HCA 13/71 f.43r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/71 |
Folio | 43 |
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Uploaded image; transcribed on 22/09/2012 | |
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IMAGE: P1080956.JPG | |
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Jill Wilcox | |
First transcribed | |
2012/09/22 | |
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Edited on 30/11/2012 by Colin Greenstreet and on 25/8/2013 by Jill Wilcox |
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the said Hubbart confessed to this deponent that hee had gotten and conveyed
out of the said shipp the said barrill of beaver marked ast aforesaid aforesaid
whereas in trueth the same did not belong unto him, and that hee was
sorry that hee had ever midled with it, sayeing that at first he had no
intention soe to have done, but in regard hee had proceeded so farr
he must endeavour to maintaine it as farr as hee could or words to that
or the like effect. And further to this article hee cannot depose, saving that
To the 10th Article of the said Allegation hee deposeth and saith, That during
the said shipps voiage as aforesayd, the said Gabriel Price in this deponents hearing
affirmed that there was onely one barrill of beaver laden aboard the said
shipp which hee declared to bee the barrill of beaver aforesayd and marked and numbred
at is predeposed, at this ˹deponent˺ observed the said marke and number in the said boatswaines
booke, And otherwise saving his foregoing deposition hee saith hee cannot depose
To the 12th article hee saith, that since both before and since the beginning
of this suite concerning the barrill of beaver in Controversie the said Robert
Hubart hath severall times desired this deponent to be silent and not to
discover what hee knew concerning the taking or conveying away, or the
plott or contrivance about the imbeazeling and carrying away of the same, for that
it would bee his the said Hubbarts undoing if the trueth of the matter
and transactions concerning the same cannot to be discovered and knowne, And
the said Hubbart also declared, as aforesayd, to this deponent that the said barrill
of beaver did not at all belong to him the said Hubbart, and that hee was
sorry hee had so farr engaged himselfe about it, or words to that or that
like effect. And further cannot depose./
To the 14th hee saith, That for the reasons by him this deponent formerly declareed
hee dooth not know now beleeve that the said John Cutting master of
the said shipp did ˹at Boston aforesayd˺ signe any bill or bills of lading to the said Robert
Hubbart for the said barrill of beaver marked as aforesayd, but that the
signing of such bill or bills to the said Hubbart was plotted and contrived at
sea between the said Hubbart and the said Boatswaine as predeposed in
And saith the said shipp Johns Adventure departed from and out of the
said Port of Boston upon the nineteenth day of December 1655.. and
sailed the same day to Nantaskett about three leagues from Boston, soe
that neither the said shipp nor her said Master, nor the said Hubbart
were at or neere Boston the 20th day of December: arlate, which hee
well knoweth for that this deponent was then in and served abroad the said
shipp. And further cannot depose./
To the 16th article hee saith, that this deponent since the said shipps arrivall
hath heard the said Robert Hubbart acknowledge that hee had perused
his bill or bills of lading for the said barrill of beaver and other
goods to be signed by the said Master aboard the said shipp whilst
shee was at sea in her Course for London at aforesaid. And further cannot depose:./
To the rest hee is not examined by the producents direction,/
The same day examined upon the said Allegation [CENTRE HEADING]
Thomas Glover of the parish of Aldermanburie
London aged 29. years or thereabouts a Wittnes sworne
and examined saith at followeth Videlicet./
To the first Article of the said Allegation hee saith, that hee this deponent
hath well knowine the arlate Jacob Sheàfe of Boston in new England
and Henry Ashurst of London Marchants for about three yeares last
past during all which time they the said Sheafe and Ashurst
have had and hold Correspondence together in the way of