HCA 13/70 f.193v Annotate

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This page is for the annotation of HCA 13/70 f.193v.

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Annotate HCA 13/65 Volume Page
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Annotate HCA 13/70 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/71 Volume Page
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Annotate HCA 13/74 Volume Page
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HCA 13/70 f.193v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the 3. and 4th articles hee saith, That upon or about the 8th day of
May 1654. arlate the said John Tresaure being at sea with his said man
of warr did neere the [?Nas] of Norway arlate espie and gave Chase to the
shipp the dope arlate, which made all possible hast to escape from the [?Wentwell] but,
such her endeavour not being able to preserve her, the Companie of the said
shipp (the Master onely excepted) deserted the same, and went away in their boate
leaving the said shipp and lading at sea with her Master onley aboard her, as aforesaid,
And saith thereupon the said John Tresaure in person and this deponent and about
fower more of the said man of warrs Companie went aboard the said shipp dope
and sailed therein togeather with the said master towards London, where shee waas
intended to be brought and proceeded against in the high Court of the Admiraltie
as lawfully seized and taken by Vertue of the Commission aforesaid, The premisses
this deponent well knoweth as being present in the whole Voiage in question. And
further cannot depose./

To the 5th 6th, 7th and 8th articles of the said Allegation hee saith, That hee this deponent
being the person allate and intended by the name of Tobias Barnes allate
was by the said John Tresaure in or neere Yarmouth roade sent ashoare to
provide and procure a Pylot to pylot and conduct the said shipp dope from
thence to London, and saith this deponent and no other person of the said shipps
Companie did then and there goe ashoare, where after an hower or an hower
and halfes stay hee this examinate procured one david Cant, a Pylot living
in Yarmouth to goe along with him aboard the said shipp the dope to the
intent aforesaid, and saith the said david Cant was and is a very
able and experienced pylott in Conducting of shipps from Yarmouth for
London, and for such hee was and is there commonly accompted reputed and taken
This deponent having knowne the said Cant for about a yeare before such hisim
ployment in pylotting of the said shipp Dope towards London. And further
cannot depose./

To the 9th and 10th articles hee saith, That from the taking and surprizing of the
said shipp the dope till her casting away (as hereafter) none of the said
Tresaures Companie, save onely this deponent and the
said david Cant, neither in all that tome was the allate John Cornellison
dope the Master of the said sjipp the dope on shoare, nor conversed with any save
the said shipps Companie and Pylott, And saith the said Cant coming aboard
the said shipp dope together with this examinate, the said John Tresaure in
this deponents presence committed the care of the pylotting of the said shipp the
dope for London unto him the said Cant, the said John Cornelison
dope being then also aboard his said shipp and at Libertie to be, if hee
pleased, assisting about the same, and so continued till her casting away
without being turned out of possession at all. The premisses hee well knoweth
for the reasons before expressed. And further deposeth not./

To the 11th hee saith, That the said shipp dope in her passage from Yarmouth
Roade towards London, did by misfortune runn aground togeather with the
said man of warr and three of her shipps, and saith the said shipp dope [?XX GUTTER]