaid touching our lady of Nazareth}

Rp. 2

Richard Chappell of debtford in the County
of kent Mariner, aged 25 yeares or
thereabouts sworne before the said Commissioners
in the Portugall buisinesse and examined
upon the foresaid Interrogatories.

To the first Interrogatorie hee saith hee well knoweth and was
commander of the vessell or Carvell the Lady of Nazareth interrogated,
and saith that Thomas Collins, henry Bondford and company all of
London Suger marchants were the true and lawfull owners and proprietors thereof and for
such commonly accompted./

To the second hee saith that in the yeare 1650 the said Carvell being
outward bound on a voyage from Lisbona for Brazila, was by the command
of Generall Blake (who was then before the barr of Lisbona with the
Parliament fleete) ordered to attend the said fleete. And by the said
Generall Blake, the said Carvell was in or about the end of May
1650 (old stile) but into Lisbona with a message from him the said
generall, and there the said Carvell with her tackle and furniture and
all belonging unto or were seized on the second of June of the said
yeare by the kinge of Portugalls officers, and this deponent
her master and all his English company and mariners were dispossessed
and turned one of her and imprisoned by the said kings oder, and
this deponent was kept neere six monethes under the said imprisonment
and some of his company were kept above three monethes prisoners
and some longer and some a lesser time, And that by the said seizure
the said Carvell tackle and furniture and are utterly lost to the
said owners, and they utterly deprived thereof, which hee knoweth
being master as aforesaid, and for the other reasons aforegoing And
otherwise hee cannot depose./