HCA 13/70 f.194r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.194r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


there Cast away this deponent then being aboard the said man of warr and seeing
the same, and saith in this deponents sight, the maine mast of the said shipp dope was
cutt downe, expressely, as this deponent hath heard and verily beleeveth to make a
Rasse for the preservation of the lives of the said Tresaure, Pylott, and
Companie then aboard the said shipp the dope./

To the 12th hee saith, That from the time that the said man of warr the Venture
departed from Yarmouth upon the Voiage in Controversie till the said shipp dope was cast
away as aforesaid, shee was not in any Port or harbor except Yarmouth roade
aforesaid, nor any of her Companie ashoare, (this deponent excepted,) as is predeposed
neither did they meet woth any shipp at Sea in all that time, whereby they had
any notice or intelligence of the peace aforesaid. The premisses hee knoweth
for the reasons predeposed, And further cannot depose.

To the 13. and 14th articles hee saith, That the allate John Tresaure of this
deponents observation was and is an able seaman, and, as this deponent hath credibly
heard, hath had Commannd of shipps as Master or Captaine for severall yeares
past, and for and as such the said Tresaure was and is generally reputed.
And beleeveth, the said Tresaure, Pylott and Companie did thenir uttmost
endeavor to preserve the said shipp the dope both from and after her running
on ground, the said man of warr, wherein this deponent then was, being also
at the same time runn aground as aforesaid, about the distance of one
hundred yards from the dope, as hee conceriveth, And further cannot depose

To the 15th and 16th hee saith, That the said shipp the dope at the
time of her said seizure was a dutch built shipp belonging to Amsterdam
and bound thither, as the said John Cornelison doope immediately after
the said seizure freely acknowledged to the said Tresaure in this deponents presence
and hearing, And saith, That in Case the said Tresaure and Companie
had not taken and manned the said shipp, after her owne Companie (except
the said Master) had so deserted her, shee and her lading must inevitably have
perished at sea by reason of a very tempetuous wind and weather arising
shortly after the said shipps seizure, Which hee well knoweth for the
reasons aforesaid, And further cannot depose./

To the Crosse Interrogatories./ [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first Interrogatorie hee saith and deposeth, That hee this rendent was one of the
Companie of the shipp Venture interrate in the Voiage in question, but had
no Office in the same, neither doeth hee in this Cause doe or endeavour any
thing saving the declaration of the trueth, so farr as his knowledge extends
And otherwise negatively/

To the 2d hee referreth himselfe to his foregoeing depostion, And otherwise

To the third hee saith, the Vessell the dope interrate came into Yarmouth
roade upon the 11th day of May last last about 10. or 11. of the Clocke in
the night, and that this rendent being the person interrate goeing there ashoare