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==Sir William Ryder==
'''Sir William Ryder'''
'''Editorial history'''
'''Editorial history'''
XX/XX/XX, CSG: Created page
07/10/11, CSG: Created page
28/11/11, CSG: Minor edits to biographical profile
28/11/11, CSG: Minor edits to biographical profile
05/12/11, CSG: Minor additions to content
05/12/11, CSG: Minor additions to content
===Biographical profile===
==Biographical profile==
===To do===
==Background notes==
* Continue to look at the Rider/Ryder connection with the parish of Wembury (alias Wemburie), Devon, just outside Plymouth
In the 1640s and the 1650s William Ryder was usually described by contemporaries as Captain William Ryder.  After receiving a knighthood from the restored Charles II, he was described for the last eight years of his life as Sir William Ryder.  It is as Sir William Ryder that Samuel Pepys came to know him, in a large house at the south-east corner of the Bethnal Green.
However, Ryder's self-identity remained that of a mariner, in the mould, of James Moyer senior, a highly successful mariner from [[MRP: Lee| Leigh, Essex]], who was involved in the Levant trade.  Ryder was most probably from Wembury, near the port town of [[MRP: Plymouth|Plymouth]] in Devon. This was an area which had strong commercial assocations with Spain and Portugal.  The long serving Governor of the Levant Company, Sir Andrew Riccard, came similarly from the southern English coast, in his case from Portesham, near the port town of Weymouth, Dorset.
Historians have shown surprising confusion as to William Ryder's background, and have drawn on a rather narrow range of primary sources to speculate on his religious and political beliefs.<ref>Provide list of historians who refer to Ryder, the context in which they do so, and the judgements they form about his views (eg. Steven C.A. Pincus, ''Protestantism and Patriotism: Ideologies and the Making of English Foreign Policy, 1650-1668'' (Cambridge, 1996), p. 250 & p. 256 (fn. 36))</ref>  However, there are a significant range and number of primary sources which have remained untapped.
Ryder was a close commercial and personal associate of Captain Jeremy Blackman [senior]<ref>See [[MRP: Jeremy Blackman senior will| PROB 11/259 Berkeley 363-412 Will of Jeremy or Jeremie Blackman of Saint Andrew Undershaft, City of London 25 November 1656]]</ref>, whose executor he was, and of his father-in-law Captain Roger Tweedy (whose executor he also was),<ref>See London Metropolitan Archives: Wilson, Maryon-, family: PROPERTY TRANSACTIONS AND RELATED PAPERS (no ref. or date): Deeds relating to Tower Place and the Warren, Woolwich purchased by Sir William Langhorn in 1707 and 1708 (no ref. or date): Bargain and sale  E/MW/C/183 1655/6]</ref> and his brother-in-law Captain John Crowther.
The date and place of marriage of William Ryder and Priscilla Tweedy is not certain. A genealogical source suggests the marriage took place in the parish of St. Gregory by St. Paul, on July 4th 1636, but this is not sufficently substantiated.[[FootNote(See http://histfam.familysearch.org/getperson.php?personID=I78199&tree=London#cite1, viewed 07/01/12; [https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/NKGT-D2N  England, Marriages, 1538–1973, William Rider and Prissilla Tweda, ; citing Saint Gregory By Saint Paul, London, London, England, reference ; FHL microfilm 375028]), accessed 07 Jan 2013]]
An antiquarian source suggests that Roger Tweedy Esquire, which the source identified as Captain Roger Tweedy, was "a worthy Royalist", but provides no evidence of this other than quoting from a memorial stone in the parish church of Saint Mary Rotherhithe, which was presumably put in place following the King's Restoration, though Tweedy was interred in 1655.<ref>[http://archive.org/stream/memorialstoserv00bonngoog#page/n200/mode/2up Edward Josselyn Beck, Thomas George Bonney, Memorials to serve for a history of the parish of St. Mary, Rotherhithe (Cambridge, 1907), pp. 135-136]</ref>
'''Trading in commodities'''
Captain Ryder traded in a wide range of commodities over his lengthy commercial career.
One area in which he was active in both the 1650s and the 1660s was munitions and naval supplies.  Prior to winning and retaining a major naval contract in 166X, in partnership with XXX and XXX, he was involved in purchasing and selling cannon, guns and amunition.  For example, in November 1650, he purchased ten of the ''Greyhound's'' guns, with his frequent partner in the 1650s, Captain Jeremy Blackman, buying a further four large guns.<ref>'A Court of Committees for the Fourth Joint Stock and second General Voyage, November 27, 1650' (''Court Book'', vol. xxi, p. 48), in [http://www.archive.org/stream/courtcalendar00eastrich#page/76/mode/2up Ethel Bruce Sainsbury (ed.), A Calendar of the Court Minutes of the East India Company, 1650-1654 (Oxford, 1913), p. 76]</ref> In 1655 William Ryder was associated with William Pennoyer as well as Jeremy Blackman in the purchase of 100 tons of saltpetre from the EEIC for export to Amsterdam, as evidenced by a joint petition of the three men to the Lord Protector protesting that the Customshouse Commissioners would not allow the export of the saltpetre.<ref>http://www02.us.archive.org/stream/calendarofcourtm00east#page/62/mode/2up Ethel Bruce Sainsbury (ed.), CCM of EIC, 1655-59 (Oxford, 1916)'A Court of Committees for the Fourth Joint Stock and second General Voyage, November 27, 1650' (''Court Book'', vol. xxi, p. 48), in [A Court of Committees for the United Joint Stock, October 19, 1655 (Court Book, vol. xxiii, p. 473), p. 62]</ref>
'''Trade with Spain, Portugal and in Mediterranean'''
It is clear from Richard Hounsell's commercial correspondence that Willima Ryder was active in trade with Spain in the late 1640s and early 1650s.  Additionally, Ryder's name appears on a petition to the Lord Protector of "Portugall merchants," endorsed by secretary John Thurloe, dated March 7th 1654 (?55). (Other names on this petition recognisable in the context of Sir George Oxenden's commercial contacts include Christopher Boone (printed as "Christopher Boonefor"), John Willmott, Stephen White, and Luke Lucey.)
Thomas Birch (ed.), A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe ...: December 1654 to September 1655 (London, 1742), p.200
William Rider's name appears on a shorter list, with the same date but in a totally different context, as a commissioner in a letter from the commissioners for the southern expedition to the protector. The signators were Andrew Riccard, Maurice Thompson, William Williams, John Limbery, Martin Noell, William Rider, William Williams, and Thomas Alderny. (Dated "Old Jury, March 7, 1654)
Thomas Birch (ed.), A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe ...: December 1654 to September 1655 (London, 1742), p.203
'''Add further classes of commodities, with examples'''
Captain Ryder was commercially interested in warehousing.  In October 1656 he agreed to take on from the English East India Company the bulk of the space in their Blue Warehouse.<ref>'A Court of Committees for the United Joint Stock, October 7, 1656 (XXXX, p. 542), in [http://www.archive.org/stream/calendarofcourtm00east#page/114/mode/2up Ethel Bruce Sainsbury (ed.), A Calendar of the Court Minutes of the East India Company, 1655-1659 (Oxford, 1916), p. 115]</ref>  In a letter to Sir George Oxenden, dated XXXX, he rued damage to goods he had placed in his son-in-law's wet warehouse, rather than in his own dry warehouse:
''XXXX''<ref>This is the footnote text</ref>
He was also commercially interested in a sugar house in Woolwich, which he co-owned with his friend and frequent commercial partner in the 1650s, Captain Jeremy Blackman and another merchant with connections to Barbados, Luke Lucie.  In 1656, Blackman bequeathed to his son William Blackman:
''the Increase thereof which I have in Stock att the Sugarhouse in Woolwich in Comp:a with Master Luke Lucie and Captaine William Ryder to be imployed for his advantage untill he shall attaine to his age of one and Twentie yeares''<ref>[[MRP: Jeremy Blackman senior will| PROB 11/259 Berkeley 363-412 Will of Jeremy or Jeremie Blackman of Saint Andrew Undershaft, City of London 25 November 1656"]]</ref>
At any one time he was a part-owner in one or more ships.  Over the years these included the ''Achilles'', the ''Eagle'', the ''Smyrna Merchant'', the ''Thomas and William'' and the XXXX.<ref>This is the footnote text</ref>
Ryder appears in a number of Chancery cases which have not previously been explored by historians.  He also appears in the published correspondence of several contemporary merchants, and in unpublished records relating to Tangiers held at the British Library.<ref>''Achilles'' (1658-XXXX), ''Eagle'' (XXXX-XXXX), ''Smyrna Merchant'' (XXXX-XXXX), ''Thomas & William'' (1652-XXXX</ref>
In a Bill of Complaint in Chancery ([[MRP: C 6/151Pt2/28 f. 1|C 6/151Pt2/28 f. 1]]) William Ryder was a plaintiff along with James Modyford, Robert and Jonathan Dawes, John Portman, Phillip Scarth, John Robinson, Isaac Taylor, and the executors of Abraham ?Moace and Thomas Hodges, as a part owner of the 444 tun ''Thomas and William'' of London, which had been hired out to Parliament for naval service in 1652. In another Bill of Complaint in Chancery ([[MRP: C10/58/29 f. 1|C10/58/29 f. 1]]) he was a defendant in a case in which he, as Captain William Ryder, had received a bill of exchange in London from an Amsterdam source.
Captain William Ryder was already involved in East Indian trade by 1647.  He was elected one of sixteen committees of the Second General Voyage in August 1647, having subscribed at least 1000 pounds. His name stands in the calendar of the minutes of the election immediately after that of Captain Jeremy Blackman, and shortly after Nathan Wright, Maurice Thomson, and Samuel Moyer.<ref>[http://archive.org/stream/calendarofcourtm03sainuoft#page/218/mode/2up CCM of the EEIC, 1646-49, 'A General Court of the Adventurers in the Second Voyage, August 18, 1647' (Court Book, vol. xxii, p.1), p. 218], viewed 07/01/13</ref>.  Ryder was admitted to the freedom of the company one month later on September XXX, 1647.<ref>[http://archive.org/stream/calendarofcourtm03sainuoft#page/226/mode/2up CCM of the EEIC, 1646-49, 'A Court of Committees, September 22, 1647 (Court Book, vol. xx, p.150), p. 226], viewed 07/01/13</ref>
'''Network of commercial contacts and partners'''
Sir William Ryder had an extensive network of commercial contacts and partners over the years, which spanned geographies and political views.
Contacts, described as friends, with whom he had commercial contact included:
John Portman, the London goldsmith
William Cutler, London merchant, naval contractor
Sir Richard Ford, London merchant, naval contractor
Captain George Cocke, London merchant, naval contractor
Sir George Smith, London merchant
Captain Jeremy Blackman, mariner, London merchant, President of the EEIC at Surat (165X-165X)
Captain John Crowther, brother-in-law
Captain Thomas Crowther, brother of John Crowther
Richard Myddleton, London merchant, son-in-law
William Ryder, London merchant, son
Thomas Ryder, London merchant, son
Samuel Heron, apprentice of Sir William Ryder, and later a London merchant in his own right
Sir George Oxenden
Elizabeth Dallison
Sir Henry Oxenden
Ryder's network of commercial correspondents in foreign cities is likely to have been extensive, given the broad range of geographies he traded in during his life.  In 1648 the committees of the EEIC asked Ryder to write "to his correspondent at Antwerp to provide 20,000 rials and send them by the 20th of May, the seller to bear the adventure, and the Committees to give '5s. per ryall for Civill money and Mexicoe, and for Peru according to the rate '.<ref>[http://archive.org/stream/calendarofcourtm03sainuoft#page/266/mode/2up CCM of the EEIC, 'A Meeting of the Committees for the Second General Voyage, April 14, 1648' (Court Book, vol. xxli, p. 65). , p.267]</ref>
'''Wembury in Devon, Saint Olave Hart Street and saint Andrews Undershaft in London, and Bethnal Green in Middlesex'''
