HCA 13/65 f.64v Annotate

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[?Visiteing] which the said Sibrant Jellis [?perceiving] and seeing
the said Archer to let the other ships goe and to single out him
alone hee therefore [?conceaved] him to bee an Irishe man of
warre or some other pirate and therefore did refuse to goe out
of his owne ship abord the Man of Warre whereupon the
said Archer forthwith fired two broad sides and pow[?red] in a
volley of small shott upon the Stockholme before ever any
resistance was made And then the said Jellis verily beleiving
the said Archers ship to bee an Irish man of warre or some
other Pirate that would make booty of him hee did fire againe
and soe beganne a fight with the said man of warre which continued
about 4 or 5 howers space in which the steeresman of the Stockholme
was slaine and diverse of her company wounded [?which done], and
after such a continuance of the said fight the ship the Phenix
arlate came in to them and then, and not till then, the said
Sybrant Jelles did discover both the said ships to belong to the
State of England and forthwith yeilded unto them and by them was
brought into Portsmouth where shee hath remained ever since till
this present tyme which hee knoweth being abord the said ship the
Stockholme dureing all the said fight and seeing the premisses soe had and
done as is predeposed and further hee cannot depose.

To the last hee saith that what hee hath predeposed is true.

To the Interrogatories. [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first Interrogatorie hee saith that hee hath noe Interest in the ship
the Stockholme or her lading save only in a parcell of oranges and
Lemmons and oyle which did belong unto this deponent and the rest of
the said ships Company All which is plundred away by the
takers thereof And otherwise hee answereth negatively.

To the second Interrogatorie hee saith that in the said fight there was
as hee hath heard one of the Company of the said Man of warre
slaine and otherwise referreing himselfe to his foregoeing deposition
hee saith hee cannot depose saveing that there was only the Phenix
present with the said Archers frigot when the said Stockholme was seized.

To the third Interrogatorie hee saith that the said Sybrant Jellis hath bin Master
of the said ship the Stockholme by the space of theise two yeares or
thereabouts And otherwise then as aforesaid hee saith hee cannot

To the fowrth Interrogatorie hee saith that hee for his part doeth not knowe
what Countryman the said Bonil and Clarke are by birth nor
any other that have interest in the said ship But saith the said Bonil
and Clarke doe speake the Dutch tongue very well And further
hee cannot depose saveing that the said clerk and Bonil doe live and
inhabite in Stockholme with their wives and families