HCA 13/70 f.438v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.438v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


which hee knoweth because hee this deponent was then in the Brestman
whereinto hee was before taken out of the Rappahanack whereof hee was
master. And after the said seizure this deponent understood and found
that one of the said English men of warr was in the immediate service of
this Commonwealth, and was named the hopewell Pinck, and
commannded by one Lambert Cornelison, and that the other was a private
man of warr named the Black hound or dogg or some such name
commannded by one derrick Swine, and belonging as the said Swine
said to dover. And saith the said hound or dogge her men first boarded
the Brestman of warr, which hee knoweth because hee this deponent
was then aboard her and (immediately before such their comming aboard her)
being come upon the deck out of the hold where hee was to that time
kept by the Brestmans company, soe that hee could not take notice
(nor doth knowe) which of the two English men of warr fiirst boarded
and entred this deponents shipp the Rappahanack. And saith that
hee beleeveth that neither the said shipp hopewell or
the hound apart and alone could have mastered the Brestman
and Rappahanack and taken them, but by the aide of each other they
performed the said seizure and Rescue. And saith the hound
had six guns, and the Hopewell tenn at the time of the said
seizure and rescue. And otherwise hee cannot depose, saving the
hopewell and hound had about 40 men a peece aboard them.

To the Interrogatories. [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first hee saith hee hath noe part or share in the hound, and
otherwise hee cannot answer.

To the second hee knoweth nothing thereof.

To the third negatively, saying hee never sawe the Commission interrogated

To the fourth hee saith there were some shotts made before the said
seizure and rescue, And otherwise hee cannot answer saving as aforesaid

To the fifth hee cannot depose.

To the sixth hee saith that forthwith and immediately namely in a quaarter
of an houres time or thereabouts after the hounds comming aboard
the Brest man of warr, the hopewells owne men came alsoe aboard
An d otherwise hee cannot answer saving as aforesaid.

To the seaventh hee saith the Rappahanack had bin in the possession of
the said Brestman from the 22th of Aprill last that hee tooke her to
the said 5th of May that shee was rescued as aforesaid.

REpeated before Doctor Clerke./



The 27th of June 1655. [CENTRE HEADING]

dirick [?deuzent] Lewes Godyn and others}
owners of the Blew Pigeon against Wheately}
and company, and [?Eunis]}

Examined upon an allegation on the behalfe
of the said deuzant and others

Suckly dt.


Cornelius Symenson Pye of Amsterdam Mariner, Master
of the said shipp the Blew Pigeon, aged 47 yeares or
thereabouts sworne and examined.

To the first article of the said allegation hee saith and deposeth that the
said vessell the Blew Pigeon with her tackle furniture and lading
were upon the 27th (old stile) of November last 1654 seized by