HCA 13/71 f.661r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.661r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 9th of August 1654. [CENTRE HEADING]

On the behalfe of the Mariners of the shipp the}
Sampson of London, John Lines commander.}

Rp. 1

John Lynes of London, Mariner, late Commander
of the said shipp the Sampson, aged 41 yeeres
or thereabouts sworne before the right worshipfull
William Clerke and John Godolphin doctors
of lawes judges of the high Court of the
Admiraltie and saith and deposeth as
followeth, videlicet.

That the said shipp the Sampson (whereof hee this deponent was commander)
was with her lading of sugars seized at Bahia de Todos os Santos in
Brazile by the officers and authoritie of the king of Portugall, and hee
this deponent and his companie were imprisoned and outed of the
possession of the said shipp and lading, which were disposed of by the said
kings authoritie upon the said seizure which was made on or about the moneth
of May 1649; And hee further deposeth that the persons hereafter
named were then of his companie, and had aboard the said shipp at the
time of the said seizure for their owne proper accompte
the severall and respective quantities of sugar following that is to say
Thomas Miller had one chest of sugar and one feach. John Peters
one chest and one ffeach. Roger Roberts, the like namely one chest and
one feach. John [?Chick] one feach. William Marster one feach and
five Rooves, John Tindall one feach and six rooves. Edmund Chistpre
three rooves. Thomas Willoughbie one chest and six Rooves, William
Langley three Rooves, John Andrewes one feach. Richard Stokes one feach
Thomas [?Claere] one chest one feach.
Edward hopkins six Rooves. John howell one feach. Thomas Stephens
six Rooves, henry Ba[?r]on one chest, William howlet five Rooves, Abraham
darcey five Rooves, Richard Jonas one chest and feach, Robert knott
one chest, John Withers two chests, Robert Sheffield one chest one
feach, Nicholas Pulfery one feach. Thomas Morgan one feach
Abraham Vassall one chest and six rooves, Roger Prideaux one chest
and one ffeach. Tobias Searle one feach, Thomas Allen one
chest, and Roger Nicholls one chest,
and Thomas Egmore six Rooves of sugar, The
totall of all the said mariners sugars amounting to 26 chests of sugar.
All which hee knoweth because hee this deponent as commander of the
said vessell kept an accompt or roll of this said marriners, and upon
their lading the said respective quantities of sugar for their owne accompt
this deponents purser made entrie thereof in his booke, which this deponent
sawe and tooke notice of; and hath nowe with him an extract out of the same
contayning all the said particulars. And saith further that by and through
the said seizure the said mariners were and are utterly deprived thereof
by the said kings officers, who alsoe seized and tooke away their
bookes, Instruments bedding and clothes and other necessaries to the
valew in his estimation of three hundred pounds sterling. And
further saith that the said sugars were all white sugars, and this deponent
tooke notice that they were all laden and were in and on board the said shipp at the time
of the said seizure.