Sir William Ryder made a bequest in his will of £50 to the parish of Wembury (alias Wembery, Wemburie), Devon.  Although he does not state in this will that he was born there, this would seem plausible.  Indeed, the Rider/Ryder name was long established in the parish, with local archival references to Rider/Ryder from the C14th, and a good number in the C16th in both Wembury and Plymouth.  However, the ''Visitation of Devon of 1620'' shows only a Rider family of Beare Feris, Devon, a parish to the north of Plymouth, whereas Wembury lies ca. fifteen miles away to the south-east of the port town.  Nevertheless, the ''Protestation Return for Wembury, in the Hundred of Plimpton, 1641/42'' contains the names of Edward Rider (x2), Josias Rider, Martin Rider, and William Rider, with a Nathaniel Rider, constable, acting as one of the signators of the return.<ref>Transcription of ''Protestant return for Wembury, Hundred of Plimpton, Devon, 1641/42'', made by A. J. Howard (XXXX, 1973).  See http://www.devonheritage.org/Places/Wembury/WemburysProtestionReturn.htm</ref>
Sir William Ryder of Bethnal Green, in whose house Samuel Pepys stored his possessions following the fire of 1666, was a post Restoration creation.  Prior to 1661, it is likely that Ryder was living in the City of London.  Possibly in St. Olave, Hart Street, where he and his wife had their daughter Elizabeth baptized in 1643, or possibly at St Andrew's, Undershaft, the parish in which he desired to be buried.<ref>['BAPTISM 1643] May 17 Elizabeth d. William & Priscilla Rider' ([http://www.archive.org/stream/registersofstola46stol#page/52/mode/2up W. Bruce Bannerman, The registers of St. Olave, Hart Street, London, 1563-1700 (London, 1916), p. 52])</ref>  Six months after the birth of their daughter Elizabeth, a son, Richard, was born to an Edmund and Marie Rider, and baptized likewise in the parish of St Olave, Hart Street.<ref>'BAPTISM 1643 Nov. 24 Richard s. Edmund & Marie Rider' ([http://www.archive.org/stream/registersofstola46stol#page/52/mode/2up W. Bruce Bannerman, The registers of St. Olave, Hart Street, London, 1563-1700 (London, 1916), p. 53]</ref>  The probability is high that William and Edmund Rider were related.  However, the identity of Edmund Rider has not been clarified to date.  Just nine months after the birth of William Ryder's daughter, Elizabeth, came another daughter, Marie.  The birth was ascribed to "William & Marie Rider, bapt in y:e house."  This is presumably error, and should have been entered as William & Priscilla?<ref>([http://www.archive.org/stream/registersofstola46stol#page/52/mode/2up W. Bruce Bannerman, The registers of St. Olave, Hart Street, London, 1563-1700 (London, 1916), p. 53]</ref>
'1646 July 3 George s. William & Priscilla Ryder' (p.  55)
==Suggested links==
See [[MRP: Sir William Ryder will|Sir William Ryder will]]
See [[MRP: John Crowther will|John Crowther will]] (Brother-in-law of William Ryder)
See [[MRP: Jeremy Blackman senior will|Jeremy Blackman senior will]] (Close associate of William Ryder)
See [[MRP: James Moyer senior will|James Moyer senior will]] (Interesting comparison with William Ryder)
See [[MRP: Sir George Smith will|Sir George Smith will]] (Associate of William Ryder in 1660s)
See [[MRP: Roger Tweedy will|Roger Tweedy will]] (Father-in-law of William Ryder)
==To do==
(1) Continue to look at the Rider/Ryder connection with the parish of Wembury (alias Wemburie), Devon, just outside Plymouth
- Does Wembury church have a monument to the Ryder family?
- Does Wembury church have a monument to the Ryder family?
===Background notes==
In the 1640s and the 1650s William Ryder was usually described by contemporaries as Captain William Ryder.  After receiving a knighthood from the restored Charles II, he was described for the last eight years of his life as Sir William Ryder.  It is as Sir William Ryder that Samuel Pepys came to know him.  However, Ryder's self-identity remained that of a mariner, in the mould, perhaps of James Moyer senior, a highly successful mariner from Leigh, Essex, who was involved in the Levant trade.  Ryder was a close commercial and personal associate of Captain Jeremy Blackman [senior] and of his father-in-law Captain William Boeve and his brother-in-law Captain John Crowther
Historians have shown surprising confusion as to his background, and have drawn on a rather narrow range of sprimary sources to speculate on Ryder's religious and political beliefs.  However, there is a significant range and number of primary sources which have remained untapped.
===EEIC, 1646-1649===
Ryder appears in a number of Chancery cases which have not previously been explored by historians.  He also appears in the published correspondence of several contemporary merchants, and in unpublished records relating to Tangiers held at the British Library.
===EEIC, 1650-1654===
In the Chancery record C6/15/pt2/28 Ryder was a plaintiff along with James Modyford, Robert and Jonathan Dawes, John Portman, Phillip Scarth, John Robinson, Isaac Taylor, and the executors of Abraham ?Moace and Thomas Hodges, as a part owner of the 444 tun ''Thomas and William'' of London, which had been hired out to Parliament for naval service in 1652. In C10/58/29 he was a defendant in a case in which he, as Captain William Ryder, had received a bill of exchange in London from an Amsterdam source.
Sir William Ryder made a bequest in his will of £50 to the parish of Wembury (alias Wembery, Wemburie), Devon. Although he does not state in this will that he was born there, this would seem plausible. Indeed, the Rider/Ryder name was long established in the parish, with local archival references to Rider/Ryder from the C14th, and a good number in the C16th in both Wembury and Plymouth. However, the ''Visitation of Devon of 1620'' shows only a Rider family of Beare Feris, Devon, a parish to the north of Plymouth, whereas Wembury lies ca. fifteen miles away to the south-east of the port townNevertheless, the ''Protestation Return for Wembury, in the Hundred of Plimpton, 1641/42'' contains the names of Edward Rider (x2), Josias Rider, Martin Rider, and William Rider, with a Nathaniel Rider, constable, acting as one of the signators of the return.<ref>Transcription of ''Protestant return for Wembury, Hundred of Plimpton, Devon, 1641/42'', made by A. J. Howard (XXXX, 1973). See http://www.devonheritage.org/Places/Wembury/WemburysProtestionReturn.htm</ref>
===EEIC, 1655-1659===
"[May 21, 1658] Captain Ryder's purchase of the ''Achilles'' with all her belongings is approved. Captain Henry Terrill is entertained to go in her as master at 6/.. a month, and Captains Ryder, Swan, and Brookhaven are desired to victual and man her with all convenient speed. At the request of Captain Jeremy Blackman, the court agrees, on his paying 400/. into the Company's cash here, to give directions for 1,600 rials to be paid at Surat to Chout Tapper [see p. 355], Colonel Rainsford, and Mr. Revington, to whom Blackman is indebted"<ref>'A Court of Committees for the New General Stock, May 21, 1658' (''XXXX'', p. 108)., in [http://www.archive.org/stream/calendarofcourtm00east#page/260/mode/2up Ethel Bruce Sainsbury (ed.), A Calendar of the Court Minutes of the East India Company, 1655-1659 (Oxford, 1916), pp. 261-262]</ref>
"[October 7, 1656] Captain Ryder's offer to take the Blue Warehouse off the hands of the Fourth Joint Stock for their whole term is reportedIt is thought that the offer should be accepted and the said warehouse be delivered to him at 'Allhollandtide' next, provided that the middle warehouse and loft are left for the Company's use, for which payment shall be made in proportion to the whole rent, and that the Company may be accomodated any time (on payment) with such further room as occasion shall require."<ref>'A Court of Committees for the United Joint Stock, October 7, 1656 (XXXX, p. 542), in [http://www.archive.org/stream/calendarofcourtm00east#page/114/mode/2up Ethel Bruce Sainsbury (ed.), A Calendar of the Court Minutes of the East India Company, 1655-1659 (Oxford, 1916), p. 115]</ref>
===Suggested links===
===EEIC, 1660-1663===
See [[MRP: James Moyer senior will|James Moyer senior will]]
See [[MRP: Sir George Smith will|Sir George Smith will]]
See [[MRP: Jeremy Blackman senior will|Jeremy Blackman senior will]]
===Richard Houncell commercial correspondence, Alicante===
See [[MRP: Roger Tweedy will|Roger Tweedy will]]
See [[MRP: John Crowther will|John Crowther will]]
"En Inglaterra LONDRES
...William Rider  27
William Rider, John Robinson, & Edward Wood  2
William Rider & Thomas Robinson  2
William Rider & Co.  2"<ref>José Ignacio Martínez Ruiz, Perry Gauci, ''Mercaderes ingleses en Alicante en el siglo XVII: estudio y edición de la correspondencia comercial de Richard Houncell & Co'' (Alicante, 2008), p. XX</ref>
"Relacion de las cartas transcritas
18. Londres. William Rider (3-6-1648)"<ref>José Ignacio Martínez Ruiz, Perry Gauci, ''Mercaderes ingleses en Alicante en el siglo XVII: estudio y edición de la correspondencia comercial de Richard Houncell & Co'' (Alicante, 2008), p. 115</ref>
318.  Londres.  William Rider (17-5-1649)
332.  Marsella.  Mathew Hollworthy (22-5-1649)
388.  Marsella. Mathew Hollworthy" (18-7-1649)<ref>José Ignacio Martínez Ruiz, Perry Gauci, ''Mercaderes ingleses en Alicante en el siglo XVII: estudio y edición de la correspondencia comercial de Richard Houncell & Co'' (Alicante, 2008), p. 118</ref>
657. Londres.  William Rider (?-4-1650)
659. Londres.  William Rider (4-6-1650)"<ref>José Ignacio Martínez Ruiz, Perry Gauci, ''Mercaderes ingleses en Alicante en el siglo XVII: estudio y edición de la correspondencia comercial de Richard Houncell & Co'' (Alicante, 2008), p. 121</ref>
"1650 cont./
750. Londres.  William Rider (29-9-1650) (p. 122)
784. James & George Man & Thomas Forster (6-11-1650)"<ref>José Ignacio Martínez Ruiz, Perry Gauci, ''Mercaderes ingleses en Alicante en el siglo XVII: estudio y edición de la correspondencia comercial de Richard Houncell & Co'' (Alicante, 2008), p. 122</ref>
"1650 cont./
808. Londres. William Rider (8-12-1650)"<ref>José Ignacio Martínez Ruiz, Perry Gauci, ''Mercaderes ingleses en Alicante en el siglo XVII: estudio y edición de la correspondencia comercial de Richard Houncell & Co'' (Alicante, 2008), p. 123</ref>
954.  Londres.  William Rider (3-4-1651)
972.  Livorno.  James Man & Co. (14-4-1651)"<ref>José Ignacio Martínez Ruiz, Perry Gauci, ''Mercaderes ingleses en Alicante en el siglo XVII: estudio y edición de la correspondencia comercial de Richard Houncell & Co'' (Alicante, 2008), p. 124</ref>
'''Notes on William Ryder's trading activities as revealed in the above letters'''
Ryder was sending tobacco rolls to Alicante (Letter 18., London, William Rider (Alicante, 3-6-1648)
Letter 34, Greenwich, Andrew Cogan (from the gardens of Valencia, 2-7-1648) mentions Capt. Hurlestone who was to leave Alicante and to return to Valencia. Mentions the ship ''Indimion'' by which "my friend Cap'tn W'm Rider intends to consige us with the first pilchards"
- Note: "Consideration had of the 60l. demanded by Andrew Coggan, executor to his uncle Richard Hounsell, out of whose estate he..." (Ethel Bruce Sainsbury, ''A calendar of the court minutes, etc., of the East India Company, Volume 1'' (Oxford, 1907), p. 194)
- See: PROB 11/138 Dale 64-109 Will of Richard Hounsell or Hownsell, Mariner now Chief Commander of the good Ship Unicorn of Limehouse, Middlesex 23 November 1621
- See: PROB 11/130 Weldon 64-125 Will of Thomas Hounsell, Mariner being Master of the good Ship Attendant now ready prepared for a Voyage into the East Indies 04 July 1617
See PROB 11/239 Alchin 303-356 Will of Richard Hounsell, Merchant 31 January 1654 pp. 2 PDF
C 10/32/65 Hounsell v. Hounsell: Middx 1655
===Primary sources===
===Wembury Protestation Return, ?1641===
The Wembury Protestation Return, Hundred of Plympton, ?1641, listed five individuals with the surname "Rider" out of a total of 102 male names listed.<ref>[Taken from the transcription by A. J. Howard published in 1973 which is available in the West Country Studies Library, Exeter, Devon.  Extract published online at http://www.devonheritage.org/Places/Wembury/WemburysProtestionReturn.htm, viewed 07/01/13]</ref>
"Edward Rider
Edward Rider
Josias Rider
Martin Rider
William Rider"
[[MRP: Sir William Ryder will|Sir William Ryder will]]
===Possible primary sources===
===Rider/Ryder marriages in Devon===
PROB 11/70 Spencer 1-40 Will of John Ryder of Exeter, Devon 25 January 1587
<u>Marriage Licenses of the Diocese of Exeter</u>
PROB 11/194 Rivers 111-157 Will of Elizabeth Rider, Widow of Plymouth, Devon 30 September 1645
PROB 11/219 Grey 201-251 Will of Joane Rider, Widow of Little Hempston, Devon 20 November 1651
