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'''George Robinson''' of Saint Albans in the County of
'''George Robinson''' of Saint Albans in the County of
hertfordshire <erchant, aged about forty yeares, a
hertfordshire Merchant, aged about forty yeares, a
wittnes produced, sworne and examined deposeth and
wittnes produced, sworne and examined deposeth and
saith as followeth./
saith as followeth./

Revision as of 19:08, January 14, 2015

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HCA 13/70 f.439r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Captaine Covell and company in the Constant Mary, who sent the said
shipp Pigeon to ffoy. and hath there detayned her ever since. And to the said
article and schedule anneded hee saith and deposeth that the said Covell and companie have pillaged and taken out of the said shipp all the
tackle, furniture and materialls mentioned and expressed in the said schedule
to theise words all which said goods did of right belong to the said shipp. besides
from this deponent they tooke all the moneys, clothes, [?chesants] mapp and bookes mentioned
in the said schedule to be taken from him,
all which said tackle furniture , apparrell materialls, moneys, clothes
[?chesants] mapp and bookes, were as hee saith of severall and respective values
and worth mentioned in the said schedule, and from this deponents company
they tooke the severall goods , materialls and things said in the said schedule
to be taken from them, of the valewes therein expressed, And saith
the said schedule was subscribed and sworne by this deponent and some
of his company before the deputie Major or officer of [?testithiell]
And otherwise hee cannot depose, saving the said goods and particulars
schedulated were worth the severall summes mentioned in the said schedule and
saving hee knoweth the premisses being master of the Blew Pigeon when shee was taken.

To the second hee sauth the said shipp the Blew Pigeon is of the burthen
of 240 tonnes in this deponents estimation, and had 237 tonnes of wine
aboard her at the time of the said seizure, and that the said shipp was
and is ordinarily worth 100 li per moneth to be let to freight, and that shee hath bin detained
with eleaven men ever since the said 27th of November 1654 by the said
Wheately and company, to the dammadge and preiudice of the said owners
of teh said shipp the Blew Pigeon to the summe and valew at least of 60 li
sterling per moneth, and proportionably for a greater or lesser tim.

To the third hjee cannot depose, saving hee sawe one [?Eunys] at ffoy that
busied himselfe about the said shipp and goods as being concerned as a taker
or an Adventurer in the man of warr.

Repeated before doctor Clerke.

Cornelius Symensson Py [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


7th of July 1655 [CENTRE HEADING]

[?XXX] and Company against Bewley}
Suckly Smith}

Upon an articulate allegation given in
on the behalfe of the sayd Anne hill and others.


George Robinson of Saint Albans in the County of
hertfordshire Merchant, aged about forty yeares, a
wittnes produced, sworne and examined deposeth and
saith as followeth./

To the first article of the sayd allegation he deposeth and
saith That the arlate Mr Umphry hill (since deceased) did tell
this deponent that he the said hill was a part Owner of the
shipp the Swann arlate, And further to the sayd article
he cannot depose

To the second and third articles of the said allegation he deposeth
and saith That he this deponent was one of teh ffreighters
of the shipp the Swann upon the voyage allegate, And the
doth very well remember and knowe that he this deponent
did ingage for Tenne Tonns to be laden aboard the sayd
shipp the Swann, and that the arlate John Bewley
did undertake and ingage for forty five Tonns intended to be laden