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|Editorial history=Created 19/12/13, by CSG
|Status=Uploaded image; transcribed on 02/09/2012
|First transcriber=Jill Wilcox
|First transcribed=2012/09/02
|Editorial history=Edited on 30/11/2012 by Colin Greenstreet and on 25/8/2013 by Jill Wilcox
|Note=IMAGE: P1080957.JPG
|Transcription image={{#transcription-image: P1080957.JPG}}
<series>HCA 13/71</series>
|Transcription=marchandiseing and have both of them severall times employed this deponent XX GUTTER
and about their marchandiseing affaires And fúrther he cannot depose
<status>First cut transcription completd by Jill Wilcox on 02/09/12; edited (with suggestions) by Colin Greenstreet on 03/10/12 amended 12/10/12; edited on 30/11/12 by Colin Greenstreet; Edited by Jill Wilcox 25/8/13</status>
<first-transcriber>Jill Wilcox 2/09/12</first-transcriber>
To the second hee saith, That in or about the month of December 1655 last
past, the said Jacob Sheafe did by himselfe or his Agents att or neere
Boston in New England Lade or cause to be Laden and putt on board the
shipp the ''Johns Adventure'' allate one barrill of beaver and other skinns
marked as in the margent, and consigned the same to the said Henry
Ashurst, the said barrill at the time of the said Lading containeing ninety
eight beaver skinns, seaven otter skinns, and fower minx skinns, The
premisses hee deposeth upon the subsequent grounds. videlicet for that hee this deponent
shortly after the arrivall of the said shipp Johns Adventure at this port
of London was employed and entrusted by the said Henry Ashurst to
demand and receive of John Cutting Master of the said shipp the severall
goods therein Laden by the said Jacob Sheafé and consigned by the said Henry
Ashurst conformed to the invoyce and bill of Ladeing for the same which the
said Sheafe by the said Master had sent to his said correspondent Ashurst
who delivered the same to this deponent to the intent to demand and receive the
said ˹goods˺ as aforesaid, as this deponent accordingly did, save onely the said barrill
of beaver and other skinns marked as aforesaid. which this deponent misseing and
being informed that the allate Robert Hubbart, had the said goods in his
Custodie, this deponent with the said John Cutting went to the said Hubbarts,
Lodgeing, and desired to see the said barrill and goods, where this deponent
having seene the same, and dîligently compared the marke and number with
the marke and number in the said invoyce and bill of Lading expressed
and the number of ninetie seaven or ninety eight beaver skinns (the
other skinns being disposed of by the said Hubbart, as hee then said) this deponent
found and is clearely convinced and assured in Conscience, that the said barrill
and skinns were and are the same which the said Jacob Sheafe Laded and
consigned as aforesaid. And further cannot depose&#58;/
marchandiseing and have both of them severall times employed this deponent XX GUTTER
To the third article and schedule annexed being seen and perused by this
2. and about their marchandiseing affaires And fúrther he cannot depose
examinate at the time of his examination hee saith, That by means of
3. <margin value="LEFT">n 4sXX WRITTEN BENEATH EACH OTHER5</margin>
his correspondence with and employment by the said Jacob Sheafe
4. To the second hee saith, That in or about the month of December 1655 last
and others his correspondents here at London for three yeares Last
5. past, the said Jacob Sheafe did by himselfe or his Agents att or neere
and upwards, hee said this deponent is very well acquainted with the usuall
6. Boston in New England Lade or cause to be Laden and putt on board the
character and manner of writeing of the said Jacob Sheafe, and
7. shipp the Johns Adventure allate one barrill of beaver and other skinns
thereby is fully convinced and assured that the said schedule being an
8. marked as in the margent, and consigned the same to the said Henry
Invoyce or factory of and for the said goods was and is all written in
9. Ashurst, the said barrill at the time of the said Lading containeing ninety
the proper hand writeing of the said Sheafe, and that the marke in
10. eight beaver skinns, seaven otter skinns, and fower minx skinns, The
the margent thereof marked was and is the usuall and constant
11. premisses hee deposeth upon the subsequent grounds. videlicet for that hee this deponent
marke wherewith the said Sheafe doeth marke or cause to be
12. shortly after the arrivall of the said shipp Johns Adventure at this port
marked the goods and marchandises whereof hee alone is Proprietor