PROB 11/233 Alchin 1-50 Will of Josias Ryder, Yeoman of Wembury, Devon 05 December 1654
- A relatively poor yeoman at the time of making his will, Josias makes no mention of any London relations
PROB 11/244 Aylett 51-106 Will of Agnes Ryder, Widow of Brixton, Devon 12 July 1655
- The will of Josias Ryder (PROB 11/233 Alchin 1-50) identifies "Agnis Rider" as Josias Ryder's wife
PROB 11/305 May 104-157 Will of Robert Dawes, Merchant of Saint Martin Orgar, City of London 23 December 1661
"1614-15, Jan. 10. William Ryder of St. Mary Stepps and Elizabeth Ford of Saint George, Exeter."<ref>[J.L. Vivian (ed.), (The) marriage licenses of the diocese of Exeter from the bishop's registers (Exeter, 1889), p. 43]</ref>
PROB 11/340 Eure 108-157 Will of Sir Jonathan Dawes, Alderman of City of London 17 October 1672
PROB 11/293 Pell 350-399 Will of Phillip Scarth, Merchant Tailor of London 03 June 1659
"1623, July 12. Roger Batishull of Southtawton and Lucretia Ryder of Wenburye."<ref>[J.L. Vivian (ed.), (The) marriage licenses of the diocese of Exeter from the bishop's registers (Exeter, 1889), p.81]</ref>
"William Rider of Wembury, Gent., ADD FULL DETAILS"<ref>[J.L. Vivian (ed.), (The) marriage licenses of the diocese of Exeter from the bishop's registers (Exeter, 1889), p. ?]</ref>
===Possible commercial references to William Ryder===
"(1640) 2 April-22 May. Thomas Middleton, John Crane, Phillip le Cocke, James Simkin, William Willowly, Steven Goodyer, John Parker, '''William Ryder''', Robert Hanton, William Tristan, John Hobson, Daniell Butler, William Harris, Thomas Deacon, Joshua Foote, Hugh Norris, Avery Dighton, John Hatly, Mathew Craddock, William Raisborow, Richard Perry, Abraham Toppam, John Coachman, John Bile, William Ward, John Jurion (Juram), Henry Skerner, Richard Holder, Richard Higgons, Tmothy Langley, Steven Goodiard (Goodyeare) and James Linsey shippers of goods on the (St.) John, Mr. Thomas Middleton (Richard Russell after 12 May), bound from London to New England carrying planters and passengers (PRO: E190/43/1,4, 44/1).
Peter Wilson Coldham, The Complete Book of Emigrants:, 1607-1660 (XXXX, XXXX), p.212
'''Possible commercial links between William Ryder and John Robinson'''
"Smith against Goodier.
In ejectment for the manor of heythorpe. - Upon not guilty pleaded, there was a trial at bar by an Oxfordshire jury.
The title of the lessor of the plaintiff was, That ''Edward Goodier, Esq.'' was seised in fee of the said manor, part in demesnes, some part in leases for years with rent reserved, and some part in services; and so seised made feoffment in fee to '''Sir John Robinson''' and '''Sir William Rider''', and their heirs, in trust for Sir Robert Masham: this deed was dated in 1647, and the consieration was five thousand pounds, paid to Goodier; there was a letter of attorney of the same date with the deed, and livery and seisin indorsed." '(Case) 36. Michaelmas Term, 25. Car. 2. In B.R:, p.?34', Thomas Leach, Modern Reports, or, Select cases adjudged in the Courts of Kings Bench, Chanery, Common Pleas, and Exchequer, 1663-1755 (XXXX, XXXX)[[FootNote([
Copies of bargain and sale and assignment of lease  E/MW/C/226/1-2  1654: London Metropolitan Archives
1) John Robinson, John Crowther of Stepney, merchant and Edward Wood
2) William Ryder of London, merchant, Roger Tweedy of Stepney, William Pennoyer of London, merchant Tower Place etc. as in E/MW/C/223
http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/a2a/records.aspx?cat=074-emw&cid=1-1-12-46#1-1-12-46, viewed 07/01/13
- Note that there appears to have been a trading link between William Ryder, John Robinson and Edward Wood at least as early as 1648, when these three names appear in the commercial correspondence of the merchant Richard Houncell, trading with Spain
SEE:  "En Inglaterra LONDRES
...William Rider 27
William Rider, John Robinson, & Edward Wood 2
William Rider & Thomas Robinson 2
William Rider & Co. 2"15"<ref>[José Ignacio Martínez Ruiz, Perry Gauci, Mercaderes ingleses en Alicante en el siglo XVII: estudio y edición de la correspondencia comercial de Richard Houncell & Co (Alicante, 2008), p. ?]</ref>
'''On (John) Robinson''' SEE ALSO IN SAME SOURCE, pp. 74, 114, 250, 298 ("detto Rider and Mr Jno Robinson"), 312
"Letter 417: Genoa. John Lewes and John Mead (Alicante, 5-9-1649). The sudaine departure of this Ship contrary to our exspextation will cause us to be breefe haueing only time to accompanie the adjoined bills of Mr Phillipes for 8000 pesos 8/8 good stampe which are vizd 1000 pesos for your acco in part of your 20 baggs peper and is as much as wee haue in Cax receaued thereof 1000 pesos for acco of Capn Rider and Mr John Robinson part proceed of these goods receaued per Mr Jeferson and the remainder 6000 pesos are for the proper acco of our Risch: Houn: which you are to remit him by exa for England by the first good bills payable to Mr John Benthall or his assignes..."<ref>[http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=BJuKHcC8iecC&pg=PA93&lpg=PA93&dq=Mercaderes+ingleses+en+Alicante+e&source=bl&ots=WzLscUkLIZ&sig=_iKjgmAKR19OLfoIefaTECOim5A&hl=en&sa=X&ei=NNzqUMu-Iqeo0QW6soGQAw&ved=0CFsQ6AEwBA#v=onepage&q=robinson&f=false José Ignacio Martínez Ruiz, Perry Gauci, Mercaderes ingleses en Alicante en el siglo XVII: estudio y edición de la correspondencia comercial de Richard Houncell & Co (Alicante, 2008), p. 242], viewed 07/01/13</ref>
===Assorted Devon Rider/Ryder references===
* Wembury (alt. Wemburie; Wenbury; Wenburie)
* Downe Thomas (ca, 4 km from Wembury, with familay and land ties to Riders/Ryders of Wembury)
* Ryder/Rider
"[no title]  74/71/2  1588
1 Martyn Ryder of Wembury, gent, and William, his son
2 Josias Calmady of Wembury, gent
Lands in Brytherixcheston and Ranleigh, Down Thomas manor, Wembury"
Plymouth and West Devon Record Office: Kitley Estate, Yealmpton [74/1/1 - 74/265/2]: [no title]  74/71/2  1588
[no title]  74/71/3  1588
1 Josias Calmady
2 Martyn Ryder and William Ryder
Barton of Down Thomas and parts of Goytes Barn, Bovesande Meadowe, Will Parke, Thornes Parkes, Landebootes, Rayngley Wood, Brytherixcheston Wood, all in Wembury
Plymouth and West Devon Record Office: Kitley Estate, Yealmpton [74/1/1 - 74/265/2]: [no title] 74/71/3 1588
[no title]  74/71/4  1593/4
1 John Calmady of Essettle, gent
2 Martyn Ryder and William Ryder
Property at Bretherixton and Ranleighe, Down Thomas, Wembury
Plymouth and West Devon Record Office: Kitley Estate, Yealmpton [74/1/1 - 74/265/2]: [no title] 74/71/4 1593/4
"[no title]  457/15  1 July 1599
Deed of Exchange
1. Richard Cole of Buckyshe, esq.,
2. Martyne Ryder of Wemburie and William Ryder his son
Lands in Down Thomas, Dunston and Bowe parke. Land in Wemburie Boveysand Meddowe, Wembury"<ref>[http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/A2A/records.aspx?cat=028-457&cid=1-1-15#1-1-15 Plymouth and West Devon Record Office:  W H Sloman, Solicitor: Property Deeds  (no ref. or date): Down Thomas  (no ref. or date): (no title) 457/15  1 July 1599]</ref>
[no title]  74/71/5  1618
1 Edmond Rowse of Wembury, yeoman and Martyn, his son
2 William Ryder of Wembury, gent
Thorneparke, part of the barton of Down Thomas
Plymouth and West Devon Record Office: Kitley Estate, Yealmpton: [no title]  74/71/5  1618
"[no title]  457/27  18 September 1622
Lease for 99 years
1. Martyn Ryder of Down Thomas, gent
2. John Prynne, merchant
Tenement called Yeoland in Wembury
Rent: 50s p.a."<ref>[http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/A2A/records.aspx?cat=028-457&cid=1-1-27#1-1-27 Plymouth and West Devon Record Office:  W H Sloman, Solicitor: Property Deeds  (no ref. or date): Down Thomas  (no ref. or date): (no title) 457/27  18 September 1622]</ref>
- Down Thomas is located ca. 4 km North-West of Wembury in Devon, and ca. 8 km South-East of Plymouth
Extract from a document described as giving "the names and abodes of the men impressed in the Southern Division". There were 124 men impressed from the South division, and others from other divisions. It was an indenture dated XXX, 1625. The men were to rendezvous in the town of Plymouth on May 25th, in the first year of the reign of Charles I (1625)
"William Rider of Beerferris"<ref>[http://archive.org/stream/ReportTransactionsOfTheDevonshireAssociationVol101878/TDA1878vol10#page/n233/mode/2up Paul Q. Karkeek, 'The first visit of Charles I to Devon, 1625', Report & Transactions of the Devonshire Association Vol 10 (Plymouth, 1878), p.227]</ref>
- Bere Ferrers (modern spelling) is located to the North of Plymouth, whereas Wembury is located South-East of Plamouth. They are ca. 20 km apart.
Linked to Calmady Family: "Mary Ryder (bur 30.06.1636, dau of William Ryder of Wembury)"<ref>http://www.stirnet.com/HTML/genie/british/cc4aq/calmady1.htm, viewed 07/01/13</ref>
"[no title]  74/71/9  1672
Final concord
1 Oliver Reed
2 Frances Ryder
Part of the manor of Down Thomas and other lands in Devon"
Plymouth and West Devon Record Office: Kitley Estate, Yealmpton: [no title]  74/71/9  1672
"[no title]  74/71/7-8  1675
Lease and release
1 Oliver Reed of Ward, St Stephens by Saltash, Cornwall, gent
2 Frances Ryder of Down Thomas
Indewood, Shaw and two tenements in Noss Mayo"
Plymouth and West Devon Record Office: Kitley Estate, Yealmpton: [no title]  74/71/7-8  1675
===Wembury parish church===
H. Montague Evans, 'Wembury: Its bay, church and parish - part 2,' ''Trans. Devon. Assoc.'' 41-42, (1909-10). illus. pp.517-537.
Selected names:
"Ryder, John Snr 526, 528, 534-5, 537
Ryder, John 526, 530
Ryder, Martin 526, 536-7
Ryder, Thomas 526, 536
Ryder, William 537"
===Genuki: Wembury parish===
[http://genuki.cs.ncl.ac.uk/DEV/Wembury/index.html Genuki: Parish of Wembury]
- ""WEMBURY, a scattered village near the sea cliffs between Plymouth Sound and the mouth of the Yealm, 6 miles S.E. by S. of Plymouth, has in its parish 646 souls and 3670 acres of land, including the hamlets of Knighton and Down Thomas. . . . E.R.P. Bastard, Esq., is now lord of the manor and of the royalty of the river Plym, from Kitley to Plymouth Sound. C.B. Calmady, Esq., is lord of the manor of Langdon, and resides at Langdon Hall a neat Elizabethan mansion, which has been the seat of his family for several generations. T. Lockyer and several smaller owners have estates here, and Sir Edward Thornton, G.C.B., has a handsome seat in the parish. The Church (St. Werburg,) stands near the sea cliff, and is a small antique structure, with a tower and three bells. . . . The perpetual curacy, valued in 1831 at only £83, is in the patronage of the Dean and Canons of Windsor, and incumbency of the Rev. Rd. Lane, jun., of Brixton. The Wesleyans have a small chapel here, built in 1820.. . . ." [From White's Devonshire Directory (1850)]"
- "A parish in Plympton Hundred, the Archdeaconry of Totnes, and the Diocese of Exeter."
- Sources mentioned.
Brown, Mike. ''Guide Notes to Monuments in Devon Churches & Graveyards: Wembury, Holbeton.'' The Dartmoor Press. 16pp. [Hele, Calmady, Mildmay, Bulteel]
Jewers, Arthur J. 'Wembury Church,''Western Antiquary'' 9, 10-11 (1890) pp.177-181.
- Church records:
Parish Registers going back to 1611 are held in the Devon Record Office - for details see Parish Registers in the Devon Record Office.
Transcripts of the Parish Registers going back to 1611 are held in a special collection in the Westcountry Studies Library - for details see Parish Registers in the Devon & Cornwall Record Society's Collection.
The Devon FHS publishes indexes covering (as of June 2004): Baptisms 1813-1839, Marriages 1612-1837, Burials 1813-1837 - for details see their book list.
The Online Parish Clerk scheme's representative for this parish is Robert Rowland, who invites queries and lookup requests.
===IGI: Wembury===
Entered into the IGI (as of Jan 1993): Parish Church Christenings 1611-1837 and Marriages 1612-1837.
Parish Registers going back to 1611 are held in the Devon Record Office - for details see Parish Registers in the Devon Record Office.
Transcripts of the Parish Registers going back to 1611 are held in a special collection in the Westcountry Studies Library - for details see Parish Registers in the Devon & Cornwall Record Society's Collection.
The Devon FHS publishes indexes covering (as of June 2004): Baptisms 1813-1839, Marriages 1612-1837, Burials 1813-1837 - for details see their book list.
'''Father = Francis Ryder'''
* BAPTISM/CHRISTENING: Dorathy Ryder; 19 Oct 1654; Wembury, Devon; FATHER: Francis Ryder MOTHER: Dorathy
