User:Thierry Daunois

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Thierry Daunois - I graduated (in 1992) of a French business school (Sup de Co Reims), then undergone a Master in scientific and techical information (option Business intelligence) in 2009. Since then, I've been working at Lorraine's University (Nancy - in the east of France), in a central direction whose role is to favor relations between the research labs of the university and firms (Direction des partenariats). Since 2009, I took part in the creation and development of Wicri, a semantic wikis' network (Wikis for the scientific and innovation communities) which counts today about 160 wikis, both geographic (be it on a continental, supranational, national or regional basis, such as Wicri/Europe, Wicri/Grande Région, Wicri/France, Wicri/Lorraine) and thematic (Wicri/Agronomy, Wicri/Urban soils, Wicri/Health...). My curriculum (in French) can be seen there.

That led me to focusing on knowledge ingeneering (not from a technical side, but rather about practices). Coupled to a personal interest to humanities, I almost naturally came to wondering about digital humanities. And today, I have a PhD project, focusing on the future of digital data.

Languages : French, some English.

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