25to. die Octobris 1642./ by the Commissar … 25to. die Octobris 1642./ by the Commissaries./ [CENTRE HEADING]
Captain Browne [LEFT MARGIN]
Edward Withers att the Redd Bull in ffleet streete Girdler, listed}<br />
one browne bay geldinge furnished with a Carabine a Case of}<br />
pistolls a buffe Coate and a sword valued att}
21. 00. 00
Major Skippon [LEFT MARGIN]
William Stonestreete att the Sheppard in Southwarke Grocer,}<br />
listed one gray geldinge furnished with a Carabine, a Case}<br />
of pistolls, a buffe Coate and a sword valued att}
25. 00. 00
Daniell Waldo in Cheapeside Clothworker, listed one browne}<br />
blacke stone horse furnished with a Carabine, a Case of pistolls}<br />
a buffe Coate and a sword valued att}
22. 00. 00
Thomas Coult of ffanchurch streete Skinner, listed one sorrell}<br />
gelding with two white feete behinde Armed Compleat valued att}
20. 00. 00
Thomas Browne the younger att the Baskett neere Dicekey}<br />
in Thamestreete Grocer, listed one sorrell gelding with a starr}<br />
in his forehead, his Ryder Armed Compleate valued att}
20. 00. 00
Captain Harvey [LEFT MARGIN]
William Bennett att the Rose and Crowne in Thridneedlestreete}<br />
Merchauntayler listed one fleabitten gray gelding with a}<br />
[?XXXrne] Mane bare valued att}
15. 00. 00
Richard Orton of Colemanstreete Plummer listed one gray}<br />
gelding bare valued att}
12. 00. 00
Major [?Xkippon] [LEFT MARGIN]
Henry ffutter att the white Beare in Lumbertsreete Mer=}<br />
chauntayler, listed one browne bay gelding with a starr and}<br />
one white foote behinde, furnished with a Carabine a Case of}<br />
pistolls, a buffe Coate and a sword valued att}
22. 00. 00
Captain Harvey [LEFT MARGIN]
William Rowell att the white Swann in Cornehill Uppholster, listed}<br />
one bay gelding with a blaze furnished with a Carabine a Case}<br />
of pistolls, a buffe Coate a sword valued att}
36. 00. 00
William Moore Saint Michaells Crooked lane Merchaunt, listed one}<br />
gray horse his Ryder John fflower Armed with a Carabine a Case}<br />
of pistolls a buffe Coate and a sword valued att}
26. 00. 00
Major Skippon [LEFT MARGIN]
Thomas Butler of Saint Nicholas lane Merchauntayler, listed one}<br />
bay horse with a blaze and two white feete, his Ryder}<br />
Armed Compleate valued att}
24. 00. 00
Captain [?XXXXXring] [LEFT MARGIN]
Maurice Blount of Minceing lane Clothworker, listed one bay gelding}<br />
with a starr and a snipp, furnished with a Carabine, a Case of}<br />
pistolls, a buffe Coate and a sword valued att}
22. 00. 00
265. 000. 000valued att}
22. 00. 00
265. 000. 000 +