- "England, Births and Christenings, 1538-1975," index, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/J737-R4H : accessed 07 Jan 2013), Dorathy Ryder, 19 Oct 1654; citing WEMBURY,DEVON,ENGLAND, reference ; FHL microfilm 917553.
* BAPTISM/CHRISTENING: Maria Ryder; 25 Oct 1655; Wembury, Devon; FATHER: Francis Ryder MOTHER: Dorathy
- "England, Births and Christenings, 1538-1975," index, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/JWNH-MHP : accessed 07 Jan 2013), Maria Ryder, 25 Oct 1655; citing WEMBURY,DEVON,ENGLAND, reference ; FHL microfilm 917553.
'''Father = Edward Ryder'''
* BAPTISM/CHRISTENING; 29 Aug 1658; Wembury, Devon; FATHER: Edward Ryder MOTHER: Marie
- "England, Births and Christenings, 1538-1975," index, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/J737-591 : accessed 07 Jan 2013), Marie Ryder, 29 Aug 1658; citing WEMBURY,DEVON,ENGLAND, reference ; FHL microfilm 917553.
* BAPTISM/CHRISTENING; 30 Oct 1660; Wembury, Devon; FATHER: Edward Ryder MOTHER: Marie
- "England, Births and Christenings, 1538-1975," index, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/N56W-95J : accessed 07 Jan 2013), Constance Ryder, 30 Oct 1660; citing WEMBURY,DEVON,ENGLAND, reference ; FHL microfilm 917553.
'''Honor Ryder'''
MARRIAGE: Richard Prine; Honor Ryder: Date of marriage: 30 Jun 1612; Marriage place: Wembury, Devon
- "England, Marriages, 1538–1973 ," index, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/N2TK-G9K : accessed 07 Jan 2013), Richard Prine and Honor Rider, ; citing Wembury,Devon,England, reference ; FHL microfilm 917553.
'''John Rider'''
MARRIAGE: John Rider ; Elizabeth Reich: Date of marriage: 07 Aug 1612 ; Marriage place: Wembury, Devon
- "England, Marriages, 1538–1973 ," index, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/N2TK-T4W : accessed 07 Jan 2013), John Rider and Elizabeth Reich, ; citing Wembury,Devon,England, reference ; FHL microfilm 917553.
'''Richard Ryder'''
MARRIAGE: Richard Ryder; Susan Beaton: Date of marriage: 09 May 1629; Marriage place: Wembury, Devon
- "England, Marriages, 1538–1973 ," index, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/N2TK-G6T : accessed 07 Jan 2013), Richard Rider and Susan Beaton, ; citing Wembury,Devon,England, reference ; FHL microfilm 917553.
'''Nathanaell Rider'''
MARRIAGE: Nathanaell Rider; Anne Reede: Date of marriage: 26 Dec 1632; Marriage place: Wembury, Devon
- "England, Marriages, 1538–1973 ," index, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/N2TK-L5T : accessed 07 Jan 2013), Nathanaell Rider and Anne Reede, ; citing Wembury,Devon,England, reference ; FHL microfilm 917553.
'''Edward Rider'''
MARRIAGE: Edward Rider; Susan Fosterd: Date of marriage: 15 Oct 1638; Marriage place: Wembury, Devon
- "England, Marriages, 1538–1973 ," index, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/N2TK-BTB : accessed 07 Jan 2013), Edward Rider and Susan Fosterd, ; citing Wembury,Devon,England, reference ; FHL microfilm 917553.
'''Anne Ryder'''
MARRIAGE: James Frood; Anne Ryder: Date of marriage: 04 Dec 1655 ; Marriage place: Wembury, Devon
- "England, Marriages, 1538–1973 ," index, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/N2TK-P9F : accessed 07 Jan 2013), James Frood and Anne Ryder, ; citing Wembury,Devon,England, reference ; FHL microfilm 917553.
'''Edward Ryder'''
MARRIAGE: Edward Ryder; Marie Galsworthye: Date of marriage: 19 Nov 1656; Marriage place: Wembury, Devon
- "England, Marriages, 1538–1973 ," index, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/N2TK-BYM : accessed 07 Jan 2013), Edward Ryder and Marie Galsworthye, ; citing Wembury,Devon,England, reference ; FHL microfilm 917553.
===Wikipedia: Wembury parish===
[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wembury Wikipedia: Wembury]
- "The parish of Wembury was divided into four manors: Wembury, Down Thomas, Langdon and Alfelmeston. According to Lyson's 'Devonshire', published in 1822, the manor of Wembury originally belonged to Plympton priory. After the dissolution of the monasteries in 1539 it went into private ownership. Wembury House, the (rebuilt) mansion on the estate, remains in private ownership. Wembury House is an elegant Georgian mansion, originally an Elizabethan House stood on the site now occupied by the current house built in the 17th Century. It was rebuilt by Major Edmund Lockyer."
===Wembury parish registers===
"WEMBURY PARISH REGISTERS:Baptisms 2 April 1611 - 26 April 1772, Marriages 27 May 1612 - 24 August 1753, Burials 10 April 1611 - 1772  125/1  1611-1772. Supplementary information: Index available on request"
http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/a2a/records.aspx?cat=028-125&cid=-1#-1 Plymouth and West Devon Record Office: Wembury Parish: REGISTERS (no ref. or date)
- OVERSEERES OF THE POOR: Account Books, etc (no ref. or date): Account Book of the Poor's Stock with various notes at beginning, 1629 -1655; 30 March 1657 - 24 December 1735  125/19  1629-1735; and Poor Rate Book and Accounts, 23 April 1661 - 1743  125/20  1661-1743
http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/a2a/records.aspx?cat=028-125&cid=-1#-1 Plymouth and West Devon Record Office: Wembury Parish: REGISTERS (no ref. or date)
- CHARITIES  [no ref. or date]
Martyn Charity  [no ref. or date: Recital that Philippe Cole, Esq., Nicholas Fortescue, gentleman, Thomas Rede, Martyn Ryder, William Revell, Nicholas Rowse, Michaell Pryne, Nicholas Werynge and John Spicer are seised of a tenement or burgage and garden in Plympton Erle for the maintenance of Wembury Church  125/387  1573
Feoffment of the tenement or burgage and garden in the Borough of Plympton, on south of Quenes Street, leading from the Market Place towards Longbroke, on west of lands of John Sparke the elder, on east of land of John Frynke the younger, and on north of a river called Longe Broke, occupied by Christopher Martyn, gentleman
Philippe Cole, Nicholas Fortescue, Thomas Rede, Martyn Ryder, William Revell, Nicholas Rowse, Michaell Pryne, Nicholas Werynge and John Spicer to Christopher Martyn
Consideration: expenses of the lessee in the repair of the tenement. Rent reserved
Rent: 24s p.a. to the feoffees for the repair of Wembury Church or for the poor of Wembury 20 May 1573"
==Map of Parish of Wembury, showing Ryder family lands==
<u>Parish of Wembury (Trans.Devon. Assoc., 1910, vol. 42, bet. pp. 518 & 519</u>
==Possible primary sources==
C 3/323/58 Short title: Rider v Mace. Plaintiffs: John Rider and others. Defendants: William Mace. Subject: money matters, Devon. Document type: bill, answer. 1620
C 3/323/58 Short title: Rider v Mace. Plaintiffs: John Rider and others. Defendants: William Mace. Subject: money matters, Devon. Document type: bill, answer. 1620
Line 65: Line 529:
C 6/225/43  Short title: Pening v Ryder. Plaintiffs: Robert Pening and Nicholas Pening. Defendants: Priscilla Ryder and Thomas Ryder. Subject: money matters, Middlesex. Document type: bill, answer, schedule. 1677
C 6/225/43  Short title: Pening v Ryder. Plaintiffs: Robert Pening and Nicholas Pening. Defendants: Priscilla Ryder and Thomas Ryder. Subject: money matters, Middlesex. Document type: bill, answer, schedule. 1677
C 6/552/118 Short title: Rider v [unknown]. First plaintiff: Priscilla Rider. Defendants: [unknown]. Document type: bill only. 1685
C 6/552/118 Short title: Rider v [unknown]. First plaintiff: Priscilla Rider. Defendants: [unknown]. Document type: bill only. 1685
C 10/39/78 Wustis v. Ryder: Devon 1647
<u>C 10/39/78 Wustis v. Ryder: Devon 1647</u>
'''C 10/58/29 Gomeldon v. Ryder, Marsham and Fardinando: Middlesex 1659'''
'''C 10/58/29 Gomeldon v. Ryder, Marsham and Fardinando: Middlesex 1659'''
- See possibly C 22/1000/41 Ryder v. Marsham Between 1558 and 1714
- See possibly C 22/1000/41 Ryder v. Marsham Between 1558 and 1714
Line 83: Line 547:
E 115/324/131 Certificate of residence showing Sir William Rider (or the variant surname: Ryder) to be liable for taxation in Middlesex, and not in [Essex], the previous area of tax liability. (Any information not given in this certificate comes from its old pouch, no 662. 1663-1664
E 115/324/131 Certificate of residence showing Sir William Rider (or the variant surname: Ryder) to be liable for taxation in Middlesex, and not in [Essex], the previous area of tax liability. (Any information not given in this certificate comes from its old pouch, no 662. 1663-1664
PROB 11/70 Spencer 1-40 Will of John Ryder of Exeter, Devon 25 January 1587
PROB 11/194 Rivers 111-157 Will of Elizabeth Rider, Widow of Plymouth, Devon 30 September 1645
PROB 11/219 Grey 201-251 Will of Joane Rider, Widow of Little Hempston, Devon 20 November 1651
PROB 11/233 Alchin 1-50 Will of Josias Ryder, Yeoman of Wembury, Devon 05 December 1654
- A relatively poor yeoman at the time of making his will, Josias makes no mention of any London relations
PROB 11/244 Aylett 51-106 Will of Agnes Ryder, Widow of Brixton, Devon 12 July 1655
- The will of Josias Ryder (PROB 11/233 Alchin 1-50) identifies "Agnis Rider" as Josias Ryder's wife
PROB 11/305 May 104-157 Will of Robert Dawes, Merchant of Saint Martin Orgar, City of London 23 December 1661
PROB 11/340 Eure 108-157 Will of Sir Jonathan Dawes, Alderman of City of London 17 October 1672
PROB 11/293 Pell 350-399 Will of Phillip Scarth, Merchant Tailor of London 03 June 1659
SP 71/1 Countess of Inchiquin's petition to the king asking that ransom money be sent by a merchant Ryder, and not paid through the consul [1660 x 1674]
SP 71/1 Countess of Inchiquin's petition to the king asking that ransom money be sent by a merchant Ryder, and not paid through the consul [1660 x 1674]
WARD 7/16/28 Ryder, Thomas: Devon 18 Eliz I.
WARD 7/16/28 Ryder, Thomas: Devon 18 Eliz I.
===Plymouth and West Devon Record Office===
[http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/a2a/records.aspx?cat=028-372&cid=-1#-1 Plymouth and West Devon Record Office: Calmady Manuscripts; 372/9/3/12: 1629]
[http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/a2a/records.aspx?cat=028-372&cid=-1#-1 Plymouth and West Devon Record Office: Calmady Manuscripts; 372/9/3/12: 1629]
Line 92: Line 570:
===Possible secondary sources===
==Possible secondary sources==
Brown, Mike. Guide Notes to Monuments in Devon Churches & Graveyards: Wembury, Holbeton. The Dartmoor Press. 16pp. [Hele, Calmady, Mildmay, Bulteel]
[http://www.archive.org/stream/visitationcount02camdgoog#page/n9/mode/2up Colby, Frederic Thomas, The visitation of the county of Devon in the year 1620 (London, 1872)]
[http://www.archive.org/stream/visitationcount02camdgoog#page/n9/mode/2up Colby, Frederic Thomas, The visitation of the county of Devon in the year 1620 (London, 1872)]
- See [http://www.archive.org/stream/visitationcount02camdgoog#page/n259/mode/2up Pedigree of family of Rider (of Beare Feris, Devon), p. 241]
- See [http://www.archive.org/stream/visitationcount02camdgoog#page/n259/mode/2up Pedigree of family of Rider (of Beare Feris, Devon), p. 241]
- See Pedigree of family of Glanvill, p. 130
- See Pedigree of family of Glanvill, p. 130
Evans, H. Montague. Wembury: its bay, church and parish - parts 1 and 2. Trans. Devon Assoc. 41-42 (1909-10)
- [http://www.devonassoc.org.uk/transactions.htm The Devonshire Association for the Advancement of Science, Literature, and the Arts]
- Scanned copies of the earlier volumes, almost in their entirety, are freely available from the Internet Archive website. Unfortunately 1909 (XLI) seems to be missing, though the 1910 (XLII) volume is available (Trans Dev Assoc XL 1908; then Trans Dev Assoc XLII 1910 (wrongly dated @ IA); then Trans Dev Assoc XLIII 1911
- [http://archive.org/stream/reportandtransa17artgoog#page/n548/mode/2up Evans, H. Montague. Wembury: its bay, church and parish - part 2, Trans. Devon Assoc. 42 (1910), pp. 517-537]
Jewers, Arthur J., 'Wembury Church,' ''Western Antiquary'' 9, 10-11 (1890) pp.177-181.
Rowe, Joshua Brooking, ''A history of the borough of Plympton Erle: the castle and manor of Plympton, and of the ecclesiastical parish of Plympton St. Thomas, in the county of Devon'' (XXXX, 1906)
Rowe, Joshua Brooking, ''A history of the borough of Plympton Erle: the castle and manor of Plympton, and of the ecclesiastical parish of Plympton St. Thomas, in the county of Devon'' (XXXX, 1906)
Rowland, Robert, 'The Parish of Wembury,' ''Devon Family Historian'' 22 (April 1982) pp. 5- 6
Wembury Local History Society