13. of London was employed and entrusted by the said Henry Ashurst to
and which hee rendeth to the said Ashurst and others his correspondents there at London. And
14. demand and receive of John Cutting Master of the said shipp the severall
further cannot depose&#58;-/
15. goods therein Laden by the said Jacob Sheafé and consigned by the said Henry
16. Ashurst conformed to the invoyce and bill of Ladeing for the same which the
17. said Sheafe by the said Master had sent to his said correspondent Ashurst
18. who delivered the same to this deponent to the intent to demand and receive the
19. said ˹goods˺ as aforesaid, as this deponent accordingly did, save onely the said barrill
20. of beaver and other skinns marked as aforesaid. which this deponent misseing and
21. being informed that the allate Robert Hubbart, had the said goods in his
22. Custodie, this deponent with the said John Cutting went to the said Hubbarts,
23. Lodgeing, and desired to see the said barrill and goods, where this deponent
24. having seene the same, and dîligently compared the marke and number with
25. the marke and number in the said invoyce and bill of Lading expressed
26. and the number of ninetie seaven or ninety eight beaver skinns (the
27. other skinns being disposed of by the said Hubbart, as hee then said) this deponent
28. found and is clearely convinced and assured in Conscience, that the said barrill
29. and skinns were and are the same which the said Jacob Sheafe Laded and
30. consigned as aforesaid. And further cannot depose:/
31. To the third article and schedule annexed being seen and perused by this
32. examinate at the time of his examination hee saith, That by means of
33. his correspondence with and employment by the said Jacob Sheafe
34. and others his correspondents here at London for three yeares Last
35. and upwards, hee said this deponent is very well acquainted with the usuall
36. character and manner of writeing of the said Jacob Sheafe, and
37. thereby is fully convinced and assured that the said schedule being an
38. Invoyce or factory of and for the said goods was and is all written in
39. the proper hand writeing of the said Sheafe, and that the marke in
40. the margent thereof marked was and is the usuall and constant
41. marke wherewith the said Sheafe doeth marke or cause to be
42. marked the goods and marchandises whereof hee alone is Proprietor
43. ˹and which hee rendeth˺ to the said Ashurst and others his correspondents there at London. And
44. further cannot depose:-/
45. To the 4:th article and schedule or bill of lading annexed and now seeing
46. and perused by this examinate this deponent saith, that it is one and the
47. same bill of Ladeing which this deponent received from the said Henry
48. Ashurst whereby to demand the barrill and goods aforesaid, aged GUTTER
49. the said Cutting hath severall times acknowledged the said bill of
50. Lading by to be one of the bills of Lading by him signed and firmed
51. &#123;f&#125;or the goods aforesaid. And further cannot depose:./
52. To the 7:th hee saith hee knoweth nothing thereof, saving this deponent
53. hath severall times heard Thomas Jenner his precontest say and
54. declare, that hee the said Jenner during said shipps course for
55. New England towards London did heare the said Robert Hubbart
56. propound the signing of a bill of ladeing by the said Master to the said
57. <margin value="Bottom right, under main body of text, as lead to next page">Hubbart</margin>
|Suggested links=[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoNoOr05QRMtdHAyNmxuVnNmYkJ3Q0ZiNEQ0R0V2S3c#gid=0 HCA 13/71 Page Log & Planner]
To the 4&#58;th article and schedule or bill of lading annexed and now seeing
[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoNoOr05QRMtdFlXNjQ3ekM0WW5NS1oyN250QUpJd0E#gid=0 HCA 3/47 Page Log & Planner]
and perused by this examinate this deponent saith, that it is one and the
same bill of Ladeing which this deponent received from the said Henry
Ashurst whereby to demand the barrill and goods aforesaid, aged GUTTER
the said Cutting hath severall times acknowledged the said bill of
Lading by to be one of the bills of Lading by him signed and firmed
&#123;f&#125;or the goods aforesaid. And further cannot depose&#58;./
To the 7&#58;th hee saith hee knoweth nothing thereof, saving this deponent
hath severall times heard Thomas Jenner his precontest say and
declare, that hee the said Jenner during said shipps course for
New England towards London did heare the said Robert Hubbart
propound the signing of a bill of ladeing by the said Master to the said

