Difference between revisions of "MRP: Primary Documents"

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[[MRP: Charter Parties|Charter Parties]]
[[MRP: Charter Parties|Charter Parties]]
[[MRP: Court of Arches Cases|Court of Arches Cases]]
[[MRP: Court of Arches Cases|Court of Arches Cases]]
[[MRP: Hearth tax|Hearth tax]]
[[MRP: Hearth tax: London|Hearth tax: London]]
[[MRP: Hearth tax: Middlesex|Hearth tax: Middlesex]]
[[MRP: Hearth tax: Kent & Surrey|Hearth tax: Kent & Surrey]]
[[MRP: Inventories|Inventories]]
[[MRP: Inventories|Inventories]]
[[MRP: Invoices|Invoices]]
[[MRP: Invoices|Invoices]]

Revision as of 09:55, May 3, 2012

Primary documents

Editorial history

15/08/11, CSG: Created page
28/11/11, CSG: Restructured page


This page provides an index to primary documents held on this wiki. Almost all primary documents are reproduced as full text transcriptions. The vast majority have not previously been available in full text transcription form.


Account books
Admiralty court cases
Bills of lading
Business papers
Chancery Cases
Chancery schedules
Charter Parties
Court of Arches Cases
Hearth tax: London
Hearth tax: Middlesex
Hearth tax: Kent & Surrey
Possible new primary sources
Personal papers
Voyage accounts