Latest revision as of 18:13, December 17, 2021

Sir William Ryder

Editorial history

07/10/11, CSG: Created page
28/11/11, CSG: Minor edits to biographical profile
05/12/11, CSG: Minor additions to content

Biographical profile


Background notes

In the 1640s and the 1650s William Ryder was usually described by contemporaries as Captain William Ryder. After receiving a knighthood from the restored Charles II, he was described for the last eight years of his life as Sir William Ryder. It is as Sir William Ryder that Samuel Pepys came to know him, in a large house at the south-east corner of the Bethnal Green.

However, Ryder's self-identity remained that of a mariner, in the mould, of James Moyer senior, a highly successful mariner from Leigh, Essex, who was involved in the Levant trade. Ryder was most probably from Wembury, near the port town of Plymouth in Devon. This was an area which had strong commercial assocations with Spain and Portugal. The long serving Governor of the Levant Company, Sir Andrew Riccard, came similarly from the southern English coast, in his case from Portesham, near the port town of Weymouth, Dorset.

Historians have shown surprising confusion as to William Ryder's background, and have drawn on a rather narrow range of primary sources to speculate on his religious and political beliefs.[1] However, there are a significant range and number of primary sources which have remained untapped.

Ryder was a close commercial and personal associate of Captain Jeremy Blackman [senior][2], whose executor he was, and of his father-in-law Captain Roger Tweedy (whose executor he also was),[3] and his brother-in-law Captain John Crowther.

The date and place of marriage of William Ryder and Priscilla Tweedy is not certain. A genealogical source suggests the marriage took place in the parish of St. Gregory by St. Paul, on July 4th 1636, but this is not sufficently substantiated.[[FootNote(See http://histfam.familysearch.org/getperson.php?personID=I78199&tree=London#cite1, viewed 07/01/12; England, Marriages, 1538–1973, William Rider and Prissilla Tweda, ; citing Saint Gregory By Saint Paul, London, London, England, reference ; FHL microfilm 375028), accessed 07 Jan 2013]]

An antiquarian source suggests that Roger Tweedy Esquire, which the source identified as Captain Roger Tweedy, was "a worthy Royalist", but provides no evidence of this other than quoting from a memorial stone in the parish church of Saint Mary Rotherhithe, which was presumably put in place following the King's Restoration, though Tweedy was interred in 1655.[4]

Trading in commodities

Captain Ryder traded in a wide range of commodities over his lengthy commercial career.

One area in which he was active in both the 1650s and the 1660s was munitions and naval supplies. Prior to winning and retaining a major naval contract in 166X, in partnership with XXX and XXX, he was involved in purchasing and selling cannon, guns and amunition. For example, in November 1650, he purchased ten of the Greyhound's guns, with his frequent partner in the 1650s, Captain Jeremy Blackman, buying a further four large guns.[5] In 1655 William Ryder was associated with William Pennoyer as well as Jeremy Blackman in the purchase of 100 tons of saltpetre from the EEIC for export to Amsterdam, as evidenced by a joint petition of the three men to the Lord Protector protesting that the Customshouse Commissioners would not allow the export of the saltpetre.[6]

Trade with Spain, Portugal and in Mediterranean

It is clear from Richard Hounsell's commercial correspondence that Willima Ryder was active in trade with Spain in the late 1640s and early 1650s. Additionally, Ryder's name appears on a petition to the Lord Protector of "Portugall merchants," endorsed by secretary John Thurloe, dated March 7th 1654 (?55). (Other names on this petition recognisable in the context of Sir George Oxenden's commercial contacts include Christopher Boone (printed as "Christopher Boonefor"), John Willmott, Stephen White, and Luke Lucey.)
Thomas Birch (ed.), A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe ...: December 1654 to September 1655 (London, 1742), p.200

William Rider's name appears on a shorter list, with the same date but in a totally different context, as a commissioner in a letter from the commissioners for the southern expedition to the protector. The signators were Andrew Riccard, Maurice Thompson, William Williams, John Limbery, Martin Noell, William Rider, William Williams, and Thomas Alderny. (Dated "Old Jury, March 7, 1654)

Thomas Birch (ed.), A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe ...: December 1654 to September 1655 (London, 1742), p.203

Add further classes of commodities, with examples

Captain Ryder was commercially interested in warehousing. In October 1656 he agreed to take on from the English East India Company the bulk of the space in their Blue Warehouse.[7] In a letter to Sir George Oxenden, dated XXXX, he rued damage to goods he had placed in his son-in-law's wet warehouse, rather than in his own dry warehouse:


He was also commercially interested in a sugar house in Woolwich, which he co-owned with his friend and frequent commercial partner in the 1650s, Captain Jeremy Blackman and another merchant with connections to Barbados, Luke Lucie. In 1656, Blackman bequeathed to his son William Blackman:

the Increase thereof which I have in Stock att the Sugarhouse in Woolwich in Comp:a with Master Luke Lucie and Captaine William Ryder to be imployed for his advantage untill he shall attaine to his age of one and Twentie yeares[9]

At any one time he was a part-owner in one or more ships. Over the years these included the Achilles, the Eagle, the Smyrna Merchant, the Thomas and William and the XXXX.[10]

Ryder appears in a number of Chancery cases which have not previously been explored by historians. He also appears in the published correspondence of several contemporary merchants, and in unpublished records relating to Tangiers held at the British Library.[11]

In a Bill of Complaint in Chancery (C 6/151Pt2/28 f. 1) William Ryder was a plaintiff along with James Modyford, Robert and Jonathan Dawes, John Portman, Phillip Scarth, John Robinson, Isaac Taylor, and the executors of Abraham ?Moace and Thomas Hodges, as a part owner of the 444 tun Thomas and William of London, which had been hired out to Parliament for naval service in 1652. In another Bill of Complaint in Chancery (C10/58/29 f. 1) he was a defendant in a case in which he, as Captain William Ryder, had received a bill of exchange in London from an Amsterdam source.

Captain William Ryder was already involved in East Indian trade by 1647. He was elected one of sixteen committees of the Second General Voyage in August 1647, having subscribed at least 1000 pounds. His name stands in the calendar of the minutes of the election immediately after that of Captain Jeremy Blackman, and shortly after Nathan Wright, Maurice Thomson, and Samuel Moyer.[12]. Ryder was admitted to the freedom of the company one month later on September XXX, 1647.[13]

Network of commercial contacts and partners

Sir William Ryder had an extensive network of commercial contacts and partners over the years, which spanned geographies and political views.

Contacts, described as friends, with whom he had commercial contact included:

John Portman, the London goldsmith
William Cutler, London merchant, naval contractor
Sir Richard Ford, London merchant, naval contractor
Captain George Cocke, London merchant, naval contractor
Sir George Smith, London merchant
Captain Jeremy Blackman, mariner, London merchant, President of the EEIC at Surat (165X-165X)
Captain John Crowther, brother-in-law
Captain Thomas Crowther, brother of John Crowther
Richard Myddleton, London merchant, son-in-law
William Ryder, London merchant, son
Thomas Ryder, London merchant, son
Samuel Heron, apprentice of Sir William Ryder, and later a London merchant in his own right
Sir George Oxenden
Elizabeth Dallison
Sir Henry Oxenden

Ryder's network of commercial correspondents in foreign cities is likely to have been extensive, given the broad range of geographies he traded in during his life. In 1648 the committees of the EEIC asked Ryder to write "to his correspondent at Antwerp to provide 20,000 rials and send them by the 20th of May, the seller to bear the adventure, and the Committees to give '5s. per ryall for Civill money and Mexicoe, and for Peru according to the rate '.[14]

Wembury in Devon, Saint Olave Hart Street and saint Andrews Undershaft in London, and Bethnal Green in Middlesex

Sir William Ryder made a bequest in his will of £50 to the parish of Wembury (alias Wembery, Wemburie), Devon. Although he does not state in this will that he was born there, this would seem plausible. Indeed, the Rider/Ryder name was long established in the parish, with local archival references to Rider/Ryder from the C14th, and a good number in the C16th in both Wembury and Plymouth. However, the Visitation of Devon of 1620 shows only a Rider family of Beare Feris, Devon, a parish to the north of Plymouth, whereas Wembury lies ca. fifteen miles away to the south-east of the port town. Nevertheless, the Protestation Return for Wembury, in the Hundred of Plimpton, 1641/42 contains the names of Edward Rider (x2), Josias Rider, Martin Rider, and William Rider, with a Nathaniel Rider, constable, acting as one of the signators of the return.[15]

Sir William Ryder of Bethnal Green, in whose house Samuel Pepys stored his possessions following the fire of 1666, was a post Restoration creation. Prior to 1661, it is likely that Ryder was living in the City of London. Possibly in St. Olave, Hart Street, where he and his wife had their daughter Elizabeth baptized in 1643, or possibly at St Andrew's, Undershaft, the parish in which he desired to be buried.[16] Six months after the birth of their daughter Elizabeth, a son, Richard, was born to an Edmund and Marie Rider, and baptized likewise in the parish of St Olave, Hart Street.[17] The probability is high that William and Edmund Rider were related. However, the identity of Edmund Rider has not been clarified to date. Just nine months after the birth of William Ryder's daughter, Elizabeth, came another daughter, Marie. The birth was ascribed to "William & Marie Rider, bapt in y:e house." This is presumably error, and should have been entered as William & Priscilla?[18]

'1646 July 3 George s. William & Priscilla Ryder' (p. 55)

Suggested links

See Sir William Ryder will

See John Crowther will (Brother-in-law of William Ryder)
See Jeremy Blackman senior will (Close associate of William Ryder)
See James Moyer senior will (Interesting comparison with William Ryder)
See Sir George Smith will (Associate of William Ryder in 1660s)
See Roger Tweedy will (Father-in-law of William Ryder)

To do

(1) Continue to look at the Rider/Ryder connection with the parish of Wembury (alias Wemburie), Devon, just outside Plymouth
- Does Wembury church have a monument to the Ryder family?


