HCA 13/65 f.64r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/65 |
Folio | 64 |
Side | Recto |
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First cut transcription started and completed on 26/03/14 by Colin Greenstreet | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
14/03/26 | |
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Created 11/03/14, by CSG |
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on the same day Examined./
hance Peterson of Stockholme within the kingdome
of Swedland Marriner aged 33 yeares or there=
abouts sworne and Examined.
To the first article of the said Allegation hee saith and deposeth
That hee well knewe the producents Beniamin Bonnell
and Richard Clarke, who with theire Company for all the tyme
arlate have bin and still are the true and lawfull owners and
Proprietors of the shipp the Stockholme arlate and of
her tackle apparell and furniture And for such were and
are comonly accompted reputed and taken And saith that they
the said Bonell Clarke and company are allso Subiects to the Queene
of Swedland betweene whom and this comon wealth there is peace
and amity and Inhabitants of and in the said Towne of
Gottenburg which hee knoweth to bee true because hee this
deponent is Gunnere of the said ship and hath soe bin by the
space of theise twelve monthes last past or thereabouts dureing
all which tyme the said ship from tyme to tyme hath bin and still is sett
out by the said owners thereof and at theire
propper charges And further hee cannot depose.
To the second article hee saith and deposeth That at such tyme as the
said ship the Stockholme was last at Saint Ives in Portugall,
which was about th emoneth of June last past shee was there
laden with salt which from thence was to have bin transported
in the said ship to Stockholme where the same was to have
bin delivered for the accompt of the said Owners and saith that there
was then and there allsoe the number of seaven Chests of
Sugar laden abord the said ship which were to have bin discharged at
Stockholme likewise but for whose accompt the same were hee
saith hee knoweth not. The premisses hee deposeth because hee
sawe the said salt and [XXX] laden abord the said ship and then heard the merchant
that laded it say that it was for the accompt of the said owners. And
further hee cannot depose
To the third article hee saith and deposeth That in or about the beginning
of July last past as hee remembreth the tyme the said ship being
soe loaden att Saint Ives departed thence for Stockholme But upon
the 23th day of July last past in the evening she was in her course thither mett
withall by the arlate Captaine Archer (the said ship being then in company
with three other ships as is arlate) who comanded his Contest Sybrant
[?J[?a]llis] skipper of the said shipp to strike saile and to send his papers by three of his company
unto him which hee saith was forthwith done Howbeit the said Archer
would not bee satisfied therewith but presently sent two of his owne
Company abord the Stockholme who by his order came and demanded
the said ship to goe along with them out of their owne shippe and in the meane while hee lett the
said three other ships goe cleare away without either searching or