Latest revision as of 16:54, May 21, 2015

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HCA 13/71 f.43v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


marchandiseing and have both of them severall times employed this deponent XX GUTTER
and about their marchandiseing affaires And fúrther he cannot depose

To the second hee saith, That in or about the month of December 1655 last
past, the said Jacob Sheafe did by himselfe or his Agents att or neere
Boston in New England Lade or cause to be Laden and putt on board the
shipp the Johns Adventure allate one barrill of beaver and other skinns
marked as in the margent, and consigned the same to the said Henry
Ashurst, the said barrill at the time of the said Lading containeing ninety
eight beaver skinns, seaven otter skinns, and fower minx skinns, The
premisses hee deposeth upon the subsequent grounds. videlicet for that hee this deponent
shortly after the arrivall of the said shipp Johns Adventure at this port
of London was employed and entrusted by the said Henry Ashurst to
demand and receive of John Cutting Master of the said shipp the severall
goods therein Laden by the said Jacob Sheafé and consigned by the said Henry
Ashurst conformed to the invoyce and bill of Ladeing for the same which the
said Sheafe by the said Master had sent to his said correspondent Ashurst
who delivered the same to this deponent to the intent to demand and receive the
said ˹goods˺ as aforesaid, as this deponent accordingly did, save onely the said barrill
of beaver and other skinns marked as aforesaid. which this deponent misseing and
being informed that the allate Robert Hubbart, had the said goods in his
Custodie, this deponent with the said John Cutting went to the said Hubbarts,
Lodgeing, and desired to see the said barrill and goods, where this deponent
having seene the same, and dîligently compared the marke and number with
the marke and number in the said invoyce and bill of Lading expressed
and the number of ninetie seaven or ninety eight beaver skinns (the
other skinns being disposed of by the said Hubbart, as hee then said) this deponent
found and is clearely convinced and assured in Conscience, that the said barrill
and skinns were and are the same which the said Jacob Sheafe Laded and
consigned as aforesaid. And further cannot depose:/

To the third article and schedule annexed being seen and perused by this
examinate at the time of his examination hee saith, That by means of
his correspondence with and employment by the said Jacob Sheafe
and others his correspondents here at London for three yeares Last
and upwards, hee said this deponent is very well acquainted with the usuall
character and manner of writeing of the said Jacob Sheafe, and
thereby is fully convinced and assured that the said schedule being an
Invoyce or factory of and for the said goods was and is all written in
the proper hand writeing of the said Sheafe, and that the marke in
the margent thereof marked was and is the usuall and constant
marke wherewith the said Sheafe doeth marke or cause to be
marked the goods and marchandises whereof hee alone is Proprietor
and which hee rendeth to the said Ashurst and others his correspondents there at London. And
further cannot depose:-/

To the 4:th article and schedule or bill of lading annexed and now seeing
and perused by this examinate this deponent saith, that it is one and the
same bill of Ladeing which this deponent received from the said Henry
Ashurst whereby to demand the barrill and goods aforesaid, aged GUTTER
the said Cutting hath severall times acknowledged the said bill of
Lading by to be one of the bills of Lading by him signed and firmed
{f}or the goods aforesaid. And further cannot depose:./

To the 7:th hee saith hee knoweth nothing thereof, saving this deponent
hath severall times heard Thomas Jenner his precontest say and
declare, that hee the said Jenner during said shipps course for
New England towards London did heare the said Robert Hubbart
propound the signing of a bill of ladeing by the said Master to the said