EEIC, 1646-1649


EEIC, 1650-1654


EEIC, 1655-1659

"[May 21, 1658] Captain Ryder's purchase of the Achilles with all her belongings is approved. Captain Henry Terrill is entertained to go in her as master at 6/.. a month, and Captains Ryder, Swan, and Brookhaven are desired to victual and man her with all convenient speed. At the request of Captain Jeremy Blackman, the court agrees, on his paying 400/. into the Company's cash here, to give directions for 1,600 rials to be paid at Surat to Chout Tapper [see p. 355], Colonel Rainsford, and Mr. Revington, to whom Blackman is indebted"[19]

"[October 7, 1656] Captain Ryder's offer to take the Blue Warehouse off the hands of the Fourth Joint Stock for their whole term is reported. It is thought that the offer should be accepted and the said warehouse be delivered to him at 'Allhollandtide' next, provided that the middle warehouse and loft are left for the Company's use, for which payment shall be made in proportion to the whole rent, and that the Company may be accomodated any time (on payment) with such further room as occasion shall require."[20]

EEIC, 1660-1663


Richard Houncell commercial correspondence, Alicante

"En Inglaterra LONDRES

...William Rider 27
William Rider, John Robinson, & Edward Wood 2
William Rider & Thomas Robinson 2
William Rider & Co. 2"[21]

"Relacion de las cartas transcritas


18. Londres. William Rider (3-6-1648)"[22]


318. Londres. William Rider (17-5-1649)
332. Marsella. Mathew Hollworthy (22-5-1649)
388. Marsella. Mathew Hollworthy" (18-7-1649)[23]


657. Londres. William Rider (?-4-1650)
659. Londres. William Rider (4-6-1650)"[24]

"1650 cont./

750. Londres. William Rider (29-9-1650) (p. 122)
784. James & George Man & Thomas Forster (6-11-1650)"[25]

"1650 cont./
808. Londres. William Rider (8-12-1650)"[26]


954. Londres. William Rider (3-4-1651)
972. Livorno. James Man & Co. (14-4-1651)"[27]

Notes on William Ryder's trading activities as revealed in the above letters

Ryder was sending tobacco rolls to Alicante (Letter 18., London, William Rider (Alicante, 3-6-1648)
Letter 34, Greenwich, Andrew Cogan (from the gardens of Valencia, 2-7-1648) mentions Capt. Hurlestone who was to leave Alicante and to return to Valencia. Mentions the ship Indimion by which "my friend Cap'tn W'm Rider intends to consige us with the first pilchards"
- Note: "Consideration had of the 60l. demanded by Andrew Coggan, executor to his uncle Richard Hounsell, out of whose estate he..." (Ethel Bruce Sainsbury, A calendar of the court minutes, etc., of the East India Company, Volume 1 (Oxford, 1907), p. 194)
- See: PROB 11/138 Dale 64-109 Will of Richard Hounsell or Hownsell, Mariner now Chief Commander of the good Ship Unicorn of Limehouse, Middlesex 23 November 1621
- See: PROB 11/130 Weldon 64-125 Will of Thomas Hounsell, Mariner being Master of the good Ship Attendant now ready prepared for a Voyage into the East Indies 04 July 1617

See PROB 11/239 Alchin 303-356 Will of Richard Hounsell, Merchant 31 January 1654 pp. 2 PDF
C 10/32/65 Hounsell v. Hounsell: Middx 1655

Wembury Protestation Return, ?1641

The Wembury Protestation Return, Hundred of Plympton, ?1641, listed five individuals with the surname "Rider" out of a total of 102 male names listed.[28]

"Edward Rider
Edward Rider
Josias Rider
Martin Rider
William Rider"

Rider/Ryder marriages in Devon

Marriage Licenses of the Diocese of Exeter

"1614-15, Jan. 10. William Ryder of St. Mary Stepps and Elizabeth Ford of Saint George, Exeter."[29]

"1623, July 12. Roger Batishull of Southtawton and Lucretia Ryder of Wenburye."[30]

"William Rider of Wembury, Gent., ADD FULL DETAILS"[31]

Possible commercial references to William Ryder

"(1640) 2 April-22 May. Thomas Middleton, John Crane, Phillip le Cocke, James Simkin, William Willowly, Steven Goodyer, John Parker, William Ryder, Robert Hanton, William Tristan, John Hobson, Daniell Butler, William Harris, Thomas Deacon, Joshua Foote, Hugh Norris, Avery Dighton, John Hatly, Mathew Craddock, William Raisborow, Richard Perry, Abraham Toppam, John Coachman, John Bile, William Ward, John Jurion (Juram), Henry Skerner, Richard Holder, Richard Higgons, Tmothy Langley, Steven Goodiard (Goodyeare) and James Linsey shippers of goods on the (St.) John, Mr. Thomas Middleton (Richard Russell after 12 May), bound from London to New England carrying planters and passengers (PRO: E190/43/1,4, 44/1).

Peter Wilson Coldham, The Complete Book of Emigrants:, 1607-1660 (XXXX, XXXX), p.212

Possible commercial links between William Ryder and John Robinson


"Smith against Goodier.

In ejectment for the manor of heythorpe. - Upon not guilty pleaded, there was a trial at bar by an Oxfordshire jury.

The title of the lessor of the plaintiff was, That Edward Goodier, Esq. was seised in fee of the said manor, part in demesnes, some part in leases for years with rent reserved, and some part in services; and so seised made feoffment in fee to Sir John Robinson and Sir William Rider, and their heirs, in trust for Sir Robert Masham: this deed was dated in 1647, and the consieration was five thousand pounds, paid to Goodier; there was a letter of attorney of the same date with the deed, and livery and seisin indorsed." '(Case) 36. Michaelmas Term, 25. Car. 2. In B.R:, p.?34', Thomas Leach, Modern Reports, or, Select cases adjudged in the Courts of Kings Bench, Chanery, Common Pleas, and Exchequer, 1663-1755 (XXXX, XXXX)[[FootNote([


Copies of bargain and sale and assignment of lease E/MW/C/226/1-2 1654: London Metropolitan Archives
1) John Robinson, John Crowther of Stepney, merchant and Edward Wood
2) William Ryder of London, merchant, Roger Tweedy of Stepney, William Pennoyer of London, merchant Tower Place etc. as in E/MW/C/223
http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/a2a/records.aspx?cat=074-emw&cid=1-1-12-46#1-1-12-46, viewed 07/01/13

- Note that there appears to have been a trading link between William Ryder, John Robinson and Edward Wood at least as early as 1648, when these three names appear in the commercial correspondence of the merchant Richard Houncell, trading with Spain

SEE: "En Inglaterra LONDRES

...William Rider 27
William Rider, John Robinson, & Edward Wood 2
William Rider & Thomas Robinson 2
William Rider & Co. 2"15"[32]

On (John) Robinson SEE ALSO IN SAME SOURCE, pp. 74, 114, 250, 298 ("detto Rider and Mr Jno Robinson"), 312


"Letter 417: Genoa. John Lewes and John Mead (Alicante, 5-9-1649). The sudaine departure of this Ship contrary to our exspextation will cause us to be breefe haueing only time to accompanie the adjoined bills of Mr Phillipes for 8000 pesos 8/8 good stampe which are vizd 1000 pesos for your acco in part of your 20 baggs peper and is as much as wee haue in Cax receaued thereof 1000 pesos for acco of Capn Rider and Mr John Robinson part proceed of these goods receaued per Mr Jeferson and the remainder 6000 pesos are for the proper acco of our Risch: Houn: which you are to remit him by exa for England by the first good bills payable to Mr John Benthall or his assignes..."[33]

Assorted Devon Rider/Ryder references


  • Wembury (alt. Wemburie; Wenbury; Wenburie)
  • Downe Thomas (ca, 4 km from Wembury, with familay and land ties to Riders/Ryders of Wembury)
  • Ryder/Rider


"[no title] 74/71/2 1588
1 Martyn Ryder of Wembury, gent, and William, his son
2 Josias Calmady of Wembury, gent
Lands in Brytherixcheston and Ranleigh, Down Thomas manor, Wembury"


Plymouth and West Devon Record Office: Kitley Estate, Yealmpton [74/1/1 - 74/265/2]: [no title] 74/71/2 1588

[no title] 74/71/3 1588

1 Josias Calmady
2 Martyn Ryder and William Ryder
Barton of Down Thomas and parts of Goytes Barn, Bovesande Meadowe, Will Parke, Thornes Parkes, Landebootes, Rayngley Wood, Brytherixcheston Wood, all in Wembury


Plymouth and West Devon Record Office: Kitley Estate, Yealmpton [74/1/1 - 74/265/2]: [no title] 74/71/3 1588


[no title] 74/71/4 1593/4

1 John Calmady of Essettle, gent
2 Martyn Ryder and William Ryder
Property at Bretherixton and Ranleighe, Down Thomas, Wembury


Plymouth and West Devon Record Office: Kitley Estate, Yealmpton [74/1/1 - 74/265/2]: [no title] 74/71/4 1593/4


"[no title] 457/15 1 July 1599
Deed of Exchange
1. Richard Cole of Buckyshe, esq.,
2. Martyne Ryder of Wemburie and William Ryder his son
Lands in Down Thomas, Dunston and Bowe parke. Land in Wemburie Boveysand Meddowe, Wembury"[34]


[no title] 74/71/5 1618

1 Edmond Rowse of Wembury, yeoman and Martyn, his son
2 William Ryder of Wembury, gent
Thorneparke, part of the barton of Down Thomas


Plymouth and West Devon Record Office: Kitley Estate, Yealmpton: [no title] 74/71/5 1618


"[no title] 457/27 18 September 1622
Lease for 99 years
1. Martyn Ryder of Down Thomas, gent
2. John Prynne, merchant
Tenement called Yeoland in Wembury
Rent: 50s p.a."[35]

- Down Thomas is located ca. 4 km North-West of Wembury in Devon, and ca. 8 km South-East of Plymouth


Extract from a document described as giving "the names and abodes of the men impressed in the Southern Division". There were 124 men impressed from the South division, and others from other divisions. It was an indenture dated XXX, 1625. The men were to rendezvous in the town of Plymouth on May 25th, in the first year of the reign of Charles I (1625)

"William Rider of Beerferris"[36]

- Bere Ferrers (modern spelling) is located to the North of Plymouth, whereas Wembury is located South-East of Plamouth. They are ca. 20 km apart.


Linked to Calmady Family: "Mary Ryder (bur 30.06.1636, dau of William Ryder of Wembury)"[37]


"[no title] 74/71/9 1672
Final concord
1 Oliver Reed
2 Frances Ryder
Part of the manor of Down Thomas and other lands in Devon"


Plymouth and West Devon Record Office: Kitley Estate, Yealmpton: [no title] 74/71/9 1672


"[no title] 74/71/7-8 1675
Lease and release
1 Oliver Reed of Ward, St Stephens by Saltash, Cornwall, gent
2 Frances Ryder of Down Thomas
Indewood, Shaw and two tenements in Noss Mayo"


Plymouth and West Devon Record Office: Kitley Estate, Yealmpton: [no title] 74/71/7-8 1675

Wembury parish church

H. Montague Evans, 'Wembury: Its bay, church and parish - part 2,' Trans. Devon. Assoc. 41-42, (1909-10). illus. pp.517-537.


Selected names:

"Ryder, John Snr 526, 528, 534-5, 537
Ryder, John 526, 530
Ryder, Martin 526, 536-7
Ryder, Thomas 526, 536
Ryder, William 537"

Genuki: Wembury parish

Genuki: Parish of Wembury

- ""WEMBURY, a scattered village near the sea cliffs between Plymouth Sound and the mouth of the Yealm, 6 miles S.E. by S. of Plymouth, has in its parish 646 souls and 3670 acres of land, including the hamlets of Knighton and Down Thomas. . . . E.R.P. Bastard, Esq., is now lord of the manor and of the royalty of the river Plym, from Kitley to Plymouth Sound. C.B. Calmady, Esq., is lord of the manor of Langdon, and resides at Langdon Hall a neat Elizabethan mansion, which has been the seat of his family for several generations. T. Lockyer and several smaller owners have estates here, and Sir Edward Thornton, G.C.B., has a handsome seat in the parish. The Church (St. Werburg,) stands near the sea cliff, and is a small antique structure, with a tower and three bells. . . . The perpetual curacy, valued in 1831 at only £83, is in the patronage of the Dean and Canons of Windsor, and incumbency of the Rev. Rd. Lane, jun., of Brixton. The Wesleyans have a small chapel here, built in 1820.. . . ." [From White's Devonshire Directory (1850)]"

- "A parish in Plympton Hundred, the Archdeaconry of Totnes, and the Diocese of Exeter."

- Sources mentioned.

Brown, Mike. Guide Notes to Monuments in Devon Churches & Graveyards: Wembury, Holbeton. The Dartmoor Press. 16pp. [Hele, Calmady, Mildmay, Bulteel]

Jewers, Arthur J. 'Wembury Church,Western Antiquary 9, 10-11 (1890) pp.177-181.

- Church records:

Parish Registers going back to 1611 are held in the Devon Record Office - for details see Parish Registers in the Devon Record Office.

Transcripts of the Parish Registers going back to 1611 are held in a special collection in the Westcountry Studies Library - for details see Parish Registers in the Devon & Cornwall Record Society's Collection.

The Devon FHS publishes indexes covering (as of June 2004): Baptisms 1813-1839, Marriages 1612-1837, Burials 1813-1837 - for details see their book list.

The Online Parish Clerk scheme's representative for this parish is Robert Rowland, who invites queries and lookup requests.

IGI: Wembury

Entered into the IGI (as of Jan 1993): Parish Church Christenings 1611-1837 and Marriages 1612-1837.

Parish Registers going back to 1611 are held in the Devon Record Office - for details see Parish Registers in the Devon Record Office.

Transcripts of the Parish Registers going back to 1611 are held in a special collection in the Westcountry Studies Library - for details see Parish Registers in the Devon & Cornwall Record Society's Collection.

The Devon FHS publishes indexes covering (as of June 2004): Baptisms 1813-1839, Marriages 1612-1837, Burials 1813-1837 - for details see their book list.


Father = Francis Ryder

  • BAPTISM/CHRISTENING: Dorathy Ryder; 19 Oct 1654; Wembury, Devon; FATHER: Francis Ryder MOTHER: Dorathy

- "England, Births and Christenings, 1538-1975," index, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/J737-R4H : accessed 07 Jan 2013), Dorathy Ryder, 19 Oct 1654; citing WEMBURY,DEVON,ENGLAND, reference ; FHL microfilm 917553.

  • BAPTISM/CHRISTENING: Maria Ryder; 25 Oct 1655; Wembury, Devon; FATHER: Francis Ryder MOTHER: Dorathy

- "England, Births and Christenings, 1538-1975," index, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/JWNH-MHP : accessed 07 Jan 2013), Maria Ryder, 25 Oct 1655; citing WEMBURY,DEVON,ENGLAND, reference ; FHL microfilm 917553.

Father = Edward Ryder

  • BAPTISM/CHRISTENING; 29 Aug 1658; Wembury, Devon; FATHER: Edward Ryder MOTHER: Marie

- "England, Births and Christenings, 1538-1975," index, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/J737-591 : accessed 07 Jan 2013), Marie Ryder, 29 Aug 1658; citing WEMBURY,DEVON,ENGLAND, reference ; FHL microfilm 917553.

  • BAPTISM/CHRISTENING; 30 Oct 1660; Wembury, Devon; FATHER: Edward Ryder MOTHER: Marie

- "England, Births and Christenings, 1538-1975," index, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/N56W-95J : accessed 07 Jan 2013), Constance Ryder, 30 Oct 1660; citing WEMBURY,DEVON,ENGLAND, reference ; FHL microfilm 917553.


Honor Ryder

MARRIAGE: Richard Prine; Honor Ryder: Date of marriage: 30 Jun 1612; Marriage place: Wembury, Devon
- "England, Marriages, 1538–1973 ," index, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/N2TK-G9K : accessed 07 Jan 2013), Richard Prine and Honor Rider, ; citing Wembury,Devon,England, reference ; FHL microfilm 917553.

John Rider

MARRIAGE: John Rider ; Elizabeth Reich: Date of marriage: 07 Aug 1612 ; Marriage place: Wembury, Devon
- "England, Marriages, 1538–1973 ," index, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/N2TK-T4W : accessed 07 Jan 2013), John Rider and Elizabeth Reich, ; citing Wembury,Devon,England, reference ; FHL microfilm 917553.

Richard Ryder

MARRIAGE: Richard Ryder; Susan Beaton: Date of marriage: 09 May 1629; Marriage place: Wembury, Devon
- "England, Marriages, 1538–1973 ," index, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/N2TK-G6T : accessed 07 Jan 2013), Richard Rider and Susan Beaton, ; citing Wembury,Devon,England, reference ; FHL microfilm 917553.

Nathanaell Rider

MARRIAGE: Nathanaell Rider; Anne Reede: Date of marriage: 26 Dec 1632; Marriage place: Wembury, Devon
- "England, Marriages, 1538–1973 ," index, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/N2TK-L5T : accessed 07 Jan 2013), Nathanaell Rider and Anne Reede, ; citing Wembury,Devon,England, reference ; FHL microfilm 917553.

Edward Rider

MARRIAGE: Edward Rider; Susan Fosterd: Date of marriage: 15 Oct 1638; Marriage place: Wembury, Devon
- "England, Marriages, 1538–1973 ," index, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/N2TK-BTB : accessed 07 Jan 2013), Edward Rider and Susan Fosterd, ; citing Wembury,Devon,England, reference ; FHL microfilm 917553.

Anne Ryder

MARRIAGE: James Frood; Anne Ryder: Date of marriage: 04 Dec 1655 ; Marriage place: Wembury, Devon
- "England, Marriages, 1538–1973 ," index, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/N2TK-P9F : accessed 07 Jan 2013), James Frood and Anne Ryder, ; citing Wembury,Devon,England, reference ; FHL microfilm 917553.

Edward Ryder

MARRIAGE: Edward Ryder; Marie Galsworthye: Date of marriage: 19 Nov 1656; Marriage place: Wembury, Devon

- "England, Marriages, 1538–1973 ," index, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/N2TK-BYM : accessed 07 Jan 2013), Edward Ryder and Marie Galsworthye, ; citing Wembury,Devon,England, reference ; FHL microfilm 917553.

Wikipedia: Wembury parish

Wikipedia: Wembury

- "The parish of Wembury was divided into four manors: Wembury, Down Thomas, Langdon and Alfelmeston. According to Lyson's 'Devonshire', published in 1822, the manor of Wembury originally belonged to Plympton priory. After the dissolution of the monasteries in 1539 it went into private ownership. Wembury House, the (rebuilt) mansion on the estate, remains in private ownership. Wembury House is an elegant Georgian mansion, originally an Elizabethan House stood on the site now occupied by the current house built in the 17th Century. It was rebuilt by Major Edmund Lockyer."

Wembury parish registers

"WEMBURY PARISH REGISTERS:Baptisms 2 April 1611 - 26 April 1772, Marriages 27 May 1612 - 24 August 1753, Burials 10 April 1611 - 1772 125/1 1611-1772. Supplementary information: Index available on request"

http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/a2a/records.aspx?cat=028-125&cid=-1#-1 Plymouth and West Devon Record Office: Wembury Parish: REGISTERS (no ref. or date)

- OVERSEERES OF THE POOR: Account Books, etc (no ref. or date): Account Book of the Poor's Stock with various notes at beginning, 1629 -1655; 30 March 1657 - 24 December 1735 125/19 1629-1735; and Poor Rate Book and Accounts, 23 April 1661 - 1743 125/20 1661-1743

http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/a2a/records.aspx?cat=028-125&cid=-1#-1 Plymouth and West Devon Record Office: Wembury Parish: REGISTERS (no ref. or date)

- CHARITIES [no ref. or date]

Martyn Charity [no ref. or date: Recital that Philippe Cole, Esq., Nicholas Fortescue, gentleman, Thomas Rede, Martyn Ryder, William Revell, Nicholas Rowse, Michaell Pryne, Nicholas Werynge and John Spicer are seised of a tenement or burgage and garden in Plympton Erle for the maintenance of Wembury Church 125/387 1573
Feoffment of the tenement or burgage and garden in the Borough of Plympton, on south of Quenes Street, leading from the Market Place towards Longbroke, on west of lands of John Sparke the elder, on east of land of John Frynke the younger, and on north of a river called Longe Broke, occupied by Christopher Martyn, gentleman
Philippe Cole, Nicholas Fortescue, Thomas Rede, Martyn Ryder, William Revell, Nicholas Rowse, Michaell Pryne, Nicholas Werynge and John Spicer to Christopher Martyn
Consideration: expenses of the lessee in the repair of the tenement. Rent reserved
Rent: 24s p.a. to the feoffees for the repair of Wembury Church or for the poor of Wembury 20 May 1573"

Map of Parish of Wembury, showing Ryder family lands

Parish of Wembury (Trans.Devon. Assoc., 1910, vol. 42, bet. pp. 518 & 519

CAPTURE Parish Wembury TransDevonAss 1910 vol42 betp518&518 IArch DL 070113.JPG

Possible primary sources


C 3/323/58 Short title: Rider v Mace. Plaintiffs: John Rider and others. Defendants: William Mace. Subject: money matters, Devon. Document type: bill, answer. 1620
C 5/49/124 Reeve v. Rider: Middlesex. 1667
C 5/53/26 Ford v. Ryder: Middlesex. 1668
C 5/413/31 Richardson v. Rider: Middlesex. 1664
C 6/131/60 Short title: Garway v Merchants of London, governor & company of. Plaintiffs: John Garway and Thomas Garway. Defendants: Governor and Company of Merchants of London Trading into the East Indies [East India Company], William Cockine, Andrew Riard, Daniel Andrews, William Ryder, Jeremiah Sambrook and another. 1655
C 6/151Pt2/28 Short title: Moudiford v Greaves. Plaintiffs: James Moudiford, Robert Dawes, Jonathan Dawes, William Rider, John Portman and Philip Scarth. Defendants: Abraham Greaves, Sarah Greaves his wife and Richard Hutchinson. Subject: money matters, Middlesex. Document type: answer only. 1659
C 6/179/37 Short title: Ryder v Evelin. Plaintiffs: Sir William Ryder kt. Defendants: George Evelin, Francis Cooke and Richard Hunt. Subject: property in Horndon, Essex. Document type: bill, answer. 1667
C 6/225/43 Short title: Pening v Ryder. Plaintiffs: Robert Pening and Nicholas Pening. Defendants: Priscilla Ryder and Thomas Ryder. Subject: money matters, Middlesex. Document type: bill, answer, schedule. 1677
C 6/552/118 Short title: Rider v [unknown]. First plaintiff: Priscilla Rider. Defendants: [unknown]. Document type: bill only. 1685
C 10/39/78 Wustis v. Ryder: Devon 1647
C 10/58/29 Gomeldon v. Ryder, Marsham and Fardinando: Middlesex 1659
- See possibly C 22/1000/41 Ryder v. Marsham Between 1558 and 1714
C 10/86/36 Gibbon v. Hendra, Heatley, sandys, Buckworth, Ryder and others: Middlesex 1667
C 10/89/61 Gibbon v. Ryder, Ford, Bushword, Sandys, Fox, Heatley and others: Middlesex 1668
C 10/160/44 Gibbon v. Ryder, Ford, Buckworth, Sandys and Heatley 1668
C 10/161/25 Gibbon v. Ryder and Sandys: Middlesex 1670
C 10/99/70 East India Co. v. Smith, Rider, Wood, Thompson 1661
C 10/155/38 Cutlere v. Ryder, knight, Cocke, Backwell & Herne: Middx. 1669
C 10/165/4 Joseph Alston v Dame Priscilla Rider widow and Thomas Rider: money matters, Middx. Bill and demurrer 1671
C 22/28/11 Bayley v. Rider. Between 1558 and 1714
- Sir William Ryder's second daughter, Priscilla, married Richard Bayly (see Sir William Ryder's will)
C 22/927/5 Baylie v. Ryder Between 1558 and 1714
C 110/29 BAYLEY v RYDER: Accounts and family correspondence of William Reversham, Priscilla Baylie, Robert Bernard, William Riders and others 1677-1716
- Sir William Ryder's second daughter, Priscilla, married Richard Bayly (see Sir William Ryder's will)
C 142/763/190 Ryder, William: Devon 20 James I.

E 115/324/131 Certificate of residence showing Sir William Rider (or the variant surname: Ryder) to be liable for taxation in Middlesex, and not in [Essex], the previous area of tax liability. (Any information not given in this certificate comes from its old pouch, no 662. 1663-1664

PROB 11/70 Spencer 1-40 Will of John Ryder of Exeter, Devon 25 January 1587
PROB 11/194 Rivers 111-157 Will of Elizabeth Rider, Widow of Plymouth, Devon 30 September 1645
PROB 11/219 Grey 201-251 Will of Joane Rider, Widow of Little Hempston, Devon 20 November 1651
PROB 11/233 Alchin 1-50 Will of Josias Ryder, Yeoman of Wembury, Devon 05 December 1654
- A relatively poor yeoman at the time of making his will, Josias makes no mention of any London relations
PROB 11/244 Aylett 51-106 Will of Agnes Ryder, Widow of Brixton, Devon 12 July 1655
- The will of Josias Ryder (PROB 11/233 Alchin 1-50) identifies "Agnis Rider" as Josias Ryder's wife

PROB 11/305 May 104-157 Will of Robert Dawes, Merchant of Saint Martin Orgar, City of London 23 December 1661
PROB 11/340 Eure 108-157 Will of Sir Jonathan Dawes, Alderman of City of London 17 October 1672
PROB 11/293 Pell 350-399 Will of Phillip Scarth, Merchant Tailor of London 03 June 1659

SP 71/1 Countess of Inchiquin's petition to the king asking that ransom money be sent by a merchant Ryder, and not paid through the consul [1660 x 1674]

WARD 7/16/28 Ryder, Thomas: Devon 18 Eliz I.

Plymouth and West Devon Record Office

Plymouth and West Devon Record Office: Calmady Manuscripts; 372/9/3/12: 1629
- Contents: 1. Sir Shilston Calmady, kt and Edward Calmady, of Plymouth, esq 2. Josias Ryder of Wembury, yeoman, Mitchells Hill in Wembury

Possible secondary sources

Brown, Mike. Guide Notes to Monuments in Devon Churches & Graveyards: Wembury, Holbeton. The Dartmoor Press. 16pp. [Hele, Calmady, Mildmay, Bulteel]

Colby, Frederic Thomas, The visitation of the county of Devon in the year 1620 (London, 1872)
- See Pedigree of family of Rider (of Beare Feris, Devon), p. 241
- See Pedigree of family of Glanvill, p. 130

Evans, H. Montague. Wembury: its bay, church and parish - parts 1 and 2. Trans. Devon Assoc. 41-42 (1909-10)

- The Devonshire Association for the Advancement of Science, Literature, and the Arts

- Scanned copies of the earlier volumes, almost in their entirety, are freely available from the Internet Archive website. Unfortunately 1909 (XLI) seems to be missing, though the 1910 (XLII) volume is available (Trans Dev Assoc XL 1908; then Trans Dev Assoc XLII 1910 (wrongly dated @ IA); then Trans Dev Assoc XLIII 1911

- Evans, H. Montague. Wembury: its bay, church and parish - part 2, Trans. Devon Assoc. 42 (1910), pp. 517-537

Jewers, Arthur J., 'Wembury Church,' Western Antiquary 9, 10-11 (1890) pp.177-181.

Rowe, Joshua Brooking, A history of the borough of Plympton Erle: the castle and manor of Plympton, and of the ecclesiastical parish of Plympton St. Thomas, in the county of Devon (XXXX, 1906)

Rowland, Robert, 'The Parish of Wembury,' Devon Family Historian 22 (April 1982) pp. 5- 6

Wembury Local History Society
  1. Provide list of historians who refer to Ryder, the context in which they do so, and the judgements they form about his views (eg. Steven C.A. Pincus, Protestantism and Patriotism: Ideologies and the Making of English Foreign Policy, 1650-1668 (Cambridge, 1996), p. 250 & p. 256 (fn. 36))
  2. See PROB 11/259 Berkeley 363-412 Will of Jeremy or Jeremie Blackman of Saint Andrew Undershaft, City of London 25 November 1656
  3. See London Metropolitan Archives: Wilson, Maryon-, family: PROPERTY TRANSACTIONS AND RELATED PAPERS (no ref. or date): Deeds relating to Tower Place and the Warren, Woolwich purchased by Sir William Langhorn in 1707 and 1708 (no ref. or date): Bargain and sale E/MW/C/183 1655/6]
  4. Edward Josselyn Beck, Thomas George Bonney, Memorials to serve for a history of the parish of St. Mary, Rotherhithe (Cambridge, 1907), pp. 135-136
  5. 'A Court of Committees for the Fourth Joint Stock and second General Voyage, November 27, 1650' (Court Book, vol. xxi, p. 48), in Ethel Bruce Sainsbury (ed.), A Calendar of the Court Minutes of the East India Company, 1650-1654 (Oxford, 1913), p. 76
  6. http://www02.us.archive.org/stream/calendarofcourtm00east#page/62/mode/2up Ethel Bruce Sainsbury (ed.), CCM of EIC, 1655-59 (Oxford, 1916)'A Court of Committees for the Fourth Joint Stock and second General Voyage, November 27, 1650' (Court Book, vol. xxi, p. 48), in [A Court of Committees for the United Joint Stock, October 19, 1655 (Court Book, vol. xxiii, p. 473), p. 62]
  7. 'A Court of Committees for the United Joint Stock, October 7, 1656 (XXXX, p. 542), in Ethel Bruce Sainsbury (ed.), A Calendar of the Court Minutes of the East India Company, 1655-1659 (Oxford, 1916), p. 115
  8. This is the footnote text
  9. PROB 11/259 Berkeley 363-412 Will of Jeremy or Jeremie Blackman of Saint Andrew Undershaft, City of London 25 November 1656"
  10. This is the footnote text
  11. Achilles (1658-XXXX), Eagle (XXXX-XXXX), Smyrna Merchant (XXXX-XXXX), Thomas & William (1652-XXXX
  12. CCM of the EEIC, 1646-49, 'A General Court of the Adventurers in the Second Voyage, August 18, 1647' (Court Book, vol. xxii, p.1), p. 218, viewed 07/01/13
  13. CCM of the EEIC, 1646-49, 'A Court of Committees, September 22, 1647 (Court Book, vol. xx, p.150), p. 226, viewed 07/01/13
  14. CCM of the EEIC, 'A Meeting of the Committees for the Second General Voyage, April 14, 1648' (Court Book, vol. xxli, p. 65). , p.267
  15. Transcription of Protestant return for Wembury, Hundred of Plimpton, Devon, 1641/42, made by A. J. Howard (XXXX, 1973). See http://www.devonheritage.org/Places/Wembury/WemburysProtestionReturn.htm
  16. ['BAPTISM 1643] May 17 Elizabeth d. William & Priscilla Rider' (W. Bruce Bannerman, The registers of St. Olave, Hart Street, London, 1563-1700 (London, 1916), p. 52)
  17. 'BAPTISM 1643 Nov. 24 Richard s. Edmund & Marie Rider' (W. Bruce Bannerman, The registers of St. Olave, Hart Street, London, 1563-1700 (London, 1916), p. 53
  18. (W. Bruce Bannerman, The registers of St. Olave, Hart Street, London, 1563-1700 (London, 1916), p. 53
  19. 'A Court of Committees for the New General Stock, May 21, 1658' (XXXX, p. 108)., in Ethel Bruce Sainsbury (ed.), A Calendar of the Court Minutes of the East India Company, 1655-1659 (Oxford, 1916), pp. 261-262
  20. 'A Court of Committees for the United Joint Stock, October 7, 1656 (XXXX, p. 542), in Ethel Bruce Sainsbury (ed.), A Calendar of the Court Minutes of the East India Company, 1655-1659 (Oxford, 1916), p. 115
  21. José Ignacio Martínez Ruiz, Perry Gauci, Mercaderes ingleses en Alicante en el siglo XVII: estudio y edición de la correspondencia comercial de Richard Houncell & Co (Alicante, 2008), p. XX
  22. José Ignacio Martínez Ruiz, Perry Gauci, Mercaderes ingleses en Alicante en el siglo XVII: estudio y edición de la correspondencia comercial de Richard Houncell & Co (Alicante, 2008), p. 115
  23. José Ignacio Martínez Ruiz, Perry Gauci, Mercaderes ingleses en Alicante en el siglo XVII: estudio y edición de la correspondencia comercial de Richard Houncell & Co (Alicante, 2008), p. 118
  24. José Ignacio Martínez Ruiz, Perry Gauci, Mercaderes ingleses en Alicante en el siglo XVII: estudio y edición de la correspondencia comercial de Richard Houncell & Co (Alicante, 2008), p. 121
  25. José Ignacio Martínez Ruiz, Perry Gauci, Mercaderes ingleses en Alicante en el siglo XVII: estudio y edición de la correspondencia comercial de Richard Houncell & Co (Alicante, 2008), p. 122
  26. José Ignacio Martínez Ruiz, Perry Gauci, Mercaderes ingleses en Alicante en el siglo XVII: estudio y edición de la correspondencia comercial de Richard Houncell & Co (Alicante, 2008), p. 123
  27. José Ignacio Martínez Ruiz, Perry Gauci, Mercaderes ingleses en Alicante en el siglo XVII: estudio y edición de la correspondencia comercial de Richard Houncell & Co (Alicante, 2008), p. 124
  28. [Taken from the transcription by A. J. Howard published in 1973 which is available in the West Country Studies Library, Exeter, Devon. Extract published online at http://www.devonheritage.org/Places/Wembury/WemburysProtestionReturn.htm, viewed 07/01/13]
  29. [J.L. Vivian (ed.), (The) marriage licenses of the diocese of Exeter from the bishop's registers (Exeter, 1889), p. 43]
  30. [J.L. Vivian (ed.), (The) marriage licenses of the diocese of Exeter from the bishop's registers (Exeter, 1889), p.81]
  31. [J.L. Vivian (ed.), (The) marriage licenses of the diocese of Exeter from the bishop's registers (Exeter, 1889), p. ?]
  32. [José Ignacio Martínez Ruiz, Perry Gauci, Mercaderes ingleses en Alicante en el siglo XVII: estudio y edición de la correspondencia comercial de Richard Houncell & Co (Alicante, 2008), p. ?]
  33. José Ignacio Martínez Ruiz, Perry Gauci, Mercaderes ingleses en Alicante en el siglo XVII: estudio y edición de la correspondencia comercial de Richard Houncell & Co (Alicante, 2008), p. 242, viewed 07/01/13
  34. Plymouth and West Devon Record Office: W H Sloman, Solicitor: Property Deeds (no ref. or date): Down Thomas (no ref. or date): (no title) 457/15 1 July 1599
  35. Plymouth and West Devon Record Office: W H Sloman, Solicitor: Property Deeds (no ref. or date): Down Thomas (no ref. or date): (no title) 457/27 18 September 1622
  36. Paul Q. Karkeek, 'The first visit of Charles I to Devon, 1625', Report & Transactions of the Devonshire Association Vol 10 (Plymouth, 1878), p.227
  37. http://www.stirnet.com/HTML/genie/british/cc4aq/calmady1.htm, viewed 07/01/13